Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 4801-4850

NAT4801: Function only applicable to source programs.

Text Function only applicable to source programs.
Expl. The selected function can only be used with source programs,
not object programs.
Actn. Enter valid function.

NAT4802: Library type must be "S" or "O".

Text Library type must be "S" or "O".
Expl. Valid library types are "S" for source and "O" for object.
Actn. Enter a valid library type.

NAT4803: Invalid object specified.

Text Invalid object specified.
Expl. Only the following object codes are valid:
A - Programs, maps, and data areas,
V - Natural views (DDMs),
P - Editor, map, and device profiles,
E - User and system error message texts.
See the Natural documentation for details.
Actn. Enter a valid code.

NAT4804: Enter valid library ID.

Text Enter valid library ID.
Expl. A valid library ID must be entered for the functions LIST, COPY, MOVE,
Actn. Enter valid library ID.

NAT4805: Enter valid command code.

Text Enter valid command code.
Expl. Valid command codes are:
P Select individual program
* Selection menu
? Help information
. Terminate
" " Return to menu
Actn. Enter valid command code.

NAT4806: Enter program name.

Text Enter program name.
Expl. If individual programs are specified with command "P", a valid program
name must be entered.
Actn. Enter valid program name.

NAT4807: Enter a valid database ID.

Text Enter a valid database ID.
Expl. A valid database identification must be specified for the SYSMAIN
functions. Database numbers allowed are:
0 for default database.
1-253 for specific database.
Actn. Enter valid database number.

NAT4808: Invalid "new name" specified.

Text Invalid "new name" specified.
Expl. When specifying names for libraries (applications) and/or programs,
data areas and maps, the names must conform to Natural naming
Actn. Check and correct the name(s) of the object or library specified.

NAT4809: Enter a system file number.

Text Enter a system file number.
Expl. A valid system file number in the range from 1 to 255 must be
in MOVE and COPY commands.
Actn. Enter a valid system file number.

NAT4810: All data rejected by these selection criteria.

Text All data rejected by these selection criteria.
Expl. All data initially selected for processing have been rejected.
Rejection can occur for a number of reasons; for example:
1) Object type did not match the object type specified.
2) Date was not within the specified date range.
3) A subroutine could not be processed because the internal
subroutine name already existed for another object.
4) The object could not be copied/moved/renamed because the
REPLACE option was set to "NO" and the object already
existed in the target library.
5) The RECAT option is "ON" and a cataloged object may only be
processed if the saved object exists.
6) The RECAT option is "ON" and a saved object may not be processed
separately from an already existing cataloged object.
Actn. Normal termination, but you should verify the selection criteria

NAT4811: "Copy/move" to same environment is not allowed.

Text "Copy/move" to same environment is not allowed.
Expl. The COPY and MOVE functions must always have different source
and target environments (i.e. different DBID/FNR specifications
and/or different library specifications).
For error texts, application, DBID, file number and file name (FCT)
may be the same for source and target environment if the language
code is different.
Actn. Enter different target library or different system file.

NAT4812: Internal error.

Text Internal error.
Expl. An internal error has occurred while processing name lists.
Actn. Note error and contact Software AG.

NAT4813: "Move/copy" operation executed.

Text "Move/copy" operation executed.
Expl. The requested MOVE/COPY function has been successfully executed.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4814: Invalid object type(s) specified.

Text Invalid object type(s) specified.
Expl. One or more of the object types requested are not valid.
The object type varies with the function requested. When processing
programs, data areas or maps, valid object type codes are:
S, N, P, G, L, A, H, C, M, T, Z
When processing profiles, valid object type codes are:
E, M, D, P
When processing error messages, valid object type codes are:
S, L
The object type code "*" indicates all types.
Actn. Check the code(s) and correct the error.

NAT4815: Processing terminated at user"s request.

Text Processing terminated at user"s request.
Expl. During processing of a function, you have interrupted the processing
(for example, by pressing a PF-key or "Program Interrupt/Test Request"
key, or by tying a "." on the previous screen).
Actn. Normal termination has occurred. No action required.

