Version 4.5.2
 —  Overview of Object Properties  —

BS2000 P-Key Schemes

P-keys (programmable keys) are only available for sessions of type BS2000 TCP/IP.

The BS2000 P-Key Scheme dialog box appears when you manage P-key schemes in the Configuration Manager, or when you add, modify or duplicate a P-key scheme in the terminal application.

The BS2000 P-Key Scheme dialog box lets you define the contents for the P-keys (P1 through P20) to be used for a specific BS2000 P-key scheme. The default P-key scheme is defined in the communication parameters of a BS2000 TCP/IP host session.


The P-key scheme name can be up to 16 characters long and may contain blanks. It can only be specified in this dialog box when adding a new P-key scheme using the Configuration Manager. Later, the name cannot be modified in this dialog box.

The BS2000 P-Key Scheme dialog box provides the following command buttons (in addition to the standard command buttons):

Modify Modify the content for the selected P-key.
Save Write the current P-key content to the share file. The dialog box is not closed.

Terminal application: The content of the P-key scheme with the name Currently defined P-keys, which is only shown in the terminal application, is not written to the share file. It is temporarily loaded into the current session.

Start of instruction set To modify the P-key content

  1. Select the desired P-key and choose the Modify button.

    Double-click the desired P-key.

    The Edit P-Key dialog box appears. The name of the current P-key is indicated in the title bar.

    Edit P-key

  2. Add one of the following to the P-key content text box:

    You can either enter the string for the terminal function in the P-key content text box, or you can select it from the Select Function Key drop-down list box. The Select Function Key drop-down list box contains only the most important and most frequently-used 9750 function codes. All other codes have to be entered in the P-key content text box, enclosed in brackets. If a code has more than 7 characters (including the brackets), it is treated as pure text.

    The P-key content can be up to 500 characters long.

    The following command buttons are provided (in addition to the standard command buttons):

    << Go to the previous P-key. The content of the P-key content text box is validated. If this is not a valid command sequence for a P-key, a message appears and you have to correct your input before you can go to the previous key.
    >> Go to the next P-key. The content of the P-key content text box is validated. If this is not a valid command sequence for a P-key, a message appears and you have to correct your input before you can go to the next key.
    Insert Insert the selected function key in the P-key content text box, at the position of the insertion point.
  3. Choose the OK button.

    The content of the P-key content text box is validated. If this is not a valid command sequence for a P-key, a message appears and you have to correct your input.

    When your input is valid, the dialog box is closed. The currently defined P-key contents are then shown in the BS2000 P-Key Scheme dialog box.

  4. In the BS2000 P-Key Scheme dialog box, choose the OK button to write the current P-key content to the share file (does not apply to the P-key scheme with the name Currently defined P-keys which is only shown in the terminal application) and to close the dialog box.

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