Analytics Builder 10.16.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Release Notes | What's new in version 10.5
What's new in version 10.5
*You can now use Analytics Builder with Cumulocity IoT Core, that is, with the version of Cumulocity IoT which is available in the cloud. With previous versions, it was only possible to use Analytics Builder with Cumulocity IoT Edge, that is, with the local version of Cumulocity IoT.
*In the model editor, the hierarchical structure of devices and device groups is now reflected. This can be seen in the Input and Output categories of the palette, in the block parameter editor when selecting a different device, and when replacing devices.
*When you use the search box in the palette of the model editor (available for input blocks and output blocks), all assets in the Cumulocity IoT inventory which match your search criteria are now shown (see Adding a block).
*When you select a different device in the block parameter editor or when you replace devices, a dialog box is now shown in which you can select the required device or device group. When you use the search box in that dialog box, you can also select any other asset in the Cumulocity IoT inventory which matches your search criteria. See also Editing the parameters of a block and Replacing devices, device groups and assets.
*Using a tenant option, you can restrict the search to show only assets of a specify type, for example, to show only devices (see Searching for input and output assets).
*The following new block types are now available in the model editor:
*Alarm Input - input block for processing received Alarm objects.
*Alarm Output - output block for creating a new Alarm object.
*Event Output - output block for creating a new Event object.
*Managed Object Input - input block for processing received ManagedObject objects.
*Managed Object Output - output block for updating a pre-configured property on the ManagedObject object.
*Operation Input - input block for processing received Operation objects.
See the Block Reference in the model editor for detailed information on the new block types.
*The input block types Measurement Input and Event Input are now able to ignore the timestamp of the incoming measurement or event. For this purpose, the Ignore Timestamp check box is now available in the block parameter editor. It is deselected (false) by default. See the Block Reference in the model editor for detailed information.
*Support for time-asynchronous output has been added for the output blocks. The output block type Operation Output is now able to produce asynchronous output. See also Output blocks and event timing.
*It is now possible to use multiple output blocks of type Operation Output in a single model or multiple models to create new operations for the same device.
*The Expression block can now call built-in static methods and access built-in constants for the supported input types. See the Block Reference in the model editor for detailed information.
*The Threshold block now supports the following additional options for the Direction parameter: Above or Equal and Below or Equal. See the Block Reference in the model editor for detailed information.
*In the model editor, it is now possible to use drag-and-drop to add a block from the palette to an expanded group on the canvas. Previously, when dragging a block from the palette, any groups on the canvas were ignored and the block was dropped on the canvas instead (below the group). See also Adding a block.
*Cumulocity IoT Edge is now configured in the same way as Cumulocity IoT Core. It is thus no longer possible to use configuration files in /usr/edge/properties/apama/extensions/config/files/; these have been removed. See also Configuration.
*You can now set or change various tenant options by sending REST requests to Cumulocity IoT. For detailed information, see Configuration.
*Status reporting is now disabled by default. See Configuration for setting status_period_secs and status_device_name.
*The default name for the Cumulocity IoT device to which the status operations are to be published (status_device_name) has been changed from c8y_EdgeGateway to apama_status. See also Keys for status reporting.
*The default value for the concurrency level (numWorkerThreads) has been changed from 4 to 1. See also Configuring the concurrency level.
*It is no longer possible to use the Apama command-line tools to access the correlator.
*Support for creating extensions has been removed from Analytics Builder. To create extensions, use the Analytics Builder Block SDK instead.
*You can now use the Analytics Builder Block SDK, which is available from, to write, test, and package custom blocks and to upload these blocks into Analytics Builder. See also Creating your own blocks.