Universal Messaging 10.3 | Concepts | Management | Administration and Management
Administration and Management
In addition to its communications APIs and features Universal Messaging provides a sophisticated collection of management tools and APIs. These tools and APIs are designed exclusively for:
* Collection of Statistical Data from Universal Messaging
* Monitoring of Events
* Creation of Universal Messaging Resources, ACLs and Clusters
* Management of Configuration Parameters
* Seamless Integration with Third Party Enterprise Systems Management Tools
Universal Messaging's management client, the Enterprise Manager, is written using the same management APIs thus demonstrating the powerful features of these features.
Statistical Data
Through the use of the Universal Messaging management API clients can access a very detailed range of performance related data. Performance metrics can be gathered at many levels ranging from the realm throughput statistics to individual client connection round trip latency details. See the code example "Monitor the Remote Realm Log and Audit File" for an illustration of usage.
Management Event Monitoring
Most client and server induced actions in Universal Messaging result in a management event being created. Asynchronous listeners can be created using the management API that enables management clients to capture these events. As an example consider a client connection to a Universal Messaging realm server. This creates a client connection event. A management client at this point might dynamically create channel resources for said client and programmatically set ACLs. See the code example "Monitor Realms for Client Connections Coming and Going" for an illustration of usage.
Resource Creation
Resources (see Messaging Paradigms) can all be created programmatically using the Universal Messaging Administration API. Coupled with statistical data and event monitoring resources can be created on the fly to support users in specific operational configurations. For example, create channel x when user x logs in OR change channel ACL when realm throughput exceeds a specific value. An ACL creation example can be found in the add queue acl sample.
Configuration Management
Every Universal Messaging Server has a number of configurable parameters. In addition specific interfaces supporting specific protocols and plugins can be added to Universal Messaging realms. Universal Messaging's configuration management feature allow clients to snapshot configurations and generate configuration XML files. New realms can be very quickly configured with the XML files enabling the very fast bootstrapping of new environments. The Enterprise Manager documentation has an XML sample.
3rd Party Integration
While Universal Messaging's Administration API can be using directly to integrate with 3rd party products Universal Messaging servers also support JMX (see JMX Administration and Management) and (security permitting) can be queried by any JMX management tool.