Entire Output Management Version 3.4.1 Release Notes

Version 3.4.1 is only available for mainframe platforms, but not for UNIX platforms. The next release of Entire Output Management will be available for both mainframe and UNIX platforms again.

These Release Notes inform you of the enhancements and new features provided with Version 3.4.1 of Entire Output Management; they cover the following topics:

Prerequisites for Mainframes

Before you can install Entire Output Management on a mainframe computer, the following Software AG products must have been installed at your site:

  • Adabas Version 8 or above;

  • Natural Version 8.2 or above; the Natural installation must include the Software AG Editor component;

  • Entire System Server Version 3.5 or above;

  • Entire System Server Version for UNIX/Windows, or above (optional; for UNIX/Windows access);

  • System Automation Tools Version 3.4.1 or above;

  • Natural Security (optional; required for UTM users under BS2000/OSD);

  • EntireX (optional, for multi-CPU support) Version 8.2 or above;

  • Entire Network (optional, for multi-CPU support);

  • Con-nect (optional).

Prerequisites for UNIX

Not applicable.

Installation Considerations

Entire Output Management Version 3.4.1 uses large buffers (up to 16 KB) to compress records for storage in Adabas, the compression being performed by NOMCOMPR. If the Natural DATSIZE is exceeded by a call to NOMCOMPR, Natural will issue error NAT0909. It is therefore recommended that the Natural DATSIZE parameter be set to at least 500 (KB) initially.

The parameter NTLFILE 91 in the Natural parameter module is no longer optional; it must be specified even if you use only a single Entire Output Management data file.

As of Version 3.4.1, the Adabas files used by Entire Output Management on mainframes must be used with "Spanned Records".

Migrating from Previous Versions

Migration to Version 3.4.1 is possible from Version 3.2.1, 3.2.2 or 3.3.1, but not from earlier versions.

In addition to performing the migration procedure, you have to perform the following:

  • The names of parameter data areas and the structures in data areas have changed. Therefore, adapt all Entire Output Management user exits and application programming interfaces to the new names (for example, the NOMEXnnP parameter data areas in the library SYSNOMS) and the new field formats/lengths (for example, change +P-SPOOL-ATTRIBUTES-EXTENDED from (A/120) DYNAMIC to (A) DYNAMIC) and then recatalog them. Details and examples are provided in the library SYSNOMS.

  • Recatalog with the new version all your user exits and programs which use Entire Output Management application programming interfaces.

Solved Problems

All solved problems of Version 3.3 and its service packs are included in this version.

Enhancements and New Features

The following enhancements and new features are available with this version:

Improvement of Data Structures

The internal data structures of Entire Output Management have been improved, using Adabas long alpha fields and Adabas record spanning, which will result in a better performance.

Exporting Objects to Another Environment

Entire Output Management objects can be exported from one Entire Output Management environment to another. This allows you to use the same object definitions in another environment.

For details, see Transferring Objects in the System Administration documentation.

Reports - Multimedia File Formats

A report can be converted into common multimedia file formats: ASCII text, PDFand PostScript. The conversion can be done either when the report it is loaded or when it is printed. For details see Converting the Report Format in the Concepts and Facilities documentation.

Further enhancements of this new functionality will be provided with the next version.

Report Attributes

A report can contain identifying attributes for only one identification source. In previous versions, it was possible to define attributes for more than one identification source. This could lead to incorrect report attributes, as some values were overwritten. This has been rectified. As of this version, when you create a report, you can only define attributes for one identification source.

Existing report definitions, however, may still contain attributes for more than one identification source. If you open such a report, you will receive a message indicating that when you save the report only the attributes for the selected identification source will be kept, while those for the other sources will be lost. If you wish to keep those other attributes, you have to make multiple copies of the report before you open it.

System Defaults

The Monitor Defaults for POWER/JES2 provide a new field Error which allows you to define a SYSOUT class to hold the SYSOUT data sets which cause an error during processing.

Authorization to Objects

The access authorization of users (as described under Authorizing User Access to Objects in the User's Guide) was not always evaluated correctly and could lead to inconsistent access rights. These inconsistencies have been removed.

UNIX Defaults

In node definitions, the field Suspend has been replaced by the field Status with a wider range of values; see UNIX Defaults in the System Administration documentaton.

Application Programming Interfaces

The following new application programming interfaces (APIs) are provided in the library SYSNOMS: DOCARL11 (English) and DOCARL12 (German); they can be used to list active reports by creation time.

All APIs now use separate parameter data areas. Therefore, you have to adjust your invoking programs accordingly (see Migrating from Previous Versions above).

User Exits

Entire Output Management now checks if the cataloging dates of all user exits are consistent with the current product version.

Discontinued Features

Physical Printer Types

As of this version, the following physical printer types are no longer supported: HPSPOOL, OS2PM, WINPM and WINPM32.


The Entire Output Management documentation may contain UNIX-specific information which is not relevant to Version 3.4.1, as this version is not available for UNIX platforms (see above).