This section describes Prototype Programs and how to handle them. An example prototype program is also given.
This section covers the following topics:
Prototype programs are basic program frameworks for reporting or data maintenance transactions. The program framework for a transaction is generated in Natural reporting mode. A Natural programmer can use the program framework as a prototype for further development. Because it doesn't contain any code specific to Super Natural, a prototype program can be used like any other Natural program.
When you use prototype programs, Super
Natural no longer checks your activities, since you are working
withNatural. That means that you are fully
responsible for what you do.
Prototype programs created with Super
Natural under Natural Version 2.2
cannot be cataloged under Natural Version 2.3 without revision. This is because
the keyword LESS of the NEWPAGE
statement is no
longer optional, but required.
To list the prototype programs generated in your present library
The Prototype List screen appears.
The Prototype List screen functions in the same way as all object list screens. For further information on how to use object list screens, see Object List Screens in Starting Up.
To generate a prototype program
command from within a transaction you have finished creating or modifying.
You can only generate prototype programs from transactions which can be run.
Prototype programs generated with Super Natural are read into the Natural program editor where they can be modified, saved and/or executed.
Enter Natural program editor commands at the top left corner of the screen after the greater than sign (>).
For further information concerning the Natural program editor, refer to the Natural Reference documentation.
To save a prototype program
Issue the SAVE
command while in the
Natural program editor.
If you do not save your prototype program before leaving the
Natural program editor for the first time, you will
lose the prototype and have to generate it again!
When you leave the Natural program editor, the Prototype List screen appears.
When you save a prototype program you have generated from an existing transaction, the transaction name appears on both the Transaction Listscreen and the Prototype List screen.
When you save a prototype program generated from a transaction you are creating which you have not saved or run, the transaction name (program name) appears on the Prototype List screen but not on the Transaction List screen and the transaction is lost.
When you save a prototype program generated from a transaction you are modifying which you haven't saved or run, the transaction name (program name) appears on the Prototype List screen but modifications you have made since you last saved the transaction are lost.
Do not run a prototype program if you have accessed from Super Natural as this is not a development environment. You will have problems if the program has errors in it. If you want to run a prototype program, access it directly from Natural.
Prototype programs created with Super
Natural under Natural Version 2.2
cannot be cataloged under Natural Version 2.3
without revision. This is because the keyword LESS of the
statement is no longer optional, but
To leave the Natural program editor and return to Super Natural
Enter a period (.
) in the top line of the
editor and press Enter.
The prototype program is not saved.
To modify a prototype program
Enter the command abbreviation MO
in the
command column of the Prototype List screen next to
the prototype program name.
The Natural program editor appears where you can modify the program.
In prototype programs created from data maintenance
transactions, the data maintenance statements STORE
etc. are
commented out with asterisks (*) to prevent accidental execution of data
maintenance functions. If you access these programs directly from
Natural and want to run them, you must remove the
asterisks and provide END TRANSACTION
statements yourself.
If you want to copy a prototype program stored in your private library, you simply save it under a different name in the Natural program editor.
To save a program stored in your private library
Enter the command abbreviation MO
in the
command column of the Prototype List screen next to
the prototype program name.
The Natural program editor appears displaying the prototype program.
Issue the SAVE
command together with the
name to be assigned (see the note below for naming conventions).
To identify the new program as a prototype to Super Natural, the first character of the new name must be the prefix for prototype programs at your installation. Otherwise the program will not be listed on the Prototype List screen.
Now the same program exists twice, but with two different names.
To copy a prototype program stored in a public library to your
private library
Enter the command abbreviation CO
in the
command column next to the prototype program name of the Prototype
List screen in the public library.
name command.
The prototype program is copied to your private library.
To delete a prototype program
Enter the command abbreviation DE
in the
command column of the Prototype List screen next to
the prototype program name.
The Confirm Delete window appears. This window asks you to confirm that you want to delete the prototype program named.
Enter "Y" to delete the prototype program.
The prototype program is deleted.
The following prototype program was generated with the transaction SAMPLE3 demonstrated in the Tutorial:
> > + Program XSAMPLE3 Lib YSBE Top ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7.. 0010 * PROGRAM: SAMPLE3 0020 * AUTHOR : Super Natural 0030 * DATE : 93-03-22 0040 * 0050 SET GLOBALS LE=OFF ZD=OFF 0060 FORMAT PS=21 LS=80 SF=1 AD=I HW=OFF EM=OFF KD=ON MP=32767 ES=OFF 0070 IS=OFF SG=OFF ZP=OFF MC=1 PC=1 0080 RESET #HEAD(L) 0090 RESET #BE(A8) #BI(A8) 0100 PRI. READ ( 1000000 ) SAG-TOURS-E-CRUISE 0110 PHYSICAL 0120 WHERE CHARTER-YACHT-TYPE = 'ATLANTIC 29' 0130 REDEFINE START-DATE(PRI.) (2X #BF(N2)) 0140 REDEFINE START-DATE(PRI.) (4X #BG(N2)) 0150 REDEFINE START-DATE(PRI.) (6X #BH(N2)) 0160 REDEFINE END-DATE(PRI.) (2X #BJ(N2)) 0170 REDEFINE END-DATE(PRI.) (4X #BK(N2)) 0180 REDEFINE END-DATE(PRI.) (6X #BL(N2)) 0190 MOVE TRUE TO #HEAD 0200 COMPRESS #BH '.' #BG '.' #BF INTO #BE LEAVING NO ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+... S 89 L 1 |