Setting Up Your Security Environment

Predict definitions are not protected in Natural Security as default. This means that when Predict is delivered, each user has access to every object and can execute any Predict function. Predict Security only takes effect when access to objects, object types or functions is explicitly restricted for individual users or groups of users. This section lists the steps necessary to set up your environment so you can protect objects and functions against unauthorized access.

This document covers the following topics:

Step 1 Define Predict Libraries in Natural Security

Libraries SYSDIC, SYSDICBE, SYSDICCO and SYSDICMA must be defined as libraries in Natural Security. See Library.

Step 2 Define Predict Users in Natural Security

Predict users must be defined as Users in Natural Security. See User.

New users can be added manually with the function Add user in Natural Security.

Existing Natural Security users can be incorporated in Predict with the function Incorporate Natural Security user. See the section Incorporation in the External Objects in Predict documentation.

The users must be authorized to logon to the library SYSDIC in Natural Security. See your Natural Security documentation for more information.

Step 3 Define Predict Defaults

Enter database and file number of the NSC file in the Defaults > General Defaults > Protection screen.

Do not set the parameter Protect current Predict file to Y at this point! You must first add the Natural Security definitions as described in Step 4 below.

Step 4 Add Natural Security Definitions

Default Definitions (Mandatory)

Add the standard definitions for Natural Security with the Special Function Maintain NSC Definitions > Add NSC Default Definitions.

See Maintain NSC Definitions in the section Special Functions in the Predict Administration documentation.

Additional Security Definitions Individually (Optional)

If you wish, you can create your own Security definitions for any object in Natural Security - either for an individual user or for a group of users. See Defining Access Rights.

Adding Security Definitions with Special Function Mass Grant (Optional)

In earlier versions of Predict, information such as keywords or owners was evaluated to restrict access to objects. many customers used this method to adapt their environment to the particular security requirements of their company.

If you want to use these definitions, you can create an Extract where the corresponding keywords or owners are used as retrieval criteria, then with the special function Mass Grant in NSC you can create security definitions in Natural Security for all Predict objects contained in this extract. See Mass Grant in NSC in the section Special Functions in the Predict Administration documentation.

Step 5 Protect Predict Functions - Recommended

To prevent users changing Security parameters, we recommend you protect the following function in Natural Security for normal Predict users.

NSC Security Object Function
DEFAULTS-GENERAL-P General Default function Protection
SPECIAL-MAINTAIN-NSC-DEF Special function Maintain NSC Definitions

Step 6 Set Protection Flag

After you have added Natural Security default definitions, set the parameter Protect current Predict file in the General Defaults > Protection screen to Y to activate Predict Security. This parameter can defined for each FDIC file.