Analytics Builder 10.16.0 | Using Analytics Builder for Cumulocity IoT | Using the Model Editor | Working with blocks and wires | Adding a block
Adding a block
The blocks in the palette are grouped into different categories. The blocks in the Input and Output categories represent devices, device groups and/or (if the search box is used) any assets that have been registered in the Cumulocity IoT inventory (visualized in the Device Management application). Other categories contain blocks, for example, for adding logic to the model or for adding calculations.
When you move the mouse pointer over a block in the palette, a tooltip appears which briefly explains the purpose of the block. The tooltip also shows the entire name of the block.
Horizontal scrollbars are available in both the Input or Output categories, below the tree. These scrollbars - and also the tooltip - are helpful when the name of a device, device group or asset is not fully shown in the palette.
Detailed information for each block is available in the block reference, which is shown in the documentation pane. See also Viewing the documentation for a block.
*To add a block
1. In the palette of the model editor, expand the category which contains the block that you want to add.
2. When you expand the Input or Output category, the devices and device groups that are registered in the Cumulocity IoT inventory are initially shown.
By default, up to 10 devices and 10 device groups are shown, sorted alphabetically. With a large inventory, you will have to click Load more to display any devices or device groups that are not shown initially.
The palette reflects the parent/child hierarchy in the Cumulocity IoT inventory. The list of devices includes any defined child devices, and the list of device groups includes any defined sub-groups. These are available from expandable/collapsible nodes.
The Input and Output categories both have a search box. These search boxes can be used to show any assets in the Cumulocity IoT inventory which match your search criteria. This includes devices, device groups and also managed objects. The search is case-sensitive. You can enter a name or part of a name. The characters that you type in may be contained at any position within the name. For example, enter the word "test" to show only the assets that have this word in their names. You need not press Enter; the list is updated with each character that you type. The search result is sorted alphabetically. With a large search result, you will have to click Load more to display any assets that are initially not shown.
The maximum number of shown devices, device groups and/or assets depends on a tenant option. For more information, see Configuring the number of shown devices, device groups and/or assets.
The assets that are shown when searching also depend on a tenant option. You can restrict the search to show only assets of a specific type. For more information, see Searching for input and output assets.
When you expand a different category, your search criteria are remembered.. This is helpful if you want to have shorter lists for the Input and Output categories, both with individual contents as defined by your search criteria.
The Output category offers for selection a special block, the Trigger Device. This sends the output back to the device which triggered the output.
3. Drag the block from the palette and drop it on the canvas.
When you drop the block on an existing block on the canvas, the new block is created on top of that block. When you drop the block on a collapsed group, the new block is created below that group. In both cases, you should move the new block to a free space of the canvas. See also Moving a block.
When you drop the block on an expanded group (where the contents of the group are visible), the new block is added to that group. For more information on groups, see Working with groups.
Even though the Output category shows device groups, it is not possible to drag them onto the canvas because group output is not allowed.
4. Specify all required parameters for the block. See Editing the parameters of a block.
The block parameter editor is automatically shown when you add a block for which parameters need to be specified. It is not shown, however, if the block does not require any parameters (such as the OR block).