Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Tools and Utilities  —

Settings - Options

On the tabbed page Options of the Settings window you can specify the following:

Item Explanation
Transfer format Only activated if Use default options (this is the default) or Use additional options has been selected. See below.

The data to be unloaded is written in Transfer format to the work file.

Load and scan:
The data to be loaded or scanned are expected to be in Transfer format.

Local work file Only applies to remote environments.

Specifies the location of the work file when using Object Handler functions in connection with SpoD (Single Point of Development). If Local work file is selected, depending on the function used, the data to be processed is written to or read from the work file specified in the local file system.

See also WFLOC in Direct Commands.

Portable work file Not applicable to work files located in a remote environment on a mainframe platform.

In addition, this option is not required for the load and scan functions, which automatically choose the appropriate work file type and ignore the option if set.

Portable work file is only activated if the following applies:

If Portable work file has been selected, the work file is written or read in portable format. See also Work File Format in Work Files.
Fixed length Only available with the unload function.

See FIXEDLENGTH in Direct Commands.

Unicode work file Only applies to the unload function and if Transfer format has been selected.

If this option is selected, all object sources are converted to Unicode/UTF-8 (Universal Transformation Format, 8-bit form) before they are written to the work file.

If a unicode work file is specified, you cannot use the transfer options Use conversion table, Substitute line references and Incorporate free rules.

Unload file

Load file
Scan file


Only activated if Use default options (this is the default) or Use additional options has been selected (see below).

The name of the work file to be used for the function. See also Work Files.

Browse Not applicable to server unload/load/scan files.

Invokes the browse function to select a work file from a directory.

Use default options Default options are used (this is the default). See also Set Additional Options below.
Use additional options Used in connection with Set (see below).
Set Only activated if Use additional options has been selected.

Invokes the Options window where you can modify the default settings and enter additional options for the processing sequence. For the options available, see Set Additional Options below.

Use Option Workplan If this option is selected, a Workplan of the type OPTION is used.

Select a Workplan from the combo box or type the name of a Workplan of the type OPTION.

See also Workplans.


(Option Workplan)

Only activated if Use Option Workplan (see above) has been selected and the name of a valid Workplan of the type OPTION is entered.

Displays the contents of the Workplan specified.

This section describes the windows and tabs that are associated with the tabbed page Options.

Set Additional Options

Special unload options are set in the Additional Options window.

Start of instruction set To invoke the Additional Options window

The Additional Options window contains the tabs General, Special, Transfer and XREF. Note that not all of the tabs may appear on the screen, because they depend on the function used, the settings defined and the products installed.

The options provided on the tabbed pages are described in the following section. For descriptions of mentioned keywords and valid input values, see also option-setting in the section Direct Commands.

This section covers the following topics:


The tabbed page General of the Additional Options window contains the group boxes Report, FDIC and FSEC where you can specify the following:

Item Explanation
Write report Writes a report of the objects processed to Work File 4. This is the default setting for object processing except for the find function.

In remote environments, the report data is written to a Natural text member that is stored in the Workplan library.

To display a report, select Show Report File from the Options menu. See also Reports in Tools.

Start new report Only activated if Write report has been selected.

Deletes the contents of Work File 4 before a new report is written.

Use Report option in Find commands Only applies to the find function and if Write report has been selected.

If selected, this option writes a report of the objects found by using the same report settings (for example, the name of the report file and the additional option Start new report) specified for the unload, load or scan function.

If this option has not been activated for the current find command, no report is written. In this case, the Show Report File option (see also Reports in Tools) will only display old report data of a previous find, unload, load or scan function, if performed.

Report file Only available in local environments and if Write report has been selected.

The name of a report file. Choose the Browse button to select a name from a directory.

FDIC Only applies if Predict is installed.

With the FDIC option, you specify the Predict file (FDIC) used for processing XRef data:

DBID The database ID where the FDIC file is located.
FNR The file number where the FDIC file is located.
Password Optional. The Adabas password of the Adabas file where the FDIC file is located.
Cipher key Optional. The cipher code of the Adabas file where the FDIC file is located.
FSEC Only applies if Natural Security is installed.

With the FSEC option, you specify the Natural Security data file (FSEC) used for security checks:

DBID The database ID where the FSEC file is located.
FNR The file number where the FSEC file is located.
Password Optional. The Adabas password of the Adabas file where the FSEC file is located.
Cipher key Optional. The cipher code of the Adabas file where the FSEC file is located.


The tabbed page Special contains the group boxes Replace, Load/Scan and Load where you can specify the following:

Item Explanation
Replace all Replaces all objects.
Do not replace Does not replace any objects. This is the default.
Replace obsolete objects Replaces objects with a date older than the date of the objects in the load file.
Replace except newer Replaces all objects except those with a date newer than the date of the objects in the load file.
Write restart information Only applies to the load function.

When this option is set, restart information is provided for the restart load function.

See also Restart Load in Functions.

Restart file Only applies to the load function in local environments and if Write restart information has been selected.

The name of the work file to be used for the restart data: Work File 6 (default setting) or the restart-file specified.

Choose the Browse button to select a name from a directory.

