Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —


This function is used to maintain Object Handler Workplans.

For information on Workplans and the syntax that applies, refer to the sections Workplans and Direct Commands.

The Object Handler provides the option to use the administration wizard which determines the processing sequence, or to use the administration function for advanced users.

Note that you can set the default library for Workplans by using the Workplan-Library entry of the Profile option. See also the section Profile Settings.

The administration wizard offers a restricted set of administration functions that does not provide the option to create, modify, delete, export or import Workplans. To get the full set of administration functions, activate advanced-user mode.

This section covers the following topics:

Administration Wizard

The administration wizard provides the Next and Back command buttons to navigate between the windows (steps). Use the Cancel command button to cancel the processing sequence.

Start of instruction set To invoke the administration wizard

Instructions for using the functions provided in the Administration Wizard window are explained in the following section:

List and Check Workplan

This function is used to list the contents of all Workplans that are available in the Workplan library.

Start of instruction set To list and check Workplans

  1. In the initial Administration Wizard window, choose List and Check Workplan.

    A window appears with the text boxes Workplan Name and Workplan Type.

  2. Enter the name of a Workplan.

    From the drop-down list box, choose a name from the list of Workplans available.

  3. Choose the Next command button.

    A window appears with the contents of the Workplan specified.

  4. Choose the Next command button.

    The Object Handler checks the syntax and displays the result.

    Note that this step does not apply to Workplans of the types TEXT and LIST.

  5. Choose the Next command button.

    The initial Administration Wizard window appears.

Start Object Handler Command Procedure

  1. In the initial Administration Wizard window, choose Start Object Handler command procedure.

    A window appears with the Procedure name text box.

  2. Enter the name of a Workplan of the type PROCEDURE.

    From the drop-down list box, choose a name from the list of all Workplans available.

  3. Choose the Next command button.

    A window appears with the contents of the Workplan specified.

  4. Choose the Next command button.

    The Object Handler executes the command procedure and displays the result.

  5. Choose the Next command button.

    The initial Administration Wizard window appears.

Change Workplan Library

For instructions, see the corresponding function Change Workplan Library described in Advanced User Administration.

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Advanced User Administration

Start of instruction set To invoke the administration function in advanced-user mode

Start of instruction set To terminate the administration function in advanced-user mode

This section covers the following topic:

Advanced User Administration Table

Listed below are the options provided in the Workplan table, along with explanations and instructions on how to apply them to a Workplan:

Option Explanation/Instruction
Sort Objects

Sorts Workplans by the columns Name, Type, Description, User or Date.

Select the entire column by which you want to sort the table and double-click on this column.

Alternatively, select the column by which you want to sort the table and, from the context or Edit menu, choose Sort Objects.

New Workplan

Creates a new Workplan.

From the Object menu, select New Workplan and the type of Workplan. Depending on the editing option chosen by selecting or not selecting Free Format Editing from the Options menu, the following applies:

  • With Free Format Editing selected (activated), or if you create a Workplan of a type other than OPTION, PARAMETER or SELECTION, a window with an edit area appears. Enter the contents of the Workplan.

  • With Free Format Editing not selected (deactivated; this is the default), windows with input and selection options are provided for Workplans of the type OPTION, PARAMETER or SELECTION. Select the required check boxes and option buttons and fill the text boxes.

For information on the syntax used, see the section Direct Commands.


Modifies an existing Workplan.

Select the Workplan required and double-click on it. Alternatively, select the Workplan required and, from the context or Object menu, choose Edit.

Open Workplan Selects and opens a Workplan from a list of all Workplans available.

From the Object menu, choose Open Workplan and, in the Workplan window, enter the name of a Workplan or select a Workplan from the drop-down list box. In the window provided, you can edit the Workplan.

For information on the syntax used, see the section Direct Commands.


Deletes a Workplan.

Select the Workplan required and, from the context or Object menu, choose Delete.


Verifies that the correct syntax is used in a Workplan.

Select the Workplan required and, from the context or Object menu, choose Check.

Note that the Check option does not apply to Workplans of the type TEXT or LIST.


Executes a Workplan of the type PROCEDURE.

Select the Workplan required and, from the context or Object menu, choose Execute.


Imports a Workplan into the file system.

Select any Workplan and, from the context or Object menu, choose Import.


Exports a Workplan from the file system.

Select one or more Workplans and, from the context or Object menu, and choose Export.

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Change Workplan Library

This function is used to change the Workplan library. All Workplans must be stored in a Workplan library, as otherwise Workplans cannot control data processing, such as the function Select OPTION Workplan.

This section covers the following topics:

Local Environments

Start of instruction set To change the Workplan library in a local environment

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Change Workplan Library.

    Using the administration wizard, in the initial Administration window, select the option button Change Workplan library and then choose the Next command button.

    A window appears with the following items:

    Item Explanation
    Library The name of the Workplan library. Default is the library WORKPLAN.

    From the drop-down list box, choose the name of a Workplan library available.

    DBID Specifies the database ID where the Workplan library is located. If no values are specified, the current FUSER or FNAT system file is used.
    FNR Specifies the file number where the Workplan library is located. If no values are specified, the current FUSER or FNAT system file is used.
  2. Enter or select the data required.

  3. Choose the OK command button.

    Using the administration wizard, choose the Next command button.

    The Workplan library has been changed, and the window appears from where the function Change Workplan Library was invoked (for the administration wizard, this is the initial Administration window).

Remote Environments

In remote environments, the function Change Workplan Library also provides the option to specify permanent files for reports, traces and restarts of load functions (see also the sections Tools and Restart Load).

In remote environments, report, trace and restart data is written to Natural objects (members) of the type Text in the Workplan library. The Object Handler assigns them temporary names and automatically deletes them after two days. When using Change Workplan Library with the Use permanent text member check box selected, data can be stored in permanent text members that are kept until overwritten by new data or intentionally deleted by the user.

Start of instruction set To change the Workplan library in a remote environment and specify permanent record files

  1. In the initial Administration window, choose the option button Change Workplan library.

    A window appears with the following items:

    Item Explanation
    Library See Library above.
    DBID See DBID above.
    FNR See FNR above.
    Password The Adabas password of the Adabas file where the Workplan library is located.
    Cipher key The Adabas cipher code of the Adabas file where the Workplan library is located.
    Work file text members To specify a text member for storing report, restart or trace data, select the relevant Use permanent text member check box and enter the name of a Natural object of the type Text in the corresponding text box:

    For report data, see also Reports in the section Tools.
    For restart data, see also the section Restart Load.
    For trace data, see also Traces in the section Tools.

  2. Enter the data required and confirm your changes by choosing the OK command button or by choosing ENTER.

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