Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4851-4900

NAT4851: No program/module with specified criteria found.

Text No program/module with specified criteria found.
Expl. No program/module in the user"s library meets the specified search
Actn. Check data and specify search criteria more precisely.

NAT4852: Function disallowed by security definition.

Text Function disallowed by security definition.
Expl. The desired function is disallowed by the
Natural Security application profile.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4853: No module found in library.

Text No module found in library.
Expl. While executing the SIZE command, no module which meets the
search criteria was found.
Actn. Check module name.

NAT4854: "Size" operation protected by security definition.

Text "Size" operation protected by security definition.
Expl. To execute the SIZE command in a Natural Security environment, you
must be allowed to use the command EXECUTE.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4855: No objects found for specified "scan" criteria.

Text No objects found for specified "scan" criteria.
Expl. SCAN will do processing only according to the criteria specified.
Only the objects which satisfy the specifications will be displayed,
otherwise SCAN will return to the menu.
Actn. No action required, since SCAN has terminated normally.

NAT4856: Invalid field combination with "rename" function.

Text Invalid field combination with "rename" function.
Expl. When you use the "rename" function of SYSMAIN and have entered a
specific name in the Object Name field, you must also enter a New Name.
Alternatively, the range notation using a "?", "<", ">" or "*" may be
used; in which case no New Name is to be specified.
Actn. Check values specified and correct error.

NAT4857: File type is not valid for specified file.

Text File type is not valid for specified file.
Expl. With SYSMAIN, only specific file types are supported. The file
type is determined by the DBID and FILE number specified for the
source and target files. For valid file types, see the relevant Natural
Actn. Check the DBID and FILE number specified and correct them.

NAT4858: Access to library is not allowed.

Text Access to library is not allowed.
Expl. When you use the SYSMAIN utility under Natural Security, you are not
allowed to access a "private library" of another user. Only access
to your own (private) library is possible. This error occurs:
- if you perform the LIST/FIND function and attempt to select a
private library; or,
- if you perform the COPY/MOVE/DELETE/RENAME function and have
specified a private library as source/target library.
Actn. Use only libraries which you are allowed to use.

NAT4859: New "rename" data must be different.

Text New "rename" data must be different.
Expl. When using the RENAME function of SYSMAIN, the new data of the
object (saved or cataloged), profile or view must be different from
the old data.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4860: Enter either a valid function code or a command.

Text Enter either a valid function code or a command.
Expl. Either a valid function code or a command must be entered in the
appropriate fields.
Actn. Enter either a valid function code or a valid command.

NAT4861: Enter a valid library name.

Text Enter a valid library name.
Expl. A library name must be specified.
Actn. Check the library name specified and correct the error.

NAT4862: Invalid character in library name.

Text Invalid character in library name.
Expl. A valid library name must be specified.
An asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) indicating a range of values
is not permitted.
Actn. Enter a valid library name.

NAT4863: Database identification must be 0 - 253.

Text Database identification must be 0 - 253.
Expl. A valid database identification (DBID) must be specified.
Valid DBIDs are:
0 - default database
1 - 253 - specific database.
Actn. Enter a valid database identification.

NAT4864: File number must be 1 - 255.

Text File number must be 1 - 255.
Expl. A valid system file number in the range from 1 to 255 must be specified.
Actn. Enter a valid file number.

NAT4865: Invalid type of Natural system file.

Text Invalid type of Natural system file.
Expl. An invalid value for system-file identification was entered.
Possible values are:
A - Adabas system file,
V - VSAM system file.
Actn. Enter "A" or "V" as type of system file.

NAT4866: Invalid name specified for file.

Text Invalid name specified for file.
Expl. If the Natural system file is not an Adabas file, the name of
the system file being accessed must be specified. This applies to
the following system file types:
2 - DB2
D - DL/I
Actn. Enter a value for the "Name" field.

NAT4867: Nothing found for this request.

Text Nothing found for this request.
Expl. Either no data meet the specified selection criteria, or you did
not request any processing to be done from the selection screen.
This is a normal termination message.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4868: Function completed successfully.

Text Function completed successfully.
Expl. The function has successfully terminated, and all data selected have
been processed normally.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4869: Not all module(s)/program(s) were processed.