NAT4816: Invalid date or time specified.

Text Invalid date or time specified.
Expl. The date or time specified is not correct. The date format must
coincide with the format specified with the Natural profile parameter
DTFORM (as described in the Natural documentation).
The month range must be from 1 to 12, and the day must correspond with
the month (including leap years).
The time format must be HH:II.
Actn. Make sure that you specify date and time in the correct format
and range.

NAT4817: Date range is out of sequence. TO DATE must be > FM DATE.

Text Date range is out of sequence. TO DATE must be > FM DATE.
Expl. A FROM date cannot be logically greater than a TO date.
Actn. Check the dates and specify the FROM - TO range correctly.

NAT4818: Library has been successfully listed.

Text Library has been successfully listed.
Expl. A request to list a specific library was made. This message will
appear at the end of that request if normal termination has occurred.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4819: Invalid selection code specified.

Text Invalid selection code specified.
Expl. One or more codes specified on the selection screen are not correct.
The valid codes are:
I - Directory info (cataloged and/or saved objects)
L - List source (saved objects only)
H - Print source (saved objects only)
C - Perform specified function on cataloged object only
S - Perform specified function of object source only
A - Perform specified function on both cataloged and/or saved
objects. This code may also be used if only the saved or
cataloged object exists.
If the profile parameter RECAT is set to "ON",
code "C" is also invalid.
Actn. Check selections and correct the error(s) highlighted.

NAT4820: Selected program does not exist.

Text Selected program does not exist.
Expl. The selected program does not exist in the library specified.
Actn. Check program name and library name.

NAT4821: Invalid request with dynamic recatalog.

Text Invalid request with dynamic recatalog.
Expl. A request has been made which is not valid in an environment where the
parameter RECAT is set to "ON".
In an environment with active dynamic recataloging, cataloged and saved
objects must be processed together. The only exception is if the saved
object exists without a corresponding cataloged object, for example
Actn. Check the selected request and correct the error.

NAT4822: Invalid "rename" request.

Text Invalid "rename" request.
Expl. The requested RENAME function cannot be performed with the selection
criteria specified. The Selection List, Object Name and/or New Name
are not compatible with one another.
In batch mode, this may occur when the range notation is used with
the Object Name.
Actn. Check the selection criteria and correct the error.
If necessary, contact your Natural administrator.

NAT4823: Invalid selection code specified for option.

Text Invalid selection code specified for option.
Expl. In SYSMAIN, the Library Selection screen allows you to specify the
following additional options during processing:
L - List all objects in a library
S - List all external subroutine names in a library
? - Help
. - Terminate the current processing.
Actn. Check the selection(s) made and correct the error.

NAT4824: Requested option(s) processed successfully.

Text Requested option(s) processed successfully.
Expl. During the normal processing of a SYSMAIN function, you may
perform several options, for example:
- listing directory information;
- listing all subroutines, by name, in a library;
- listing a specific saved object.
The processing of the requested option(s) was finished successfully.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4825: Input command string too long.

Text Input command string too long.
Expl. When invoking SYSMAIN with a direct command (either in batch or online),
the maximum number of elements that may be passed in a single command
string is 36. If SYSMAIN detects a number greater than this, processing
is terminated.
Actn. Review the command string specified to SYSMAIN and reduce the number of
elements in the string.

NAT4826: Data not numeric.

Text Data not numeric.
Expl. While processing the data for the DBID, FNR or SETNO parameters
of the SYSMAIN command line, the data were found to be non-numeric.
Values for DBID, FNR and SETNO must be in the following format:
where "n" is a 1- to 3-digit numeric value (1 to 2 digits for SETNO).
Actn. Check the command line, and correct the data string specified.

NAT4827: XREF indicator must be "N", "Y", "F" or "S".

