Event GenericRequest

Generic requests can be sent to Cumulocity to allow any request in the Cumulocity REST API, using a REST URL and query string parameters.

Send this event to the GenericRequest.SEND_CHANNEL, and Cumulocity will respond on GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel with zero or more GenericResponse events and then one GenericResponseComplete.

The GenericResponseComplete will indicate if an error occurred during this request. If there was no error and the response returned a JSON payload then GenericResponse events will be sent. If it returned a non-JSON payload, then no GenericResponse events will be sent, but the GenericResponseComplete will contain the payload. If an error occurred then GenericResponseComplete will contain the error details or payload. In addition, if an error occurred then exactly one Error event will also be sent to the main context.

It is very important to report any error (error=true) from the GenericResponseComplete event, for example by logging the response at ERROR (or WARN) level. If failed responses are not logged it may be very difficult to debug problems causes by unexpected errors.
See Also:

Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"

Channel to send these events to.
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use SEND_CHANNEL instead.]
 stringSEND_CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"

Channel to send these events to.
Field summary

Identifier for this request; must be generated using com.apama.cumulocity.Util.generateReqId().

The HTTP verb. For example: RequestType.POST or RequestType.GET.

The HTTP path for the request.

Parameters to be passed in the HTTP query string. Depending on the type of request, some examples of what can be set: 'id', 'source', 'type', 'dateFrom', 'dateTo', 'pageSize', 'withParents', 'withTotalPages', 'currentPage', 'revert'.

Whether this is a request whose results should be paged.

The request body should be a dictionary or sequence which will be encoded as JSON. If no body is required for this request, an empty any can be provided.

Additional HTTP headers.
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use SEND_CHANNEL instead.]
Channel to send these events to.


string SEND_CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"
Channel to send these events to.

Field detail


any body
The request body should be a dictionary or sequence which will be encoded as JSON. If no body is required for this request, an empty any can be provided.


Additional HTTP headers.

Example: To create a measurement collection using GenericRequest, the following headers are required
dictionary<string, string> requestHeaders := new dictionary<string, string>;
requestHeaders.add("content-type", "application/");


boolean isPaging
Whether this is a request whose results should be paged.

If true, then all pages of the result will automatically be retrieved. This can be changed by setting currentPage in the queryParams.

If pageSize is not specified in queryParams, a default pageSize will be added if paging is enabled.


string method
The HTTP verb. For example: RequestType.POST or RequestType.GET.


string path
The HTTP path for the request.

For example, "/measurement/measurements".


Parameters to be passed in the HTTP query string. Depending on the type of request, some examples of what can be set: 'id', 'source', 'type', 'dateFrom', 'dateTo', 'pageSize', 'withParents', 'withTotalPages', 'currentPage', 'revert'.


integer reqId
Identifier for this request; must be generated using com.apama.cumulocity.Util.generateReqId().