Text Not all module(s)/program(s) were processed.
Expl. The function was not executed for all specified module(s)/program(s).
Either the module specified in the selection menu was deleted in the
meantime by another user, or the module(s)/program(s) could not be
overwritten because the REPLACE option was set to "NO".
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4870: Syntax error in command line.

Text Syntax error in command line.
Expl. A syntax error was detected when evaluating the command line during
command processing: the command to be processed was not a valid command
Either you have entered a command which does not exist, or you have
specified a command incorrectly (e.g. wrong sequence of parameters).
The actual command being processed may be indicated in parentheses
at the end of the error message.
Actn. Check the command line and correct the error.

NAT4871: Invalid object name specified.

Text Invalid object name specified.
Expl. A valid name must be entered in the field "Object Name"
before processing can continue.
Actn. Check data and correct error.

NAT4872: No XREF information found for object.

Text No XREF information found for object.
Expl. The XREF indicator is set to either "Y" or "F", but the specified
Predict (FDIC) file contains no XREF information for the object
being processed.
Actn. Check the FDIC file specified, the XREF indicator, and the
status of the XREF information for the object in error.

NAT4873: Libraries listed successfully.

Text Libraries listed successfully.
Expl. The libraries satisfying the specified search criteria were listed
Actn. No action required.

NAT4874: Selected number out of range.

Text Selected number out of range.
Expl. Only numbers displayed on the selection menu may be selected.
Actn. Enter a valid number.

NAT4875: Program does not exist.

Text Program does not exist.
Expl. No program exists for the selected number.
Actn. Select another number.

NAT4876: No libraries found.

Text No libraries found.
Expl. No library was found which meets the search criteria.
Actn. Verify search criteria.

NAT4877: Program listed successfully.

Text Program listed successfully.
Expl. The Natural program was listed successfully.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4878: Function not allowed by security definition.

Text Function not allowed by security definition.
Expl. To execute the desired function in a Natural Security environment,
the library to be processed must be either your "private library",
a public library, or a people-protected library of which you are
an "owner" (if co-owners exist, the required countersignatures must
be obtained).
Moreover, the use of the corresponding Natural commands - SAVE, CATALOG,
STOW, SCRATCH, PURGE, UNCATALOG - must be allowed in that library.
Actn. Do not use this function;
or contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4879: Range not permitted in batch processing.

Text Range not permitted in batch processing.
Expl. When using the RENAME function of the utility SYSMAIN via a
direct command in batch mode, a range of modules/programs
must not be specified with the "*" or "?" notation.
Actn. Do not use "*" or "?" notation in batch mode.

NAT4880: Enter valid command, or enter "?" for help.

Text Enter valid command, or enter "?" for help.
Expl. An invalid command was entered.
For a list of valid command, you may enter a "?".
Actn. Enter a valid command, or enter a "?" for help.

NAT4881: Buffer pool maintenance failed.

Text Buffer pool maintenance failed.
Expl. The Natural buffer pool maintenance failed, because the Natural buffer
pool is either not installed or has been disabled after an ABEND.
Actn. Contact your Natural administrator.

NAT4882: Buffer pool maintenance performed.

Text Buffer pool maintenance performed.
Expl. Maintenance of the Natural buffer pool was performed.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4883: TP user ID required.

Text TP user ID required.
Actn. Enter a valid TP user ID.

NAT4884: Invalid database ID.

Text Invalid database ID.
Expl. A database identification in the range 0 - 255 must be entered.
Actn. Enter a valid database identification.

NAT4885: Invalid file number.

Text Invalid file number.
Expl. A file number in the range from 0 to 255 must be entered.
Actn. Enter a valid file number.

NAT4886: Please enter a valid library name.

Text Please enter a valid library name.
Expl. A valid name for a Natural library must be entered.
Actn. Enter a valid library name.

NAT4887: Please enter a valid module name.

Text Please enter a valid module name.
Expl. A valid name for a Natural module must be entered.
Actn. Enter a valid module name.

NAT4888: Currently no logical files available.

Text Currently no logical files available.
Expl. The utility makes use of "logical files" to perform any required
processing. If all logical files are in use, processing is terminated
abnormally. SYSPROF may be used to display the current file settings.
Actn. Contact your database administrator for additional help.

NAT4889: Library is not defined to Natural Security.

