Event GenericResponseComplete

Response from Cumulocity after the last GenericResponse event for a given request.

It is very important to report any error (error=true) responses, for example by logging the response at ERROR (or WARN) level. If failed responses are not logged it may be very difficult to debug problems causes by unexpected errors.

These events are sent to the GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel.

Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "cumulocity.generic.response"

The channel to which Generic responses are sent from the transport.
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL instead.]
Field summary

Request identifier from the original GenericRequest.

True if an error was received during this GenericRequest.

Status code from the final response.

Response details that weren't sent as GenericResponse events.
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "cumulocity.generic.response"
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL instead.]
The channel to which Generic responses are sent from the transport.
Field detail


string details
Response details that weren't sent as GenericResponse events.

Typically this will be the error message parsed from the error event. For other responses which weren't success JSON payloads (non-success, non-error content type, or success-non-JSON) it'll be whatever payload was returned.


boolean error
True if an error was received during this GenericRequest.


integer reqId
Request identifier from the original GenericRequest.


integer statusCode
Status code from the final response.