Working in Presto Hub : Presto Hub Features
Presto Hub Features
You start working in Presto Hub from the Home page using the main menu to find and open mashables, mashups or apps or to open tools to create or register these artifacs as shown below:
Some Presto Hub features discussed in this topic may not be visible to you, based on your Presto permissions.
The Presto Main Menu includes:
* Home: to return to The Home Page for Presto Hub.
* AppDepot: to find and work with published apps for desktop browsers. See Working in the Presto Enterprise AppDepot for videos and links to more information.
Users can also find and work with published mobile apps using Presto Mobile, a 'mobile edition' of the AppDepot for mobile phones or mobile tablets. See Working in Presto Mobile Apps for videos and more information.
*Search: to find and open the artifacts you want to work with. See Find and Open Mashables, Mashups and Apps in Presto Hub for more information.
You can also use this page to select multiple artifacts and apply updates in bulk. See Update Mashables, Mashups or Apps in Bulk.
*Tools to create, register or edit mashables, mashups or apps:
*Visualize > Mashboard: to create workspaces that group apps and can also wire apps to work together. Workspaces are also a type of app. See Create Workspace Apps with Mashboard for more information.
*Visualize > App Editor: to develop custom apps. See Create Custom Apps from the Base App Package for more information.
*Mashups > Wires: to create mashups visually, using simple drag-and-drop blocks and wiring them together. See Mashups in Presto Wires for more information.
*Mashups > Mashup Editor: to create or edit mashups or macros using the Enterprise Mashup Markup Language (EMML).
*Mashups > RAQL Explorere: to play with large datasets and build queries with the Real-Time Analytics Query Language (RAQL). See Explore RAQL with the Presto RAQL Explorer for instructions.
*Connect: to register mashables that can connect to information sources.
Each artifact that is created or registered has an artifact page where you work with that artifact. You open Artifacts and Artifact Pages from search results, from your favorites list or other links and work with them or create basic apps from them.
* Admin Console: to manage and configure Presto.
* API Console: a utility for Presto developers or administrators to view and test Presto platform APIs.
* Your Account: to log out or use other utilities for your profile in Presto. See Your Presto Hub Profile for more information.
Artifacts and Artifact Pages
Each mashable, mashup and app in Presto has an artifact page that gives you access to run, edit, manage, publish, take snapshots and otherwise work with that artifact.
The tabs, menus and toolbars in artifact pages include:
*Latest tab: to preview or work with curren data for a mashable or mashup.
*Run toolbar: to run a mashable or mashup to preview results. For apps, preview is automatic. You can also:
*Choose the current view to display results.
*Take a snapshot of current data.
*Schedule snapshots.
For more information, see Run and Preview Mashable/Mashup Data, Take, View or Delete Snapshots or Schedule Snapshots.
*Collaboration toolbar: to rate, share or comment on an artifact. You can also use this toolbar to mark an artifact as a favorite.
For more information, see Common Tasks for Mashables, Mashups and Apps.
*Show menu: to view, and in some cases update general information, dependencies or technical details for the artifact. For more information, see:
*Common Tasks for Mashables, Mashups and Apps for basic task such as viewing or editing general information or viewing dependencies.
*Update Mashable Endpoints
*Create: to:
*Create a new mashup based on this mashable or mashup.
*Create a Basic App based on this mashable or mashup using the App Maker wizard.
*Edit: to edit mashups or apps in Wires, the App Maker wizard or Mashboard. Developers can also edit the mashup or app code using the Mashup Editor or App Editor.
*View menu: to add views, set the current view as the default, edit the current view or delete the current view.
For more information, see Add Views to Mashables and Mashups and Manage Views.
*Publish menu: to publish apps to other destinations such as the AppDepot or SharePoint. See Publishing, Managing, Sharing and Using Apps for more information.
*Manage menu: for owners and Presto administrators to manage the artifact including granting run permissions to other users, changing the status of the artifact or deleting it. See these topics for more information:
*Common Tasks for Mashables, Mashups and Apps
*Grant Permission to Run Mashables, Mashups and Apps
*Update Mashable Security Profiles
*Snapshots tab: where you can find and manage snapshots for mashables or mashups. See Take, View or Delete Snapshots for more information.
The Home Page
In addition to the main menu, the Home page has short-cuts to your favorites, notifications that have been sent to you and recent activity by other users in Presto Hub.
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