Maintain NSC Definitions

This section covers the following topics:

General Information

The special function Maintain NSC Definitions provides the following functions for maintaining security definitions in Natural Security.

The function Add NSC Default Definitions must be executed if you wish to protect Predict objects and functions with Predict Security. See the Predict Security documentation for more information.


The following prerequisites must be met before you can use this function:

  • Natural Security must be installed.

  • Default values for the Natural Security file must be specified under Defaults > General Defaults > Protection > DBnr/Fnr of NSC file. For this function, the current Natural Security file must be the same as the Natural Security file used when starting the Natural session.

Calling the Function

The Maintain NSC Definitions screen is called with code N in the Special Functions menu or with the command SPECIAL NSC-DEFINITIONS.

    13:42:22             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
    Plan   7                - Maintain NSC Definitions -
           Function                             NSC external Object
           A  Add NSC Default Definitions       PO  PRD-Docu-Object
           C  Check NSC Definitions             PE  PRD-Ext-Object
           D  Display NSC Definitions           PF  PRD-Function
           P  Purge NSC Definitions             PL  PRD-3Gl-Library
                                                ' ' All
    Function ....................
    NSC external object type ....
    Command ===>
          Help  Menu  Canc  S-fi  E-el  M-pr  Print Impl  Last  FLIP  PROF  Next
Function Enter one of the function codes displayed in the menu.
NSC external object Enter one of the two-letter codes displayed in the menu to limit the function to a specific NSC external object type, or leave this field blank to execute the function for all NSC external object types.


Add NSC Default Definitions - Code A

This function is used to add the NSC external object types and default values for these. If an NSC external object type is specified, a window appears in which you can define the access modes for this type. If no NSC external object is specified, a series of windows appears in which you can define the access modes for all four types.

    13:34:12             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
    Plan   7                - Maintain NSC Definitions -
       +-------------------------------------+   NSC External Object Type
       ! Default for NSC ext. object type PL !
       !                                     !   PO  PRD-Docu-Object
       !  Read     Y (Y,N)                   !   PE  PRD-Ext-Object
       !  Add      Y (Y,N)                   !   PF  PRD-Function
       !  Modify   Y (Y,N)                   !   PL  PRD-3Gl-Library
       !  Delete   Y (Y,N)                   !   ' ' All

When the access mode values have been specified, a report list is created of default definitions to be added. Confirm this list to add the definitions to Natural Security.


  1. Only objects contained in the report list will be added. We recommend paging to the end of this list to make sure it is complete.
  2. This function can be run again at any time, for example after adding new user-defined object types in metadata administration. This function adds default definitions for the new object types.

Changing the Default Definitions

Existing default definitions cannot be overwritten. To change the defaults, proceed as follows:

  • delete existing values with function Purge NSC Definitions

  • reexecute the function Add NSC Default Definitions.

Setting the Parameter Protect current Predict file

Only when all control records have been added in Natural Security can you set the parameter Defaults > General Defaults > Protect current Predict file to Y. This parameter is automatically reset to N if you execute the function Purge NSC Definitions.

Check NSC Definitions - Code C

This function is used to check the consistency of the security definitions in Natural Security. For example:

  • If the user has access to file objects starting with ABC*, he must also have access to NSC external object type FI.

Check for user

D Default definitions are checked.

blank Security definitions are checked for all Natural Security users.

user-id Enter a user ID to check the security definitions of an individual user in Natural Security.

Check for object type This parameter is only applicable to NSC external object type PO or blank. Either
  • enter the two-character code of a predefined or user-defined object type in Predict to limit the function to security objects of a particular type, or

  • leave this field blank to check security definitions for all Predict object types.

List all

N Only inconsistent security definitions are listed.

Y All security definitions for the specified user and object type are listed.

Inconsistent security definitions are written to an Software AG Editor session. If no inconsistencies are found, a corresponding message is given.

See sample screen below:

   10:57:38             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                              - Check NSC Definitions -
    NSC external object ... PO  *PRD-Docu-Object
    Definitions for user ... GMA
    Cnt   NSC object                             Read Add Modify Delete
    1     DA    ARH*                              Y    Y     Y     N
              >>> Superior definition: MODIFY is not allowed <<<
    2     DA-A                                    Y    Y     Y     N
              >>> Superior definition: MODIFY is not allowed <<<
    3     DA-A  A*                                Y    Y     Y     Y
              >>> Superior definition: DELETE is not allowed <<<
    4     DA-A  GMA-DA                            Y    N     N     Y
              >>> Superior definition: DELETE is not allowed <<<
    5     FI    A*                                N    Y     N     N
              >>> Read must be allowed if others are allowed <<<

Display NSC Definitions - Code D

With this function you can list the security definitions in Natural Security which are different to higher-level definitions. This function combines default definitions and any definitions for the individual user, so you can see exactly what permission the current user has.

Display for user

D Default definitions are displayed.

blank Security definitions are displayed for all Natural Security users.

user-id Enter a user ID to display the security definitions of an individual user in Natural Security.

Display for object type This parameter is only applicable to NSC external object type PO or blank. Either
  • enter the two-character code of a predefined or user-defined object type in Predict to limit the function to security objects of a particular type, or

  • leave this field blank to display security definitions for all Predict object types.


See sample screen below.

   13:02:46             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                            - Display NSC Definitions -
   NSC external object ... PO  *PRD-Docu-Object
   Default definitions
   Cnt   NSC object                             Read Add Modify Delete
   1     >>> Default value <<<                   Y    Y     Y     N
   2     DA                                      Y    N     N     N
   3     DA-A  GMA-DA                            Y    Y     Y     Y

Purge NSC Definitions - Code F

With this function you can delete security definitions in Natural Security. You must delete all security definitions for a particular NSC external object type, otherwise inconsistencies and a large amount of obsolete data could result if the default value were changed.

A window appears which indicates how many NSC external objects and how many links to users/groups will be affected by the purge.

Parameter Protect current Predict file

The parameter Defaults > General Defaults > Protect current Predict file is automatically reset to N if you execute the function Purge NSC Definitions. If you subsequently add new NSC definitions, you will be able to reset this parameter to Y.