Mashables : Running Mashables or Mashups and Other Tasks : Update Mashable Endpoints
Update Mashable Endpoints
For many mashables, the endpoint URL defines both how Presto retrieves information from that source and what information is included. Changing the endpoint can have a critical impact on the mashable, and thus have a critical impact on mashups or apps that depend on the mashable.
Changes in the environment in your organization or deployment to new environments, however, may require that mashable endpoints be changed. Care should be taken to ensure that updates to endpoints do not change the behavior and results of the mashable.
To support environment changes to mashable endpoints, Presto administrators and mashable owners can update endpoints in these cases:
*For remote CSV or Excel spreadsheets, you may change any portion of the URL.
With local CSV or Excel spreadsheets, Presto updates a snapshot of the spreadsheet data so there is no endpoint URL.
*For RSS or Atom feeds, you may change any portion of the URL. You must not edit or add parameters if the feed accepts parameters.
*For REST web services, you may change any portion of the endpoint URL up to the parameters (before the ? if any). This includes the domain name and path.
You cannot edit or add parameters.
*For WSDL web services, the resource URL points to the WSDL file for the web service. The actual endpoint is identified in the WSDL file.
You can edit any portion of the endpoint, but you cannot edit the URL to WSDL file.
To edit endpoints
1. Find and open the mashable you want to edit.
2. Select Show > Info and:
*For remote CSV or Excel mashables, click Edit next to the Resource URL field. Change the URL in the New Resource URL field.
*For RSS or Atom mashables, click Edit next to the Resource URL field. Change the URL in the New Resource URL field.
*For REST mashables, click Edit next to the Resource URL field. You can change the domain and path portion of the URL in the New Resource URL field, but not parameters, if any, that come after the ?.
*For WSDL mashables, click Edit next to the Endpoint URL field and update any portion of the endpoint URL to change in this WSDL.
3. Click Save and close the Info window.
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