Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4901-4950

NAT4901: Invalid data for batch environment.

Text Invalid data for batch environment.
Expl. In a batch environment, the input for an UNCATALOG/PURGE/SCRATCH command
can only consist of a list of names for Natural modules/programs.
At least 1 name must be entered. A maximum of 40 names can be
entered. Asterisk notation is not permitted.
Actn. Enter one or more valid names.

NAT4902: Only one generic key permitted.

Text Only one generic key permitted.
Expl. Only one generic key is permitted per invocation of the UNCAT/PURGE/
SCRATCH command.
A generic key is a character string, which may be empty, truncated by an
The use of a generic key results in the display of a menu which
contains all modules/programs starting with the character string.
These modules/programs may be marked for further processing.
Actn. Enter valid data.

NAT4903: Do not use both, list of names and asterisk notation.

Text Do not use both, list of names and asterisk notation.
Expl. For the UNCATALOG/PURGE/SCRATCH commands, you can either enter a list
of Natural module/program names or use asterisk notation, but not both.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4904: No module(s)/program(s) found in current library.

Text No module(s)/program(s) found in current library.
Expl. No module/program was found which meets the search criteria.
Actn. Make sure that the correct search criteria were used.

NAT4905: New error range may not overlap the current error range.

Text New error range may not overlap the current error range.
Expl. When renumbering (renaming) ranges of errors, overlaps of ranges are not
permitted within the same application (for reasons of data integrity).
The NEW ERROR FROM must be smaller than the original ERROR FROM or
greater than the original ERROR TO. Example:
When renumbering errors 10 to 20 as 13 to 23; number 10 would be
moved to 13, but 13 would be moved to 17, and 17 would be moved to
20, etc.; thus, error number 10 would be duplicated.
If the NEW ERROR FROM were smaller than 10 or greater than 20, this .
would not occur.
If you cannot avoid overlapping with the ranges of numbers available to
you, renumber the errors to a dummy application and then from the dummy
application to the original application.
Actn. Check the error numbers and the application, and correct the error.

NAT4906: User exit was invoked but no longer exists.

Text User exit was invoked but no longer exists.
Expl. At initialization of SYSMAIN, the user exit 1 and/or 2 was active,
but during processing the user exit could not be invoked. This may
occur if the cataloged object is not cataloged in the SYSMAIN library.
Actn. No action required. SYSMAIN will no longer invoke the user exit which
caused the error.

NAT4907: Predict file invalid for processing of XREF data.

Text Predict file invalid for processing of XREF data.
Expl. When XREF data are processed (XREF parameter set to "Y", "F" or "S"),
the Predict (FDIC) file must be a valid file for Predict Version 2.3 or
above. (With SYSMAIN, you may use the command "SET FDIC" to override
the current Predict file setting.)
This error also appears if you are processing sets and the FDIC file
is not a valid Predict file.
Actn. Use a valid Predict file,
or set the XREF indicator to "N",
or set the set number to "0".

NAT4908: Conflicting or too many types.

Text Conflicting or too many types.
Expl. The command DELETE has a TYPE option. The number of types entered in
the delete request was too large. This is either because types "X" or
"U" where expanded and the resulting list became too large,
or because repeated or redundant entries were found.
Actn. Repeat the request, either with fewer types or,
if the default "*" is suitable, without the TYPE specification.

NAT4909: Do not enter both, asterisk notation and list of names.

Text Do not enter both, asterisk notation and list of names.
Expl. For the UNCATALOG/PURGE/SCRATCH commands, you can either enter a list
of Natural module/program names or use asterisk notation, but not both.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT4910: Object is protected by Predict Application Control.

Text Object is protected by Predict Application Control.
Expl. You cannot maintain the selected object because it
is under the control of Predict Application Control.
Actn. Contact your Predict Application Control administrator.

NAT4911: Set :1: cannot be found.

Text Set ... cannot be found.
Expl. The specified set cannot be found.
Actn. Make sure that you have specified the correct User, Library,
Library DBID/FNR, FDIC DBID/FNR, and Set Number.

NAT4912: PC Download must be "Y" or "N".

Text PC Download must be "Y" or "N".
Expl. When you export/download Natural objects to a PC, this option must
be set to either "Y" (export) or "N" (normal processing).
Actn. Specify correct value.

NAT4913: Work files 6 + 7 must be assigned to PCNEW for download.

Text Work files 6 + 7 must be assigned to PCNEW for download.
Expl. When you use the PC Download option, work files 6 and 7 must
be assigned to PCNEW.
Actn. Assign work files 6 and 7.

NAT4914: Library range must not be specified for sets.

Text Library range must not be specified for sets.
Expl. When a set is used as source location of objects, you can only
specify specific library names, but not a range of libraries.
Actn. Provide correct library specification.

NAT4915: Unload type must be "A", "C", "S" or "W".

Text Unload type must be "A", "C", "S" or "W".
Expl. The unload type must be one of the following:
A - all objects (cataloged or saved),
C - cataloged objects,
S - saved objects,
W - stowed objects.
Actn. Specify a correct value.

NAT4916: Conflicting request.

Text Conflicting request.
Expl. The command DELETE has a TYPE option. If views (DDMs) are to be
deleted, you must not specify objects of other types in that
Actn. Delete DDMs (views) separately.

NAT4917: When object is specified, library name is also required.

Text When object is specified, library name is also required.
Expl. When you specify an object name for unloading/loading,
you must also specify a library name to identify the library
in which the specified object is stored.
Actn. Specify library name.

NAT4919: Compare option must be "S" (short) or "D" (differ).

Text Compare option must be "S" (short) or "D" (differ).
Expl. See the Natural SYSMAIN utility documentation for details.
Actn. Specify correct value.

NAT4920: Invalid command with a versioned library.

Text Invalid command with a versioned library.
Expl. Once a Natural library or application has been defined as being
"versioned", the commands STOW, CATALOG, UNCATALOG, PURGE and SCRATCH
must not be used on any programming objects.
Actn. Use the STOWALL or VERSION utility to circumvent the problem.

NAT4921: Compare only available with Predict Application Control.

Text Compare only available with Predict Application Control.
Expl. SYSMAIN"s Compare option can only be used if Predict Application
Control (PAC) is installed.
If PAC is installed but Compare still does not work, use the
SYSMAIN command "SET FSEC" to specify the FSEC source location
where PAC is installed.
Actn. Do not use Compare if PAC is not available;
or specify valid FSEC source location before you use Compare.

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