Text Library is not defined to Natural Security.
Expl. You have requested access to a library which is not defined to
Natural Security.
In the case of SYSMAIN, this may occur when you are maintaining
libraries which are defined to another security environment.
If you wish to do maintenance across security environments,
you should use the SYSMAIN command "CMD FSEC".
For further information, see the Natural documentation.
Actn. Check the selection criteria and correct the error.

NAT4890: Invalid owner/co-owner confirmation.

Text Invalid owner/co-owner confirmation.
Expl. The countersignature specified for an owner-protected application
must be valid for a co-owner to use an application; or the user is
NOT an owner of the application.
Actn. Specify the correct countersignature for the security environment
being accessed.

NAT4891: Invalid DBID and/or FNR specified for a library.

Text Invalid DBID and/or FNR specified for a library.
Expl. The DBID and FNR specified for a library protected by Natural
Security must correspond to the DBID and FNR specified in the
security profile for the library.
Actn. Either correct the DBID/FNR, or change the FSEC definition
using the "CMD FSEC" command.

NAT4892: Invalid Predict file(s) defined.

Text Invalid Predict file(s) defined.
Expl. The FDIC parameter is pointing to a database and/or file which is not
a valid file for Predict. This causes an error during the deletion of
XREF data.
- If the FDIC parameter is correct, you should verify the
settings of the SYSMAIN FDIC database(s) and/or file(s), since these
will override the session FDIC parameter.
Note that with XREF support the Predict version must be 2.3 or above.
- If the XREF parameter is set to "N", no check will be done online.
In batch, the nucleus should not have the XREF module linked.
Actn. Check the current settings of the Natural parameter FDIC and the
SYSMAIN FDIC parameters, and correct the error.

NAT4893: Normal completion, but some data were rejected.

Text Normal completion, but some data were rejected.
Expl. During processing of a function which does not result in the display of
a selection screen, processing continues even if objects are rejected.
There are numerous reasons why objects are rejected, and these are
listed under error NAT4810. If you wish to monitor the status of each
each object as it is processed, use the selection screen
(using the "?" option).
This is a normal end-of-processing message.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4894: Invalid error number specified.

Text Invalid error number specified.
Expl. The FROM error number has been specified incorrectly: either
no range notation has been specified, the FROM number is greater
than the TO number, or the range notation is invalid.
In batch, this error may also occur if any of the specified error
numeric. Valid specifications of numeric numbers are:
1 or 01 or 001 or 0001
Actn. Check the error number specifications, and correct the error.

NAT4895: Invalid language code specified.

Text Invalid language code specified.
Expl. The language code specified is invalid. See the Natural
documentation for further information on language codes.
Actn. Enter a valid language code.

NAT4896: Invalid processing request for extended error message.

Text Invalid processing request for extended error message.
Expl. When moving, copying or renaming an extended error message, there must
always be a corresponding short error message. If there is no short
error message in the source environment, the extended error message will
not be processed. If there is not short message in the target
environment, this error message will be output.
Processing of both, short and extended messages, together is valid.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4897: Invalid error application specified.

Text Invalid error application specified.
Expl. The specified error application is invalid for the requested function.
It may be a non-existent application, or you have tried to move, copy
or rename a user error message to a system error message.
Deletion of a system error message has been disallowed. The message may,
however, be moved, copied, or renamed.
Actn. Check the application indicated, and correct the error.

NAT4898: Invalid error number specified with "rename".

Text Invalid error number specified with "rename".
Expl. When renaming (renumbering) error messages, all error number
specifications (ERROR FM, ERROR TO, NEW ERROR FM, NEW ERROR TO) must
be numeric and follow the rules listed below:
1) The numbers must be in the correct combination as follows:
A) only ERROR FM.
2) If the range notation is used, the NEW ERROR FM must be by at
least 2 higher than the ERROR FM.
3) If the range notation is used, the difference between ERROR FM
and ERROR TO must be the same as NEW ERROR FM and NEW ERROR TO.
Actn. Correct the error.

NAT4899: This feature is not implemented for VSAM system file.

Text This feature is not implemented for VSAM system file.
Expl. To use this feature, a Natural system file is required that
is contained within an Adabas database.
Actn. Select another feature.

NAT4900: Too many names specified.

Text Too many names specified.
Expl. For the commands UNCATALOG, PURGE and SCRATCH, a list of up to
40 names of Natural modules/programs may be entered for deletion.
Actn. Reduce number of names.

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