Text XREF indicator must be "N", "Y", "F" or "S".
Expl. With Predict, the cross-reference indicator may be set to one of
the following values:
N - No (delete XREF information if object is deleted)
Y - Yes (maintain all XREF information)
F - Force (verify Predict entry for program and maintain all
XREF information)
S - Special (XREF information is processed if existent, but
existence of XREF data is no selection criterion)
Under Natural Security, the XREF indicator may be changed only to a
"higher" setting: for example, if it is "Y", you may change it to "F",
but not to "N".
Actn. Check the field concerned and enter correct value.

NAT4828: Invalid "copy/move/rename" of a subroutine.

Text Invalid "copy/move/rename" of a subroutine.
Expl. The subroutine name being copied/moved/renamed already exists in
the target library assigned. The function is illegal, because
duplicate subroutine names may not exist in a library for
cataloged objects.
Actn. Check the object(s) concerned and correct the error(s).

NAT4829: Invalid function requested.

Text Invalid function requested.
Expl. The function requested is either invalid or has not yet been
Actn. Check function requested and correct the error.

NAT4830: "Scan" and "replace" values must be different.

Text "Scan" and "replace" values must be different.
Expl. The SCAN VALUE and REPLACE VALUE fields contain the same values or
character strings.
Actn. Change either the SCAN VALUE or the REPLACE VALUE field so that
they do not contain the same value.

NAT4831: "Replace" must not be used with specified object type.

Text "Replace" must not be used with specified object type.
Expl. Natural uses a number of different object types for various different
facilities and functions. Certain object types may not be specified
when using the REPLACE option of SCAN, because the impact of doing the
REPLACE may have serious implications on the activity of the Natural
The object types which may NOT be specified with the REPLACE option
are G (Global Data), L (Local Data), A (Parameter Data) and M (Maps).
When scanning an entire library. the above object types will be listed
only, but not edited; however, you may issue an E or EDT command
within SCAN to edit the object.
Actn. Remove any values for the REPLACE VALUE field, set NULL REPLACE to "N",
or specify a different object type.

NAT4832: A "?" may not be requested for object type (batch only).

Text A "?" may not be requested for object type (batch only).
Expl. A "?" may only be specified for the Object Type field of the SCAN
utility in a TP environment, not in a batch environment.
Actn. Determine the correct setting of the Object Type parameter before
using the SCAN utility in batch mode.

NAT4833: Enter a valid object type.

Text Enter a valid object type.
Expl. The code specified for the object type was not valid. The valid values
A, C, G, H, L, M, N, P, S, *, ?, blank
A "?" will allow you to select a valid code from a list.
A "*" or " " (blank) will result in all object types being scanned in
a library.
For additional information, see the Natural documentation,
use the help function of SCAN, or ask your Natural administrator.
Actn. Enter a valid object type.

NAT4834: Enter a valid function code.

Text Enter a valid function code.
Expl. An incorrect function code was entered.
Valid function codes are: "S", "." and "?".
Actn. Correct the function code and continue.

NAT4835: Library may not be blank.

Text Library may not be blank.
Expl. SCAN will scan only one library at a time. Therefore, a valid library
name - or application name (Natural Security) - must be specified.
Actn. Specify a valid library/application name.

NAT4836: Internal error with "edit": 0000 - contact DBA.

Text Internal error with "edit": 0000 - contact DBA.
Expl. SCAN must edit an object before a SCAN/REPLACE is done. If any error
is received while editing an object, SCAN will terminate with an
error - ERROR: 0000.
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT4837: Internal error with "scan": 0000 - contact DBA.

Text Internal error with "scan": 0000 - contact DBA.
Expl. While SCAN was scanning an object, an error was detected. SCAN will
terminate with an error - ERROR: 0000.
Actn. Contact your database administrator.

NAT4838: Enter new name for "rename" function.

Text Enter new name for "rename" function.
Expl. The RENAME function requires that a new program name be specified.
Actn. Enter new program name.

NAT4839: Specified library is protected by security definition.

