Event UnsubscribeStatus

Sent to the service monitor to unsubscribe from status.
Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "SubscribeStatus"

The channel to subscribe to for receiving this event.
Field summary

Service ID to subscribe to - blank will target all services.

Object to request status of.

SubService ID to subscribe to.

Connection to subscribe to.
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "SubscribeStatus"
The channel to subscribe to for receiving this event.
Field detail


string connection
Connection to subscribe to.

Some services may expose several services. The interpretation of this string is adapter-specific.


string object
Object to request status of.

This may include: "Connection" - whether connected or not "Market" - a market may be "Open", "Closed", or other states


string serviceID
Service ID to subscribe to - blank will target all services.


string subServiceID
SubService ID to subscribe to.

Some services may expose several services. The interpretation of this string is adapter-specific.