For further information, see Restart Load in Functions.

Check version Only applies when loading objects in a mainframe environment.

Checks the Natural version of the cataloged object to be loaded: the Natural version under which the objects were cataloged and written to the work file is compared with the current Natural version. Objects cataloged under a Natural version higher than the current one will be rejected.

ADAFDU file See ADAFDUWORKFILE in option-setting in Direct Commands.

Choose the Browse button to select a name from a directory.

Number of objects to process Specifies the number of objects to be processed.

Enter a value with a maximum of 5 digits. If a value greater than 0 (zero) is specified, the load or scan function stops after the specified number of objects has been processed.

If a cataloged Natural object is processed directly after the source object of the same name, they are considered one object.

Use FDDM file for processing DDMs Only applies in environments where the FDDM system file has been activated in the NATPARM module.

If this option has been activated (this is the default), the FDDM system file is used for processing DDMs with the load, unload or find function.

Specify the library SYSTEM and the Natural object type V (see Natural Library Object Details in Object Specification) for processing DDMs.

If used with the load function, all DDMs are loaded into the FDDM system file. In this case, the parameter NEWLIBRARY is ignored.

See also the syntax diagram of the option-clause in Direct Commands.


The tabbed page Transfer of the Additional Options window contains the group boxes Load, Conversion Table, Unload and Data Area Format.

The items provided in these group boxes and the functions to which they apply are described in the following section.

Item Explanation Function
Translate into upper case Translates any source code to be loaded to upper case. Load
Load code page In this text box, you can enter the name of the code page to be used for the load function.

If a code page is specified, all object sources unloaded into a work file in UTF-8 will be converted with the specified code page when they are loaded into a work file. See also Unicode work file.

If you enter *CODEPAGE as the code page name, the value assigned to the system variable *CODEPAGE is used (see the System Variables documentation).

If no code page name is specified, the source objects are converted with the code page used when unloading them.

If Load code page is specified, you cannot use the options Use conversion table and Translate into upper case.

Use conversion table

Converts data to EBCDIC format by using the internal Natural conversion table (System table) or a conversion table defined by the user (User-defined table).

Converts data to ASCII format by using the internal Natural conversion table (System table) or a conversion table defined by the user (User-defined table). Note that this only applies if the data in the work file is in EBCDIC format or if a conversion program is specified (see User-defined table).


System table Only activated if Use conversion table has been selected.

Converts data to EBCDIC format by using the internal Natural conversion table.

Converts data to ASCII format by using the internal Natural conversion table.


User-defined table Only activated if Use conversion table has been selected.

Specifies that a user-defined table is to be used for conversion.

If the name of a conversion program has been entered in the text box Table Name for Load function or Table name for Unload function (see below), data is converted to EBCDIC or ASCII format by using the conversion program defined.

To specify an individual conversion program, the program must be stored in the library SYSOBJH or one of its steplibs. See the example program OTNCONAE in the library SYSOBJH.

If no conversion program is specified, by default, the corresponding conversion table in the Natural file NATCONV.INI is used for the unload ([ISO8859_1->EBCDIC] ) and the load ([EBCDIC->ISO8859_1]) functions.


Table name for Load function Only activated if User-defined table has been selected.

Enter the name of a user-defined conversion table.

Table name for Unload function Only activated if User-defined table has been selected.

Enter the name of a user-defined conversion table.

Substitute line references Only applies if source-code line numbers are used for statement references.

If line numbers are used as references in the source code, the line numbers of referenced lines and the line number references are replaced with labels. The sources are not modified in the database.

Include line numbers If you choose this option, the line numbers will be transferred.

(By default, line numbers in Natural objects are not transferred.)

Incorporate free rules If Predict is installed, Predict rules associated with a map are incorporated into the map source. Unload
Leave data areas as they are Does not convert data area sources to the new internal data area format or the old internal data area format (see below). This is the default.


Convert data areas into new internal format Converts data area sources to the new internal data area format.

For details, see Data Area Editor in the Editors documentation.


Convert data areas into old internal format Converts data area sources to the old internal data area format.

If one or more data area sources cannot be converted to the old internal data area format, the Object Handler issues a corresponding message when unloading is complete. In addition, in the Status column of the unload report generated by the unload function, a corresponding remark appears next to the names of the data area sources affected.



The tabbed page XREF of the Additional Options window contains the group boxes Load and Unload. XREF is only available when unloading or loading data in internal format, that is, if the check box Transfer format has not been selected. Predict must be installed to process XRef data.

The items provided in the group boxes and the functions to which they apply are described in the following section.

Item Explanation Function

Unloads GPs (generated programs, that is, cataloged objects) and their cross-reference data, if any.

Loads GPs and their cross-reference data if cross-references exist in the work file.



Ignore XRef data.

No XRef data is processed.



Predict definition required.

Loads cataloged objects only if Predict entries exist for the objects in the FDIC system file.


XRef data and Predict definition required.

Loads GPs (generated programs) and their cross-reference data only if cross-references exist in the work file and if Predict entries exist for the objects in the FDIC system file.


Load GPs and XRef data.

Loads GPs and their cross-reference data (if any).


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