Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2751-2800

NAT2751: Object replaced.

Text Object replaced.
Expl. During the load process an object description in Predict has been

NAT2752: File type for file changed to "S".

Text File type for file changed to "S".
Expl. If you load a VSAM file, which was stored in Predict Version 1, the
file type is set to "S" in Predict Version 2, because some attributes
of the VSAM file definition are missing.
Actn. Change manually the SEQUENTIAL FILE in a VSAM FILE and add
the required attributes.

NAT2753: Adabas field name missing.

Text Adabas field name missing.
Expl. During the load process a field without an Adabas short name
was laoded. This message is a warning. Some files require to all
fields an Adabas short name. The field was loaded, but the file
contains now incorrect data. Please define to those fields the
Adabas short names.
Actn. Correct the invalid field.

NAT2754: FDT incorporated.

Text FDT incorporated.
Expl. The FDT has been incorporated successfully.

NAT2755: Master field missing.

Text Master field missing.
Expl. If you load a userview and no related Adabas field in Predict
Exists, this message will be sent.
Actn. Load first the related Adabas file.

NAT2756: Natural Security not installed.

Text Natural Security not installed.
Expl. The Natural Security feature is not installed. No Security options
are available.
Actn. Either do not specify Security options or install the
Natural Security System.

NAT2757: First character of PREFIX not alpha.

Text First character of PREFIX not alpha.
Expl. The PREFIX must start with an alpha character.
Actn. Check prefix and correct error.

NAT2758: Only command VERSIONS allowed.

Text Only command VERSIONS allowed.
Expl. Message occurres, if you want to unload predict version 1 data
with command "UNLOAD".
Actn. Enter command VERSIONS.

NAT2759: No related master file found. File not loaded.

Text No related master file found. File not loaded.
Expl. If you want to load a User view and no related Adabas file exists,
this message will be sent.
Actn. Please load first the Adabas file.

NAT2760: User exit program missing.

Text User exit program missing.
Expl. IF a USER EXIT should be activated via the Predict DDA SERVICES the
USER EXIT program must exist.
Actn. Catalog the user exit program.

NAT2761: Enter "O", "N", "Y", or "F".

Text Enter "O", "N", "Y", or "F".
Expl. The possible values of general system default parameters EDIT
OWNER/DESCRPTION are O, N, Y or F. See documentation for further

NAT2762: File is not locked.

Text File is not locked.
Expl. If you use the RECOVER function for a file which is not locked, This
message will be sent.
Actn. Check FILE-ID.

NAT2763: USER VIEW not loaded, because related MASTER FILE was rejected.

Text USER VIEW not loaded, because related MASTER FILE was rejected.
Expl. A USER VIEW should be laoded, but the related MASTER FILE was
rejected, because its file number was not unique.
Actn. Check the used file numbers.

NAT2764: If pre-processor specified, no Natural data allowed.

Text If pre-processor specified, no Natural data allowed.
Expl. Natural parameter data may not be used when deleting active
cross references using the Predict pre-processor.
Actn. Do not specify Natural data.

NAT2765: If PROGRAM-ID is specified, LIBRARY-ID must be specified too.

Text If PROGRAM-ID is specified, LIBRARY-ID must be specified too.
Expl. If you want an evaluation by PROGRAM name, you must also specify the
LIBRARY NAME. Its allowed to specify only a LIBRARY name.
Actn. Specify library name.

NAT2766: Abend data of preprocessor deleted.

Text Abend data of preprocessor deleted.
Expl. Active references will also be stored in the data dictionary if the
preprocessor terminates with condition code greater zero.
These abend data can be deleted by a special function of DDA SERVICES.

NAT2767: More than 130 fields are undefined.

Text More than 130 fields are undefined.
Expl. Maximal 130 fields, which are used but not defined in Predict, are
Actn. Define the used fields in Predict.

NAT2768: Xref data deleted.

Text Xref data deleted.
Expl. This message tells you that active crossreference records have
been deleted successfully.

NAT2769: Please enter User ID or ".".

Text Please enter User ID or ".".
Expl. When using the owner editor, you may enter the owners of an object.
If an owner has no users defined, it will be marked with a "?".
To define one or more users for such an owner,
enter .E in the respective editor line; then enter a User ID
for the new user description.
Actn. Enter a new User ID or a ".".

NAT2770: SUPER Natural only possible, if file has security definitions.

Text SUPER Natural only possible, if file has security definitions.
Expl. IF Natural Security is active, the generation of a SUPER Natural file
entry is only possible if also Security definitions for the file are
Actn. Generate also Security definition. Enter "Y" for Natural Security.

NAT2771: Copy-field ID or Copy-file ID missing.

Text Copy-field ID or Copy-file ID missing.
Expl. An attempt was made to copy a field without having specified a
Copy-field ID. A field can be copied from one file to another
or into the same file by changing its name.
Actn. Enter either a Field ID or a File ID.

NAT2772: Start-field ID not found.

Text Start-field ID not found.
Expl. The Start-field ID was not found in the file. A valid
Start-field ID must be entered in order to copy fields.
Actn. Enter a valid Start-field ID.

NAT2773: Start-field ID missing.

Text Start-field ID missing.
Expl. No Start-field ID was entered.
Actn. Enter a Start-field ID.

NAT2774: Do not specify both Field ID and File ID for start field.

Text Do not specify both Field ID and File ID for start field.
Expl. The selection can be performed in two ways: either all fields from
one file are displayed for selection, or all files containing the
field entered are displayed.
Actn. Enter either a Field ID or a File ID; do not enter both.

NAT2775: No SUPER Natural possible if status private.

