Event Event

Event data.

Sent by the transport when a device or other application creates an Event, or updates an Event. Requires SubscribeMeasurements or configuration property subscribeToAllMeasurements. Sent to the cumulocity.measurements channel.

 Event("21","c8y_EntranceEvent","12346082",1464364483.396,"Entrance event triggered.",{"distance":any(float,317)}) 
Event("22","com_cumulocity_events_TamperEvent","12345",1464364483.396,"Tamper sensor triggered",{"history":{}})

Additionally, we can also create a new Event or update an existing Event for a device. To create/update an Event, send an Event event object to Event.SEND_CHANNEL.

 Create an Event, send Event("","c8y_EntranceEvent","12346082",1464364483.396,"Entrance event triggered.",{"distance":any(float,317)}) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL; 
You can update the text field. send Event("22","c8y_EntranceEvent","12346082",1492676483.396,"Tamper sensor triggered",{}) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL;

Constant summary
 stringCHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"

The channel for sending updates/ new Events to.
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use SEND_CHANNEL for sending and SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL for receiving events.]

Value of PARAM_NOTIFICATION that indicates this a new object.

Value of PARAM_NOTIFICATION that indicates this an update to an existing object.
 stringPARAM_NOTIFICATION := ".apama_notificationType"

Entry in params that identifies if this is a new object or an update to an existing object. Entry will have a value matching either NOTIFICATION_CREATED or NOTIFICATION_UPDATED.
 stringSEND_CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"

The channel for sending Events.
 stringSUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL := "cumulocity.measurements"

The channel for receiving Events.
Member summary

Unique identifier for this Event.

The type of the Cumulocity event.

Identifier of the source of the event.

Timestamp of the event.

Text or message of the Event.

Any other properties available on the Event .
Action summary
 com.apama.cumulocity.ResponseWrapperwithChannelResponse(integer reqId, dictionary<stringstring> headers)

Create or update an Event in Cumulocity and receive a response event confirming the change on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL.
 com.apama.cumulocity.ResponseWrapperwithResponse(integer reqId, dictionary<stringstring> headers)

Create or update an Event in Cumulocity and receive a response event on default channel, confirming the change.
[This API has been deprecated. Use withChannelResponse API to receive confirmation on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel.]
Constant detail


string CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"
[This channel constant has been deprecated. Use SEND_CHANNEL for sending and SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL for receiving events.]
The channel for sending updates/ new Events to.


Value of PARAM_NOTIFICATION that indicates this a new object.


Value of PARAM_NOTIFICATION that indicates this an update to an existing object.


string PARAM_NOTIFICATION := ".apama_notificationType"
Entry in params that identifies if this is a new object or an update to an existing object. Entry will have a value matching either NOTIFICATION_CREATED or NOTIFICATION_UPDATED.


string SEND_CHANNEL := "CumulocityIoTGenericChain"
The channel for sending Events.


string SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL := "cumulocity.measurements"
The channel for receiving Events.

Member detail


string id
Unique identifier for this Event.

Supply as empty if creating a new Event.


Any other properties available on the Event .


string source
Identifier of the source of the event.


string text
Text or message of the Event.


float time
Timestamp of the event.


string type
The type of the Cumulocity event.
Action detail


com.apama.cumulocity.ResponseWrapper withChannelResponse(integer reqId, dictionary<stringstring> headers)
Create or update an Event in Cumulocity and receive a response event confirming the change on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL.

Just sending an Event is fire and forget. If your application requires an acknowledgement or the ID of the Event created or updated on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel, then use the withChannelResponse API. You will need to subscribe to Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel. This API will create an event that can be sent as normal and get a response from Cumulocity for the newly created or updated Event. The responses are either an ObjectCommitted event or an ObjectCommitFailed event. The withChannelResponse API also allows you to provide headers to the create or update request. For example:
Event e := new Event;
// set fields in e
integer reqId := com.apama.cumulocity.Util.generateReqId();
send e.withChannelResponse(reqId, { "X-Cumulocity-Processing-Mode": "TRANSIENT" }) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL;
on ObjectCommitted(reqId=reqId) as commit and not ObjectCommitFailed(reqId=reqId) {
// do something
on ObjectCommitFailed(reqId=reqId) as failure and not ObjectCommitted(reqId=reqId) {
// do something
reqId - A request identifier generated from Util.generateReqId(). The response from Cumulocity will have the matching request identifier.
headers - Set headers of the create/update request. This can be used to explicitly control the processing mode of the create/update request.
See Also:
com.apama.cumulocity.ObjectCommitted - Successfully created or updated an Event.
com.apama.cumulocity.ObjectCommitFailed - Failed to create or update an Event.


com.apama.cumulocity.ResponseWrapper withResponse(integer reqId, dictionary<stringstring> headers)
[This API has been deprecated. Use withChannelResponse API to receive confirmation on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel.]
Create or update an Event in Cumulocity and receive a response event on default channel, confirming the change.

Just sending a Event is fire and forget. If your application requires an acknowledgement or the ID of the Event created or updated, then use the withResponse API. This API will create an event that can be sent as normal and get a response from Cumulocity for the newly created or updated Event. The responses are sent to default channel and hence can be listened for only in the main context. The responses are either an ObjectCommitted event or an ObjectCommitFailed event. The withResponse API also allows you to provide headers to the create or update request. For example:
Event e := new Event;
// set fields in e
integer reqId := com.apama.cumulocity.Util.generateReqId();
send e.withResponse(reqId, { "X-Cumulocity-Processing-Mode": "TRANSIENT" }) to Event.SEND_CHANNEL;
on ObjectCommitted(reqId=reqId) as commit and not ObjectCommitFailed(reqId=reqId) {
// do something
on ObjectCommitFailed(reqId=reqId) as failure and not ObjectCommitted(reqId=reqId) {
// do something
reqId - A request identifier generated from Util.generateReqId(). The response from Cumulocity will have the matching request identifier.
headers - Set headers of the create/update request. This can be used to explicitly control the processing mode of the create/update request.
See Also:
com.apama.cumulocity.ObjectCommitted - Successfully created or updated a Event.
com.apama.cumulocity.ObjectCommitFailed - Failed to create or update a Event.
com.apama.cumulocity.Event#withChannelResponse() - to receive confirmation on Event.SUBSCRIBE_CHANNEL channel.