Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2801-2850

NAT2801: File must be regenerated.

Text File must be regenerated.
Expl. The defined Adabas file is not equivalent to the Adabas FDT. Regenerate
the Adabas file or change the file definition in Predict.
Actn. Regenerate the file.

NAT2802: MODULES/REPORTS do not belong to a PROGRAM.

Text MODULES/REPORTS do not belong to a PROGRAM.
Expl. The subobject entered does not belong to any object. This message is
issued when, for example, a report declared in the dictionary has no
relation to any program.

NAT2803: From-date greater than to-date.

Text From-date greater than to-date.
Expl. The specified to-date must always be greater than from-date.
Actn. Check entered dates and correct error.

NAT2804: Physical/logical file for userview does not exist.

Text Physical/logical file for userview does not exist.
Expl. No physical or logical file for a userview exists.
Actn. Create a physical or logical file.

NAT2805: Execution of program stopped with PF-key.

Text Execution of program stopped with PF-key.
Expl. The execution of the program has been stopped with a PF-key.

NAT2806: Phys. VSAM file for incorporate LOGICAL VSAM file does not exist.

Text Phys. VSAM file for incorporate LOGICAL VSAM file does not exist.
Expl. The physical VSAM file (FILE-TYPE "V") must be defined in the dictionary
before the related LOGICAL VSAM file (FILE-TYPE "L") can be
Actn. Define or INCORPORATE physical VSAM file.

NAT2807: File does not exist.

Text File does not exist.
Expl. An attempt was made to RECOVER a non-existent file. Please enter
the correct name of the file which is to be recovered.
Actn. Enter a valid file name.

NAT2808: File cannot be recovered.

Text File cannot be recovered.
Expl. The file is intact. No inconsistencies were detected; therefore,
no RECOVER is permitted/necessary.
Actn. Do not RECOVER intact files.

NAT2809: Subobjects having no related objects listed successfully.

Text Subobjects having no related objects listed successfully.
Expl. At RETRIEVAL, The sub-objects which have no relation to an object
were listed, for example: all files which have no related database
are listed.

NAT2810: All sub-objects have related objects.

Text All sub-objects have related objects.
Expl. At RETRIEVAL, all subobjects,which do not have any related objects
were requested. No subobjects met the required condition. For example:
all files defined in the dictionary have a relation to a report or a

NAT2811: All objects have related subobjects.

Text All objects have related subobjects.
Expl. At RETRIEVAL, all objects that do not have any subobjects were
requested. No object met the condition. For example: all programs have
reports and/or modules.

NAT2812: The object entered has no subobjects.

Text The object entered has no subobjects.
Expl. In a RETRIEVAL, an object"s subobjects were requested. This message
informes the user that the object has no sub-objects, for example:
that a file has no fields.

NAT2813: Objects without subobjects listed successfully.

Text Objects without subobjects listed successfully.
Expl. At RETRIEVAL, all objects having no relation to a subobject
were requested. These objects have been displayed successfully.

NAT2814: Too many continuation cards. Input skipped:

Text Too many continuation cards. Input skipped:
Expl. The command input for Predict in batch is delimited. Under special
circumstances some input cards are skipped. The skipped parameters
are listed.
Actn. Reduce command input.

NAT2815: Overflow occurred. Parameter possibly skipped:

Text Overflow occurred. Parameter possibly skipped:
Expl. The command input for Predict in batch is delimited. Under some
circumstances an overflow may have occurred and not all parameters
are recognized by the command processor. The skipped parameters are
Actn. Reduce command input in batch.

NAT2816: Error description displayed.

Text Error description displayed.
Expl. In the command line a help request was entered. The error description
for the requested error has been displayed.

NAT2817: Command help displayed.

Text Command help displayed.
Expl. In the command line a help request was entered. The help description
will be displayed.

NAT2818: Internal error in command processor.

Text Internal error in command processor.
Expl. An internal error has occurred.
Actn. Document the command sequence and contact SAG support.

NAT2819: Object converted.

Text Object converted.
Expl. The conversion of an object from version 1 format into version 2
format was executed.

NAT2820: Object has got an old description.

Text Object has got an old description.
Expl. Before the conversion is started an old description for the object
has been found.

NAT2821: Object has got a new description.

Text Object has got a new description.
Expl. Before the conversion is started a description in version 2 format
has been found.
Actn. Delete the new description or do not start the conversion.

NAT2822: Object conversion listed successfully.

Text Object conversion listed successfully.
Expl. The converted objects have been displayed successfully.

NAT2823: For object class "ALL" no ID allowed.

Text For object class "ALL" no ID allowed.
Expl. No identification (ID) may be defined when all data of the dictionary
should be unloaded or when all unloaded data on the sequential data
set should be loaded.
Actn. Do not specify any ID when using the command "ALL".

NAT2824: System points to a different library.

Text System points to a different library.
Expl. The program implementation pointer consisting of
- program id
- library
- fnr
- dbid
is not equivalent to the implementation pointer of the system which
the program belongs to. The system implementation consists of
- library id
- fnr
- dbid.
Actn. Change the implementation pointer of the program.

NAT2825: Keys must be different.

