Natural under z/OS

This document contains an overview of special considerations that apply when you are running Natural under z/OS.

Natural Subsystem

A Natural subsystem under z/OS consists of the following components:

The Natural subsystem is identified by the Natural profile parameter SUBSID and by corresponding startup parameters for the components mentioned above. The default subsystem name is NATv, where v is the first digit of the current Natural version.

Via the Natural subsystem technique, multiple roll servers can be used simultaneously and multiple independent sets of global buffer pools can be created - in fact, multiple Natural runtime environments can be created which will be totally independent of one another.

TP Monitor Interfaces

For information on the TP monitor interfaces that are available with Natural under z/OS, refer to the sections

in the Natural TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Interfaces to Database Management Systems

Except for Software AG's database management system Adabas, all operations requiring database interaction are performed by a corresponding Natural interface module.

For information on the database interfaces that are available with Natural under z/OS, refer to the relevant separate documentation:

Natural in Batch Mode under z/OS

See Natural in Batch Mode (All Environments) and Natural in Batch under z/OS.

Natural as a Server under z/OS

Besides being a programming language, Natural can also act as a server in a client/server environment. For detailed information, see Natural as a Server under z/OS.