Text Specified library is protected by security definition.
Expl. You have attempted to do a SCAN/REPLACE on a library/application
whose Natural Security profile does not allow this function.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT4840: Enter a valid command (? blank E EDT I L LET LIST Q .).

Text Enter a valid command (? blank E EDT I L LET LIST Q .).
Expl. Valid commands are:
Q or . Interrupt SCAN/REPLACE processing and return to the menu.
E Invoke the full screen editor to edit an object.
EDT Invoke the line editor to edit an object.
I Ignore processing of the current object and continue with
the next object. Do not save any modifications made.
L or LIST List the object currently being scanned/replaced.
LET Ignore all editing modifications made after ENTER was last
blank Continue with normal processing.
? or PF1 Invoke SCAN"s help facility.
PF2 Interrupt SCAN/REPLACE processing. Return to the menu.
PF3 Interrupt SCAN/REPLACE processing. Return to last function.
Actn. Enter a valid command or press a valid PF key.

NAT4841: "Scan/replace" terminated by user action.

Text "Scan/replace" terminated by user action.
Expl. You have requested the termination of SCAN and are returned to the menu.
The SCAN/REPLACE will not be completed;
however, all modifications made before termination was requested, will
be saved.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4842: "Scan/replace" interrupted by user action.

Text "Scan/replace" interrupted by user action.
Expl. You have terminated the SCAN/REPLACE operation.
Any modifications performed on the object currently being processed
will be lost.
You will be returned to the menu.
Actn. No action required, as termination was done at your request.

NAT4843: "Scan/replace" has successfully terminated.

Text "Scan/replace" has successfully terminated.
Expl. The selection criteria specified for the SCAN/REPLACE operation have
been processed successfully.
Processing terminated normally; you will be returned to the menu.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4844: Scan value must not be blank.

Text Scan value must not be blank.
Expl. The SCAN operation cannot be executed without a value or character
string being specified for the SCAN VALUE field.
Actn. Enter a value or character string in the SCAN VALUE field.

NAT4845: Error NATnnnn received during process of object <object>.

Text Error NATnnnn received during process of object <object>.
Expl. If SCAN receives a Natural error code while scanning or replacing
a specific object, this message will be returned with the specific
Natural error code and the name of the object being processed
when the error occurred.
Examples of this type of error are:
NAT0082 - The object selected was purged before it could be scanned.
NAT3148 - The database was terminated during the scan process.
Actn. Enter "? nnnn" for an explanation of error message NATnnnn.
If necessary, contact your database administrator for additional

NAT4846: "Replace" operation protected by security definition.

Text "Replace" operation protected by security definition.
Expl. To execute the REPLACE operation in a Natural Security environment,
the following Natural commands must be allowed in the appropriate
user/application profile: READ, SAVE (and either EDIT or EDT).
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator and review the
security profile which is in effect during the execution of SCAN.

NAT4847: Object type is protected by security definition.

Text Object type is protected by security definition.
Expl. Natural has a number of different object types for use with the
various Natural facilities and functions; for example, "P" for programs
"N" for subprograms, "G" for global data areas, etc.
If a specific object type is entered for the SCAN function,
SCAN will verify whether you have access to that object type by
checking your security definition.
Actn. Contact your Natural Security administrator to review the Natural
Security profile in effect during the SCAN processing.

NAT4848: Status of programs/modules displayed successfully.

Text Status of programs/modules displayed successfully.
Expl. Status information on programs/modules in the user"s library which
meet the specified search criteria, has been successfully displayed.
Actn. No action required.

NAT4849: Invalid date specification.

Text Invalid date specification.
Expl. The date was incorrectly entered. A data must be entered in the form
for international date (YY-MM-DD).
Actn. Enter correct date in correct form.

NAT4850: Invalid range specification.

Text Invalid range specification.
Expl. The range for a search criterion was specified incorrectly. The start
value must be less than or equal to the end value.
Actn. Correct error.

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