Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Modifying an Active Report

This section covers the following topics:

Modify Attributes of an Active Report

The following attributes of an active report can be modified:

The attributes of an active report are initialized during report creation according to the rules defined in the respective report definition.

General Attributes

Start of instruction set To modify the general attributes of an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report List" or "Active Report List > Folder" screen, enter the line command MO next to the desired active report.

    Active Report > General Attributes

       13:19:41             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-10
      User ID XYZ         - Active Report>General Attributes -
         Name .............. UKSJU-XML2
         Run number ........ 32530
         Description .......
         Location .......... S
      Style.. FILE://EOM/NOM221U/SJUXSLT
      Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________
      Master Owner ......... UKSJU___
      Retention                          Contents
         Number ............ 5__            Number of Lines ... 1004
         Factor ............ A              CC Type ...........
         Calendar .......... ________       Record Length ..... 133
         Action ............ P
      Expiration Date ...... 2008-10-15
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip                    Archv Reviv Spool       Menu

    This screen displays the General Attributes for the active report.

    For further information, see the section General Attributes under the heading Adding Report Definitions.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF8  Archv Invoke the Archive Attributes.
PF9  Reviv Invoke the Revive Attributes.
PF10  Spool Display Spool Attributes.


Field Explanation
Name (not modifiable) The report name.
Run number (not modifiable) Internal sequence number of the active report.
Description (not modifiable) Short description of the report.
Location (not modifiable) This is the location flag. It indicates the current storage location for the active report as described for the column heading L.
Style URL of an XML stylesheet is shown here, if defined. It cannot be modified. For more information, see XML Printers .
Long records (not modifiable) If "Y" appears here, it means that the report contains long records. For reports containing long records, number of lines is actually the number of segments and record length is actually the length of a segment.
Keywords Enter up to 3 keywords which will later help you select reports.
Master Owner The Monitor takes the user ID of the Master Owner to submit print jobs for reports to be scheduled for automatic printing. This field is initialized with the user ID of the person who defined the report. You can enter a different user ID.
You can modify the four Retention fields. For an explanation, see the field descriptions under Retention/Report.
Lines/Kbytes (not modifiable) The number of lines contained in the active report; for binary reports, the size in KB (as indicated by a "K" after the number).
CC Type (not modifiable) Either ASA or MACHINE.
Record Length (not modifiable) Maximum number of bytes in record.
Expiration Date The contents of the active report are available online until this date.

Archive Attributes

Start of instruction set To modify the archive attributes of an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report > General Attributes" screen, press PF8 (Archv).

    The Archive Attributes for the active report are displayed:

Field Explanation

This is the length of time the active report is to be kept in the archive. When this period expires, the active report is deleted from the archive dataset. An active report can be archived no matter where it is stored.

You can modify the Number and Unit fields, if the active report has not already been archived. For an explanation, see the field descriptions under Retention/Archive.

- Date/Time (not modifiable) The date and time the active report was archived.
- Expiration (not modifiable) Expiration date. The active report is retained in the archive until this date.
- Expiration Orig. (not modifiable) Original expiration date. If the Expiration Date has been modified, the original date appears here.
- Type If archive is user-defined, the type number is shown here.
Dataset (not modifiable) The name of the dataset to which the active report was archived.
Volser(s) (not modifiable) The VOLSER of the archive containing the active report.

Revive Attributes

Start of instruction set To modify the revive attributes of an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report > General Attributes", press PF9 (Reviv).

    The Revive Attributes for the active report are displayed:

Field Explanation


This is the length of time the contents of a revived active report are to be available online for browsing and printing. When this period expires, this "copy" of the archived report is purged automatically.

You can modify the Number, Unit and Calendar fields , if the active report has not already been revived. If the active report has been revived, you can modify the Expiration field below. For an explanation, see the field descriptions under Retention/Report.


Date The date the active report was revived.
Time The time the active report was revived.
Expiration The revived "copy" of the active report contents is available until this date. You can modify this field if the active report has already been revived. If the active report has not been revived, you can modify the Archive Attribute fields Number, Unit and Calendar.

Top of page

List Active Report using Selected Keyword

Start of instruction set To list active reports archived in a folder using a selected keyword:

  1. On the "Active Reports > Folder Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LK next to the desired folder.

    A window is displayed.

  2. In the window, enter a keyword to list active reports to which this keyword is assigned.

    Enter a prefix ending with an asterisk (*) to list the active reports to which the keyword with prefix entered is assigned. The "Active Reports" screen appears in the defined layout (as specified in the "Folder Definition > General Attributes" in the field List Layout).

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Display Active Report General Attributes

Start of instruction set To display the general attributes of an active report:

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Display Spool Attributes

Start of instruction set To display the spool attributes of an active report:

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