Package com.apama.cumulocity

Event summary
AlarmAlarm data.
CumulocityRequestInterfaceCumulocity Request Interface.
CurrentUserUser data.
ErrorSent in the case of any error.
EventEvent data.
EventDeletedEvent deleted notification. subscribe to the cumulocity.measurements channel to receive updates.
FindAlarmFind an Alarm, searching on source, status and type.
FindAlarmResponseSent in response to a FindAlarm request and containing a matched Alarm.
FindAlarmResponseAckCompleted search for alarms.
FindEventFind an Event, searching on source, status and type.
FindEventResponseSent in response to a FindEvents request and containing a matching Event.
FindEventResponseAckCompleted search for events.
FindManagedObjectFind ManagedObject (that is, devices).
FindManagedObjectResponseSent in response to a FindManagedObject request and contains a matching ManagedObject.
FindManagedObjectResponseAckCompleted search for Managed object.
FindMeasurementFind a Measurement, searching on source, type, fragementType.
FindMeasurementResponseSent in response to a FindMeasurement request and contains a matching Measurement.
FindMeasurementResponseAckCompleted search for Measurement.
FindOperationFind an Operation, searching on source, status, fragementType and agent.
FindOperationResponseSent in response to a FindOperation request and contains a matching Operation.
FindOperationResponseAckCompleted search for Operation.
FindTenantOptionsFind tenant options, searching on system, category and key.
FindTenantOptionsResponseResponse containing requested tenant options.
GenericRequestGeneric requests, allowing to request anything available in the Cumulocity REST API, distinguishable by the URL provided and extra parameters.
GenericResponseZero or more GenericResponse events are sent for each GenericRequest on the GenericResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel, followed by a GenericResponseComplete.
GenericResponseCompleteSent after the last GenericResponse event for a given request.
GetCurrentUserGet user details. Set authorization, for basic authentication, or authCookie and xsrfToken, for oauth authentication to get user details of a different user. If neither is specified, will fetch details of current user.
GetCurrentUserResponseResponse to GetCurrentUser request. Contains required user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event.
GetCurrentUserResponseFailedResponse to GetCurrentUser request. Contains the error that occured while fetching the user details. Subscribe to GetCurrentUserResponse.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL to listen for this event.
ManagedObjectDescription of a device or other Managed Object.
ManagedObjectDeletedManaged object deleted notification.
MeasurementMeasurement data.
MeasurementDeletedMeasurement deleted notification.
MeasurementFragmentMeasurement Fragment.
MeasurementValueMeasurement value.
ObjectCommitFailedFailed response to create/update Cumulocity object, include the request id, status code and response from Cumulocity.
ObjectCommittedResponse received on creating or updating Cumulocity objects, include the request id, the id of the newly created object and body of the response from Cumulocity.
OperationAn operation to send to a device.
RequestAllDevicesRequest all Managed Objects to be sent.
RequestAllDevicesCompleteSent at the end of a RequestAllDevices stream of events.
RoleUser Role.
SendEmailSends email alert.
SendSMSSends SMS alert.
SendSpeechSends speech.
SMSResourceReferenceSMS resource reference.
SMSResponseSMS response.
SubscribeSubscribe to measurements/events/alarms/operations/managedObjects.
SubscribeMeasurementsSubscribe to measures. The equivalent of sending SubscribeMeasurements("*") at hostReady can be achieved by setting configuration subscribeToAllMeasures to true.
TenantOptionRepresents an option in the tenant.
UnsubscribeUnsubscribe from measurements/events/alarms/managedObjects/operations.
UnsubscribeMeasurementsUnsubscribe from measures.
UtilCumulocity Utilities.