Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —


This section covers the following topics:

What is a Printout?

A printout in Entire Output Management is a report or a bundle queued for printing upon user request or automatically by the Monitor.

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Listing Printouts

The printout list can be used to monitor the status of printouts.

Start of instruction set To display the printout list:

  1. Enter 7 in the command line on the "Main Menu". If long Report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Printout List" screen (first part) takes the following form:

      14:56:49             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID *_______             - Printout List -
     Cmd Object                    T PrOutID Printer  Lines    S Status
     ___ _________________________ _ _______ ________ ________ _ __________________
      __ UKSJUBUN                  B     553 UKSJUPRT     4633 D printed successful
      __ UKSJU-STD1-009            R     547 UKSJUVT2       52 D printed successful
      __ UKSJU-STD1-009            R     546 UKSJUVT2       52 D printed successful
      __ UKSJU-STD1-009            R     545 UKSJUVTX       52 E Print Task abended
      __ STEVEBUN                  B     544 UKSJUPRT     7996 E NOM0707 Bundle is
      __ UKSJUBUN                  B     543 UKSJUPRT     4004 H hold
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     542 HUGO          103 E Lines exceeded
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     541 HUGO          103 H hold
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     540 HUGO          103 E Lines exceeded
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     539 HUGO          103 E Lines exceeded
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     535 HUGO          103 E Lines exceeded
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     534 HUGO            3 D printed successful
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     533 HUGO            7 E Lines exceeded
      __ UKSJUBUN                  B     532 UKSJUPRT     3786 H hold
      __ XSISZHA-TEST-1234567890   R     519 HUGO          103 E Lines exceeded
    Top Of Data
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext    <     >    Menu

    The screen list all printouts in descending order according to their creation date. The individual fields are described below.

    With PF10 (<) and PF11 (>), you can shift the display to the left and to the right respectively. With PF9 (Ext), you can toggle to short names display.

  2. To display only certain printouts, you can enter selection criteria in the some fields as indicated below.

    To remove a selection criterion again, you overwrite it with a blank or an asterisk (*).

Line Commands

Command Function
BR Browse a printout (only possible for reports).
DE  Delete a printout.
DI  Display printout characteristics.
HL  Put printout in HOLD status.
MO  Modify printout characteristics. This function can only be used if the printout is in HOLD status.
RE  Resume printing of a failed printout from the last checkpoint.
RL  Release printout from HOLD status and send to printer.
RP  List reports in bundled printout.


All fields marked with (*) can be used to enter selection criteria.

Left half:
User ID (system administrators only) Enter a question mark (?) to open a user selection window. Select a user to display the printout list for that user. Leave this field blank to display all printouts according to user ID and time. Enter an asterisk (*) to display all printouts according to time only.
Object (*) Name of the report or bundle which is to be printed.
T Object type: R = Report, B = Bundle.
PrOutID Internal unique identifier for the printout.
Printer (*) Logical printer.
Lines Number of lines already printed (if Status=P); total number of lines (for any other Status).
S/Status (*) Status of the printout:
C = Awaiting confirmation.
D = Printed successfully.
E = Printing error.
F = Printing failed.
H = On hold (must be released).
O = Physical printer still printing.
P = Currently printing.
R = Ready to print (if not on hold).
S = Printer stopped (printout is on hold).
T = Printer busy, trying again.
U = Unsuccessfully printed = all printouts with status E, F, T, O or S. This no actual printer status, but for selection purposes only.
Right half:
User ID User ID of user printing, or of report owner or of bundle coordinator.
Jobname The job name of the printout in the job queue if printing is done with a batch job.
Jobno The job number of the printout in the job queue if printing is done with a batch job.
scheduled Date and time the printout is scheduled.
printed Date and time the printout was printed.

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Modifying Printout Attributes

You can only modify printout attributes when the printout is in HOLD status.

You can modify the following printout attributes:

General Printout Attributes

Start of instruction setTo modify the general attributes of a printout before printing:

  1. On the "Printout List" screen, enter the line command MO next to the printout to be modified.

    The "Printout Definition > General Attributes" screen is displayed:

       12:57:02             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-01-17
      User ID XYZ       - Printout Definition >General Attributes -                 
      Printout ID ......... 381                                                     
      User ................ XYZ         ESY User ID ... XYZ                         
        Name .............. XSETGGR-LINES                                           
        Run number ........ 10296                                                   
        Created ........... 20081219    16:10                                       
        Scheduled .........                                                         
        Printed ...........                                                         
      Status .............. hold                                                    
      Total   ............. 10                                                      
      Printed .............                                                         
      Language ............ English                                                 
      Copies .............. 1__                                                     
      Priority ............ ___                                                     
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              PrAtt SpAtt       Menu   
  2. On this screen, you can modify general attributes of a printout.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  PrAtt Display the Printout Definition > Printer Attributes.
PF10  SpAtt Display the Printout Definition > Special Attributes.