Text Keys must be different.
Expl. The specified keywords for an object must be different.
Actn. Check specified keys.

NAT2826: Synonyms must be different.

Text Synonyms must be different.
Expl. The specified synonyms for an element must be different.
Actn. Enter different synonyms.

NAT2827: PF-KEY must be less than 25.

Text PF-KEY must be less than 25.
Expl. Predict supports PF-KEY 1 thru PF-KEY 24.
Actn. Enter a valid PF-KEY.

NAT2828: Maximum page size is 250.

Text Maximum page size is 250.
Expl. The specified page size must be less 251.
Actn. Enter a valid page size.

NAT2829: Synonym must be 1...9.

Text Synonym must be 1...9.
Expl. Up to 9 synomyms can be specified.
Actn. Use only synonym1 thru synonym9.

NAT2830: This user is not defined or was purged.

Text This user is not defined or was purged.
Expl. The specified user is not known in Security. For details, consult the
Natural Security documentation and the security notes in the Predict
Reference documentation.

NAT2831: Invalid password entered.

Text Invalid password entered.
Expl. An invalid password was entered. Either an unauthorized user tried to
violate the system or the password was misspelled. For details, consult
the Natural Security documentation and the security notes in the
Predict documentation.
Actn. Enter the correct password.

NAT2832: The user is not an authorized owner.

Text The user is not an authorized owner.
Expl. An attempt was made to execute a function with an object for which the
user must be an authorized owner. For details, see the Natural Security
documentation and the security notes in the Predict documentation.

NAT2833: No authorized owners signed with passwords.

Text No authorized owners signed with passwords.
Expl. An authorized owner must sign with his password when a function is
performed on an object not belonging to the user. For details,
see the Natural Security documentation and the security notes in the
Predict documentation.

NAT2834: Authorized owners must sign.

Text Authorized owners must sign.
Expl. If a function is to be performed on an object not belonging to the
user and the user is linked to that object, authorized owners
must sign with their passwords. For details, see Natural Security
documentation and the security notes in the Predict documentation.

NAT2835: User not authorized to generate this DDM.

Text User not authorized to generate this DDM.
Expl. In Natural Security the user is not authorized to generate the Data
Definition Module. For details, see the Natural Security documentation
and the security notes in the Predict documentation.

NAT2836: No "SCRATCH" because of activated user-exit.

Text No "SCRATCH" because of activated user-exit.
Expl. If the user-exit for the purge function is activated, "SCRATCH" of
objects is not possible any longer.
Actn. Use the "PURGE" function.

NAT2837: Not enough owners available.

Text Not enough owners available.
Expl. This message occurs during the purge of an Adabas file, if Security
is active. Predict determines the minimum number of security owners
of the DDMs related to this Adabas file. For every DDM the owners
must sign. Sometimes it might happen, that the established list is
not sufficient for Natural Security. In this case, please purge
first all related user views and then the Adabas file.
Actn. Delete the userviews.

NAT2838: Renumber not allowed for user views.

Text Renumber not allowed for user views.
Expl. The function renumber is not allowed for files of type "U" (Userview).
Actn. Renumber the Adabas file.

NAT2839: No line marked with ".N".

Text No line marked with ".N".
Expl. The edit command "POINT" only makes sense, if a line has been marked
with ".N" before.
Actn. Mark a line with ".N" before issuing the edit command "POINT".

NAT2840: The fields related to the standard file have been listed.

Text The fields related to the standard file have been listed.
Expl. All fields related to the standard file have been displayed
on the screen.

NAT2841: File number required.

Text File number required.
Expl. The specification of the file number is required.
Actn. Enter a file number.

NAT2842: File is not a VSAM file.

Text File is not a VSAM file.
Expl. The referenced file is not a VSAM file.
Actn. Check input and correct error.

NAT2843: Logical VSAM files only for "KSDS" files.

Text Logical VSAM files only for "KSDS" files.
Expl. The creation of logical VSAM files are only allowed if the
physical file is of type "KSDS".
Actn. Check file type.

NAT2844: No library specified.

Text No library specified.
Expl. A member and a library must be specified for the PUNCH command.
Actn. Enter a library.

NAT2845: Related File number only allowed for logical VSAM files.

Text Related File number only allowed for logical VSAM files.
Expl. If you add a new file the specification of the related file number
is only allowed for logical VSAM files.
Actn. Enter blank for related file number.

NAT2846: Member punched out on work file 1.

Text Member punched out on work file 1.
Expl. The member specified was punched out on work file 1.

NAT2847: Number of lines processed.

Text Number of lines processed.
Expl. This message informs the user how many lines were processed.

NAT2848: File number must change.

Text File number must change.
Expl. If you change the file type of a userview, the file number must
be changed too.
Actn. Enter a new file number.

NAT2849: Object not unique.

Text Object not unique.
Expl. The truncated object name, which was checked by the command-processor,
is not unique.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT2850: Do not modify standard attributes.

Text Do not modify standard attributes.
Expl. The currently modified field contains standard attibutes.
You may not modify those standards unless you mark the field as
Actn. Enter the correct attribute or mark the field as nonstandard.

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