Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Restart Load

Only applies to the load function and if Write restart information is set.

You can use the restart load function to resume load functions that terminated abnormally. If the load function terminates before the work file has been processed completely, with the restart load you can continue from the point of termination.

The restart load requires that restart information is written to Work File 6 or a specified restart file in accordance with the selection criteria, options and parameter settings specified for the load.

In local environments, the restart file is located in the local file system. Work File 6 is used for writing and reading restart data.

In remote environments, restart load data is written to a Natural object of the type Text (text member) located in the Workplan library. By default, this text member is a temporary object. We recommend that you specify a permanent text member for restart data as described below.

For information on setting the Write restart information option and specifying a restart file, see Special in Set Additional Options in the section Settings - Options.

To display the name of the text member containing the restart data, from the Tools menu, choose Show Status.

Related Topics:

RESTART under option-clause in the section Direct Commands
Change Workplan Library in the section Administration

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking Restart Load

Start of instruction set To invoke the restart load function

  1. In the Welcome to the Natural Object Handler window, from the Actions menu, choose Restart Load.

    The Restart Load window appears.

  2. In local environments, in the field Restart file, enter the name of the restart file.

    In remote environments, in the field Restart file, enter the name of the text member containing the restart data.

    Choose the Browse button and select a file from a directory.

    From the drop-down list box, select a file.

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Specifying Permanent Members

Applies to remote environments only.

Start of instruction set To specify a permanent restart text member

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Change Workplan Library.

    The Workplan Library window appears.

  2. Select the check box Use permanent text member for restart data and enter the name required in the corresponding input field.

  3. Choose the OK command button to confirm your settings.

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