Printout ID Internal unique identifier of the printout (display only).
User User ID of user printing, or of report owner or of bundle coordinator (display only).
Name Name of report or bundle name to be printed.
Run number Internal run number.
Time Date and time the printout was created/scheduled/printed.
Status The status of the printout (display only).
Total Total number of lines; for binary documents, the size in KB (as indicated by a "K" after the number).
Lines printed Number of lines currently printed.
Language The language to be used in the report/bundle separators.
Copies Enter the number of copies to be printed.
Priority Enter the print priority. This is passed to JES when using system printers.

Printer Printout Attributes

Start of instruction set To modify the printer attributes of a printout:

  1. Press PF9 on the Printout "Definition > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Printout Definition > Printer Attributes" screen is displayed:

       12:28:29             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-02-29
      User ID XYZ       - Printout Definition >Printer Attributes -
      Printout ID ......... 7
      Logical Printer
        Name .............. PRT14LSC
        Description ....... DC Group Printer
      Physical Printer
        Name .............. DAEPRT14
        Location .......... VTAM Printer DAEPRT14
      Printer Exit
        Member ............ TKYOC100
        Library ........... NOM131U
      Job Parameters
        JCL skeleton ...... ________
        Escape character .. _
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip                                SpAtt       Menu
  2. On this screen, you can modify the printer attributes of a printout.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF10  SpAtt Display the Printout Definition > Special Attributes.


Field Explanation
Printout ID (display only) Internal unique identifier of the printout.
Logical Printer (display only) The name and description of the logical printer.
Physical Printer (display only) The name and location of the physical printer.
Printer Exit (display only) The member name of the exit to be executed for each line before it is printed, and the library containing the member.
Job Parameters
JCL skeleton The name of the Natural member containing the JCL skeleton to be used when submitting a print job.
Escape character Special character used as a prefix to identify substitution variables.

Jobcards to be used when printing in batch mode. If you leave these lines blank, the specifications from the Logical Printer Profile are taken.

SERIAL - If a jobcard contains the keyword SERIAL, Entire Output Management checks if the desired printer is already in use by another printer task. If so, the printout processing is delayed until the printer completes. This is useful if, instead of a printer spooler, a printer is addressed directly which cannot spool itself.

SKIP - The keyword "SKIP nnnnnn" is interpreted as SKIP nnnnnn pages and will suppress the output for nnnnnn pages. However, if a printout is resumed that begins with the line after an error occurred, SKIP will also suppress nnnnnn pages - which might not be intended. In this case the SKIP parameter has to be omitted. The SKIP function is not exact, it will start the printing shortly before the desired page, because the print data are passed to the print program with internal blocking (for performance reasons). Other parameters of the jobcard fields are not affected. It can be used for any printer type where jobcards are allowed. SKIP is only useful under UNIX.

WAIT-PRINTER - If this keyword is contained in a jobcard of the printout queue or of the logical printer, it will be checked whether the physical printer name of the special printer attributes contains a pipe to the UNIX command "lp" or "lpr". If so, the printer addressed with the "-P" parameter will be checked with the "lpstat" command. If it is still printing, the printer task will wait until the printer has finished before it terminates. WAIT-PRINTER will be ignored on mainframes and on printer types other than NATUNIX.

Special Printout Attributes

Start of instruction setTo modify special attributes of a printout:

  1. Press PF10 in the "Printout Definition >General Attributes" screen.

    The "Printout Definition > Special Attributes" screen is displayed:

       12:40:00             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ       - Printout Definition >Special Attributes -
      Printout ID ......... 12
      Logical Printer
        Name .............. PRT14LSC
        Description ....... DC Group Printer
        Carriage control .. YES
        Form feed before .. 1
        Form feed after ... 1
        Trace ............. NO
        Logmode ...........
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo   -     +    PrAtt             Menu
  2. On this screen, you can modify special attributes of a printout.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  PrAtt Display the Printout Definition > Printer Attributes.


Printout ID (display only) Internal unique identifier of the printout.
Logical Printer (display only) Name and description of logical printer.

All other attributes are printer-dependent and can be modified. See Defining Special Attributes for a Physical Printer in the System Administration documentation for more information.

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Deleting a Printout

Start of instruction set To delete a queued printout:

  1. On the "Printout List" screen, enter the line command DE next to the printout you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the printout name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Displaying Printout Characteristics

Start of instruction setTo display printout characteristics:

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Putting a Printout in HOLD Status

This function places a printout in HOLD to prevent printing. Printout characteristics can be modified only when the printout is in HOLD status.

Start of instruction setTo put a printout in HOLD status:

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Releasing a Printout from HOLD Status

Start of instruction setTo release a printout from HOLD and to queue the printout for printing:

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Listing Reports in Bundled Printout

Start of instruction setTo list all reports contained in the printout:

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Resuming a Failed Printout

Print tasks and batch jobs periodically record the number of lines printed so far. If a printout fails, it can be restarted from the last recorded printed line number.

Start of instruction set To resume a failed printout:

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