Mashables : Connect Information Sources as Mashables
Connect Information Sources as Mashables
Register Syndicated Feeds (RSS/Atom)
Register REST Web Services
Register WSDL Web Services
Register Spreadsheets as Mashables
Register XML Mashables
Register CSV Mashables
Register Basic Database Mashables
Register Custom Database Mashables
Register SharePoint Lists
Register a Snapshot as a Mashable
Subscribe to Events from the Event Bus or Apama
Create or Edit MashZone Feeds
Mashable Authentication with Security Profiles
Configure Secure Connections for Mashables
Configure HTTP Request Headers
REST Web Services
The steps necessary to make information sources mashable and register them in Presto depends on the type of information source:
*For common databases, documents or systems that use standard connections, you:
*Register Syndicated Feeds (RSS/Atom)
*Register REST Web Services
*Register WSDL Web Services
*Register Basic Database Mashables
*Register Spreadsheets as Mashables
*Register CSV Mashables
*Register XML Mashables
*Register SharePoint Lists
This type of mashable information source is only supported if your Presto Administrator has installed the Presto Add-On for SharePoint and has configured SharePoint connections for the Presto Server.
*Register a Snapshot as a Mashable
*For events, you Subscribe to Events from the Event Bus or Apama.
*To work with MashZone data feeds, you Create or Edit MashZone Feeds.
You may also handle Mashable Authentication with Security Profiles.
Copyright © 2013-2015 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany.

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