Consistency of Predict

The Consistency of Predict screen is invoked with code P in the Special Functions menu or with the command SPECIAL CONSISTENCY.

Data can become logically inconsistent as a result of errors. Some of these errors can be rectified with this function.

For Predict data to be modified, the Update option must be set to Y. If set to N (default), inconsistencies will only be listed.

    13:43:39             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                        - Check Consistency of Predict data -
                     B   Check database records
                     D   Check the extended descriptions
                     E   Conversion of EDIT MASKS in Field Entries
                     F   Check consistency of files and fields
                     K   Check consistency of keywords
                     P   Check entries for programs
                     R   Conversion of free and automatic rules
                     V   Check verifications
                     N   Check Naming conventions
                     X   Check XRef data
    Function .......
    Command ===>
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This section covers the following topics:


Check database records - Code B

Checks the validity and consistency of database and file attributes:

  • virtual machine of the database exists

  • database type valid

  • Run mode valid

  • DBnr valid and unique

  • Vista access only parameter valid

  • Vista key valid (see Vista Key in the "Predict and Other Systems documentation" )

  • IMS values

  • File types conform with database type

  • File numbers in valid range

  • Physical distribution type of files valid

  • Vista elements exist (if necessary) and valid

Check the text attributes - Code D

The following checks are performed:

  • The invalid character H'00' in text attributes is found. If Update is set to Y, all H'00' are changed to blanks.

  • If Check description in the object type administration is set to Y, default text in descriptions is checked for correctness and completeness.

  • Text attributes without object are deleted.

  • Invalid records (created during conversion) are corrected.

Conversion of EDIT MASKS in Field Entries - Code E

The Adabas edit masks are transformed into Natural edit masks

Check consistency of files and fields - Code F

Performs a check whether a master file is available for all user view files. The consistency of the file and field definitions of user views are checked after the consistency of the master file was checked. Field definitions of user views are not checked separately. The inconsistencies are listed so that the errors are comprehensible with the exception of the field attributes SUPER-USAGE, PE-INDICATOR, VERIFICATION-TYPE and INTERNAL FILE NUMBER. These attributes do not appear on any screen. In the user-view SYSDIC-EL, which is normally available on the Predict file, these attributes are described

Check consistency of keywords - Code K

This function checks if keywords are used which are not defined within Predict and lists all references to such keywords. A keyword must be defined in Predict before it can be used. There are two possibilities to get rid of these inconsistencies:

  • execute this function with the UPDATE option set to Y.

  • add the keywords using Predict Maintenance functions.

Check entries for programs - Code P

Deletes entry points for which no program exists.

Conversion of free and automatic rules - Code R

Predict rules which were stored in Predict V2.n are transformed to the new required format.

Check verifications - Code V

The consistency of the following records is checked:

  • SYSDIC-VE-ACT Active rules of verifications of type free and automatic verifications.

  • SYSDIC-VE-EL Connection records between DDMs and active rules of automatic verifications.

  • SYSDIC-DESC Passive rules of conceptual and automatic verifications

  • SYSDIC-VE All verification objects

  • SYSDIC-FI All file objects.

Check naming conventions - Code N

This function checks the IDs of all objects of a specified type against the naming conventions defined with Metadata Administration function Add/Modify object type definition. See Add / Modify Object Type - Code A, M. All objects which do not conform to these naming conventions are listed.

If no object type is specified, all objects of all types are checked against default naming conventions. See Defaults Administration in the section Metadata Administration.

Check XRef data - Code X

This function lists invalid XRef data. The scope of the function may be restricted by database number, file number, library and program name. Asterisk notation may be used for library and program name.

If the Update option is set to Y, corrupted data is corrected whenever possible. If an ID is specified with parameter User ID used to create set, all programs containing XRef data that cannot be corrected automatically are put in a set. See Using Sets in the section LIST XREF for Natural in the Predict Reference documentation.