Maintain Active References

Functions in the Maintain Active References screen are used to delete XRef data and to delete control information written by the Predict preprocessor.

This section covers the following topics:

Deleting XRef Data

XRef data for implemented members is normally deleted if the implemented members are deleted. In the following cases, however, XRef data has to be deleted manually:

  • After 3GL programs were deleted (ADA, Assembler, COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I programs or SQL-DBRMs). XRef data for 3GL programs is not deleted automatically. XRef data for 3GL is deleted with the function Delete 3GL data.

  • If XRef data for Natural members could not be deleted together with the members

    • because the members were deleted with an Adabas utility or

    • the XRef data for the purged members is stored in a Predict system that was not active when the Natural members were deleted.

    XRef data for Natural is deleted with the function Delete Natural data.

Deleting Preprocessor Control Information

Predict writes control information during execution of the preprocessor. If the preprocessor terminates abnormally, this control information remains on the Predict system file. It can be deleted with the function Delete Preprocessor abend data.

Calling the Function

The Maintain Active References screen is invoked with code X in the Special Functions menu or with the command SPECIAL XREF.

    13:51:39             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
    Plan   3              - Maintenance Active References -
                        A  Delete Preprocessor abend data
                        G  Delete 3GL data
                        N  Delete Natural data
    Function ..........
    Member ............                 User system file number ............ 54
    Library ...........                 User system database number ........ 180
                                        User system password ...............
                                        User system cipher code ............
                                        With delete (Y), only listing (N) .. N
    Command ===>
          Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main
Program Limits the function to data in the program specified. Asterisk notation can be used when deleting 3GL data.
If a program is entered when deleting preprocessor or Natural data, Library must be entered too.
Library Limits the function to data in the library specified. Leave blank to deletes XRef data in all libraries.

When deleting 3GL data: if an asterisk is entered as first character here, it is taken literally (it is not interpreted as a generic character).

Example: to delete all XRef data in libraries beginning with *SYS, enter *SYS*.
User system file number Only applicable when deleting Natural data: Must be entered to identify the file and database containing the Natural programs.
User system database number
User system password
User system cipher code
With delete (Y), only listing (N)

N (No) The sets are only listed.
Y (Yes) The sets will be deleted.

Default for online mode is N. Default for batch mode is Y to be upward compatible with former Predict versions.


Delete Preprocessor ABEND data - Code A

Deletes all protocol data from previous day that was created if the preprocessor terminated abnormally. Only protocol data from today and yesterday is kept.

Delete 3GL data - Code G

Lists XRef data for programs written in 3GL languages or SQL-DBRMs. Mark these for deletion at your own risk, as Predict cannot adequately supervise non-Natural object programs.

Delete Natural data - Code N

Deletes XRef data for Natural programs. XRef data will be deleted only if no corresponding module is found and also if no corresponding module is found and the DELETE option is set to Y. Otherwise the XRef data will be listed only.

Asterisk notation can be used for Library and Program to specify a range of XRef records to be deleted.

Maintain XRef Data in Batch Mode

This function can be executed in batch mode with the command SPECIAL XREF. Parameters can be entered in positional or keyword form. The table below gives a list of keywords, the corresponding field in the Maintenance Active References screen and the relative position of the keywords.

Keyword Field Position
FUNCTION Function 1
PR Program 2
LIB Library 3
FNR User system file number 4
DBNR User system database number 5
PASSWORD User system password 6
CIPHER User system cipher code 7
DELETE Possible values are Y (Yes) and N (No).
Default for online mode is N.
Default for batch mode is Y.


To delete the XRef data for a PL/I program with name TEST in library PLILIB code the command:


or in positional form