Maintain Standard Fields

This section covers the following topics:


The Special Function Maintain standard fields allows you to identify duplicate standard fields and assign standard fields to another standard file. This functionality was introduced for the following reasons:

  • Coupled fields no longer need to have the same ID. This special function enables you to consolidate standard fields within your organization.

  • Duplicated standard fields may not be transferred to Natural Engineering Workbench. See Recognizing and Resolving Conflicts with Duplicated Standard Fields. This special function identifies duplicated standard fields and offers means of resolve this duplication.

  • In Predict, data element types from Natural Engineering Workbench and Predict Case are transferred as field objects and are linked to the default standard file SAG-DT. These fields can be reassigned with this special function. See Reassign Data Element Types from PCA and NEW.

Functional Scope

Calling the Function

Call the menu Maintain standard fields with code Z in the Special Functions Menu or with the command SPECIAL STANDARD.

    09:33:02              *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                             - Maintain Standard Fields -
                      L   List duplicate standard fields
                      S   Select duplicate standard fields
                      M   Move field to other standard file
                      R   Reassign standard relationships
    Function ........
    from File ID ...*
        Field ID ...*
    to   File ID ...*
        Field ID ...*
    Command ===>
          Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main

Enter the following parameters for the functions Move field to other standard file and Reassign standard relationship. The functions List/Select duplicate standard fields require only the first parameter.

from File ID ID of the file containing the field to be processed.
from Field ID

ID of the field to be processed. For function Move field to other standard file: If this field is contained in the target file, an error message is given.

This object is deleted after the Move function is executed.

For function Reassign standard relationship: References to this standard field are to be transferred to another field, but the object will still exist after the function has been executed.

to File ID The target of a Move / Reassign function.
to Field ID With function Reassign standard relationship:
Standard attributes must be identical to from field ID. See below.
If asterisk notation is used, only fields with identical standard attributes are displayed for selection. If no fields with identical attributes are found, an error message is given.
This parameter is ignored with function Move field to other standard file.

List Duplicate Standard Fields - Code L

This function lists standard fields that have the same ID and identical standard attributes. These attributes are:

  • type

  • format

  • length

  • descriptor type

  • unique option

  • suppression / null value option

In addition, the same

  • linked verifications

must be present in both fields. The order in which the verifications are listed is not important.

Calling the Function

Enter code L in the menu Maintain standard fields.

Use the parameter Standard file ID to limit the scope of the function. Asterisk notation is possible. If you leave this field blank, all duplicated fields in all standard files will be listed.

    09:38:18             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                         - List duplicate standard fields -
    Cnt   Ty L Field ID                         F    Length D File ID
        1 PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-Z-001
          PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-ZZZ
          PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-Z1
        2    2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z-001
             2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-ZZZ
             2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z1
        3    2 EL2-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z-001

Alternatively, you can enter the command DUPL-LIST ELEMENT <standard-file-id>.

Select Duplicate Standard Fields - Code S

This function produces a list of standard fields with duplicate IDs and identical standard attributes. See standard attributes list in the section List Duplicate Standard Fields. This list can be used to place a command in the workplan to resolve the duplication.

Calling the function

Enter code S in the menu Maintain standard fields.

Use the parameter Standard file ID to limit the scope of the function. Asterisk notation is possible. If you leave this field blank, all duplicated fields in all standard files will be listed for selection.

Enter an asterisk in the column Cmd to list all valid commands.

    09:39:31             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
    Plan   7            - Select duplicate standard fields -
    Cmd Ty L Field ID                         F    Length D File ID
     __ PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-Z-001
     __ PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-ZZZ
     __ PE 1 PE-GR                                          PD-Z1
     __    2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z-001
     __    2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-ZZZ
     __    2 EL1-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z1
     __    2 EL2-IN-PE                        A     10.0    PD-Z-001

Alternatively, you can enter the command DUPL-SELECT ELEMENT <standard-file-id> .

Move Field to other Standard File - Code M

This function assigns a standard field to another standard file. The field specified under From field ID will be deleted and added as To field ID. All references to the old standard field are transferred to the new standard field.

Command: SHIFT ELEMENT <file 1> <field 1> <file 2>


Reassign Standard Relationships - Code S

This function reassigns all references from one standard field to another standard field, either within the same file (Example 1) or in another file (Example 2 without rename of standard field and Example 3 with rename).

A prerequisite for the successful execution of this function is that the standard attributes in source and target fields are identical. See list of standard attributes in the section List Duplicate Standard Fields.

If you specify for to Field ID a field where the standard attributes are not identical, a screen similar to the one below appears.

    13:48:34              *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                             - Maintain standard fields -
       Ty L Field ID                         Fo Length   D U N
       -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - - -
          1 NUM_5_2                          NS 5.02         U
       Ty L Field ID                         Fo Length   D U N
       -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - - -
          1 NUM-4-2                          NS 4.02

In this example the values for Length and Suppression are different.

Example 1: Merge in the same File

Command: REASSIGN ELEMENT <file 1> <field 1> <file 1> <field 2>

Example 2: Merge over two Files without Rename

Command: REASSIGN ELEMENT <file 1> <field 1> <file 2> <field 1>

Example 3: Merge over two Files with Rename

Command: REASSIGN ELEMENT <file 1> <field 1> <file 2> <field 2>

Using the Function Maintain Standard Fields

Below are two examples of where to use this special function:

Recognizing and Resolving Conflicts with Duplicated Standard Fields

Standard fields in Predict are stored in Natural Engineering Workbench (NEW) as Data Element Types. In Predict, a standard field only has to be unique within the standard file. In NEW, on the other hand, a standard field has to be unique within the entire system. This can lead to conflicts when transferring data from Predict to NEW.

Use the functions offered in the menu Maintain standard fields to identify duplicate standard field IDs and resolve the situation.


This produces a list of all duplicate standard fields.

  • If the standard attributes are identical (See List duplicate standard fields), we recommend the following:

    • Execute the function Reassign standard relationships to consolidate the references to these two fields in the target standard field.

    • Delete the other standard field.

  • If the standard attributes are not identical, rename one of the duplicate standard fields.

Now you can transfer your data to NEW.

Reassign Data Element Types from PCA and NEW

Data Element Types from Natural Engineering Workbench or Predict Case are stored in Predict as standard fields linked to the default standard file SAG-DT. This file is delivered as standard.

Use the function Reassign standard relationships or Move field to other standard file to reassign the standard fields from NEW or Predict Case to another standard file.