Mashables : Connect Information Sources as Mashables : Create or Edit MashZone Feeds : Edit an Existing MashZone Feed
Edit an Existing MashZone Feed
MashZone feeds are added to Presto when users create them, if creation is enabled, or when Presto administrators import these feeds from an existing MashZone Server. To edit a MashZone feed:
1. Find the MashZone feed you want to edit in search results, from favorites or another link. See Find and Open Mashables, Mashups and Apps in Presto Hub for more information.
2. Open the MashZone feed.
3. In the feed’s artifact page, select Edit > Edit with Editor
The MashZone Feed Editor opens with this feed loaded.
4. See the following topics in the MashZone documentation for information on using the MashZone Feed Editor and links to editing instructions:
*MashZone Feed Editor Features
*MashZone Feed Definitions
5. Once you have saved your changes, you may also need to:
*Grant permissions to run this MashZone feed to other users. See Grant Permission to Run Mashables, Mashups and Apps for instructions.
*Add one or more views to this MashZone feed to define different ways to see this data. See Add Views to Mashables and Mashups for instructions.
*Create a basic app with this MashZone feed or add the feed to a workspace app. See Create a Basic App or Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard for instructions.
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