Text No SUPER Natural possible if status private.
Expl. If Natural Security is active and a file is declared as private
no generation of a SUPER Natural file entry is possible.
Actn. Change status of the file, if necessary.

NAT2776: SUPER Natural file added.

Text SUPER Natural file added.
Expl. At generation DDM for the file a SUPER Natural entry has been generated.

NAT2777: Hit enter to return to menu.

Text Hit enter to return to menu.
Expl. This message is issued when an error is encountered during the
generation of a Data Definition Module; a specific error message
is also returned with this message.
Actn. Hit enter and the menu will be displayed.
Hit enter to go back to menu; correct error.

NAT2778: Invalid offset or length of primary key.

Text Invalid offset or length of primary key.
Expl. This error message occurres at generation DDM of logical VSAM file.
Offset and length of the primary key in the logical VSAM file must be
equate to the offset and length of the primary key in the physical
VSAM file in consideration with the length of the Prefix.
If the VSAM prefix was not specified at maintenance logical VSAM file,
the standard VSAM prefix "file number" will be taken.
Actn. Correct offset or length of the primary key in the logical or physical
VSAM file.

NAT2779: Incorrect length for primary key.

Text Incorrect length for primary key.
Expl. Correct length of the primary key.

NAT2780: Field moved successfully.

Text Field moved successfully.
Expl. The field was moved successfully within the file.

NAT2781: Object purge was not confirmed.

Text Object purge was not confirmed.
Expl. When an object should be deleted in Predict, the system needs
an additional confirmation.
In the present case, the user abends the PURGE function and
the object still remains in the dictionary.

NAT2782: Object purged successfully.

Text Object purged successfully.
Expl. The object description was deleted from the dictionary. All other
entries belonging to the object remain in the dictionary.

NAT2783: Object scratched successfully.

Text Object scratched successfully.
Expl. The object and all objects belonging to that object have been
deleted from the dictionary.

NAT2784: Enter "DELETE" or "SCRATCH" or ".".

Text Enter "DELETE" or "SCRATCH" or ".".
Expl. The user has been prompted for an confirmation: if "DELETE" is
entered, only the specified object will be deleted; if "SCRATCH" is
entered, the object and all its dependent objects will be deleted;
if input is ".", no object will be deleted.
Actn. Enter the desired option.

NAT2785: Alternate index not on that offset.

Text Alternate index not on that offset.
Expl. The defined offset of the alternate index is wrong.
Actn. Check offset.

NAT2786: Invalid length of alternate index.

Text Invalid length of alternate index.
Expl. The defined length of the alternate index is wrong.
Actn. Check length of the alternate index.

NAT2787: No generation for conceptual or standard file allowed.

Text No generation for conceptual or standard file allowed.
Expl. The generation of copy code is not allowed for conceptual and
standard files. You must copy the file definition to another
file, which is not of type standard or conceptual, then you
can start the generation.
Actn. Check file type or use another file.

NAT2788: No file number available, file not loaded.

Text No file number available, file not loaded.
Expl. All file numbers with the same last 3 digits of the specified file
number are used. For example the file numbers
0001, 1001, 2001, 3001,........................, 9001 all used.
Actn. Use another file number.

NAT2789: Invalid Adabas file number, not loaded.

Text Invalid Adabas file number, not loaded.
Expl. The last 3 digits of the file number greater 255.
Actn. Check file-number and correct error.

NAT2790: Enter "DELETE" or ".".

Text Enter "DELETE" or ".".
Expl. The user has been prompted for an confirmation:
if "delete" is entered, the specified object will be deleted;
if "." is entered, no object will be deleted.
Actn. Enter the desired option.

NAT2791: All keywords have relations.

Text All keywords have relations.
Expl. Every keyword defined in Predict has relations.

NAT2792: No object was selected.

Text No object was selected.
Expl. A menu for selecting an object from a list was displayed, and the
user was prompted to select one of the objects. None was marked.

NAT2793: An object was selected.

Text An object was selected.
Expl. The user was prompted to select an object from a list. An object
was marked by the user. This message indicates that Predict has
carried out the selection.

NAT2794: The RENAME function was not performed.

Text The RENAME function was not performed.
Expl. After the RENAME function has been invoked, the user did not enter
the new name for the object. Therefore, the RENAME function did not
take place.

NAT2795: For copy a user view file number cannot change.

Text For copy a user view file number cannot change.
Expl. If you copy a user view from an Adabas master file, the file number
cannot be changed.
Actn. Enter the file number of the master file.

NAT2796: Indicator not "+" OR "-".

Text Indicator not "+" OR "-".
Expl. The indicator tells the editor whether the entered line command
should be performed after the line ("+") or before the line ("-")
where the command was entered. For example, the line command
".W" will open a window after the line where this command
has been entered if the value of the indicator is "+" and will
open the window before the mentioned line if the value of the
indicator is "-".
Actn. Enter "+" or "-" for the indicator.

NAT2797: Target file does not exist.

Text Target file does not exist.
Expl. An attempt was made to copy a field to a non-existant file.
Actn. Enter a valid File ID.

NAT2798: File tested successfully.

Text File tested successfully.
Expl. The file was tested against the FDT: no differences between the
FDT and the file were found.

NAT2799: File tested with error.

Text File tested with error.
Expl. During a test of a file against the FDT, differences were found
(for example, a field name in the file was not found in the FDT).
Actn. Check file and correct error.

NAT2800: The file entered is not accessible.

Text The file entered is not accessible.
Expl. Adabas was unable to gain access to a file. Probable reasons are:
- file not in data base; or
- authorization level too low to gain access; or
- file is locked.
Actn. Correct error and retry.

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