Version 6.3.8 for Windows
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 2701-2750

NAT2701: Line subcommand is outside of source lines.

Text Line subcommand is outside of source lines.
Expl. The line subcommand entered is outside of the source lines.
Actn. Commands may not be entered outside of the source lines.

NAT2702: Line command ".M" without "X" or "Y" found.

Text Line command ".M" without "X" or "Y" found.
Expl. This command tells you that the editor recognized the line
command ".M" but is missing "X", "Y" or "X-Y". The line command
".M" has three valid forms, namely
All other forms are flagged as invalid.
Actn. Enter one of the three commands mentioned above when you want to move

NAT2703: No line marked "X".

Text No line marked "X".
Expl. An edit command referring to a line marked with "X" was entered
without any line being so marked.
Actn. Mark the desired line with "X".

NAT2704: No line marked "Y".

Text No line marked "Y".
Expl. An edit command referring to a line marked with "Y" was entered
without any line being so marked.
Actn. Mark the desired line with "Y".

NAT2705: Y-position not behind X-position.

Text Y-position not behind X-position.
Expl. A line command was entered with two marked lines involved.
The line marked with "X" is behind the one marked with "Y".
Actn. Reverse the order of the marks.

NAT2706: Copied/moved lines overlap target line.

Text Copied/moved lines overlap target line.
Expl. An attempt was made to copy source lines into an area between the
source lines.
Actn. Do not enter a line command between the lines marked "X" and "Y".

NAT2707: ".J" entered in last line.

Text ".J" entered in last line.
Expl. The ".J" line command (JOIN) can not be entered in the last line.

NAT2708: An invalid edit command was entered.

Text An invalid edit command was entered.
Expl. An invalid edit command was entered. Valid commands are
explained in the help screen.
Actn. Enter a valid command or "?" for help.

NAT2709: Do not replace to same data.

Text Do not replace to same data.
Expl. Do not scan for data and replace it with same data.
Actn. Enter different scan and replace strings.

NAT2710: All objects from work file 1 loaded.

Text All objects from work file 1 loaded.
Expl. All Predict objects,which are on the work file 1, are loaded
by the MIGRATE utility.

NAT2711: Missing DDNAME for VSAM file.

Text Missing DDNAME for VSAM file.
Expl. To generate a DDM for a VSAM file a DDNAME must be supplied.
Actn. Add the DDNAME to the file definition in Predict.

NAT2712: Rule of mode "REPORT" may not be generated.

Text Rule of mode "REPORT" may not be generated.
Expl. The mode is set to "STRUCT" (SM=ON) and it is not permitted to change
to "REPORT" mode.
Actn. Contact your DDA.

NAT2713: Editing terminated.

Text Editing terminated.
Expl. The edit session was terminated due to a user-issued edit command.
No update was performed.

NAT2714: No Adabas short name available.

Text No Adabas short name available.
Expl. The generation of Adabas short names terminated abnormally, because
no more Adabas short names available.
Actn. Reduce fields of file.

NAT2715: Standard file updated.

Text Standard file updated.
Expl. The standard file has been updated. All elements which are
connected to the standard file were updated too (RIPPLING

NAT2716: All fields already in standard file.

Text All fields already in standard file.
Expl. You have tried to execute the PUSH BACKWARD function using a file whose
fields are already linked to another standard file. No field has been
copied to the standard file, because one field can only be linked
to one standard file.

NAT2717: Invalid program type.

Text Invalid program type.
Expl. Allowed program types are:
"F" Fetch program
"M" Map
"N" Call Subroutine
"S" Perform Subroutine
Actn. Correct program type.

NAT2718: Source field for sub-/super-/phon- descriptor missing.

Text Source field for sub-/super-/phon- descriptor missing.
Expl. During DDM generation an error occured. Either a super descriptor
with no source field was found or a source field for a super descriptor
was not found in the file. Therefore the generation of the DDM has been
Actn. Check file and correct error.

NAT2719: Do not misuse "change" command.

Text Do not misuse "change" command.
Expl. This powerful edit command allows you to change a character string
or to replace it with a null value, but not both at the same time.
Actn. Either replace with a null value or with a new string.

NAT2720: No RENAME function for standard fields.

Text No RENAME function for standard fields.
Expl. Standard fields may not be renamed.
Actn. Do not RENAME a standard field.

NAT2721: File is locked by user.

Text File is locked by user.
Expl. If the function RENAME or RENUMBER a file terminates abnormally,
the file is not released from the locked status.
Actn. Start the RECOVERY function of Predict.

NAT2722: Cursor outside source line.

Text Cursor outside source line.
Expl. When using the ".S" line command a test is made if the cursors position
is in the source line. If not, this message is issued.
Actn. When splitting a line, position the cursor to the split point of the
source line.

NAT2723: Input-file is locked by user.

Text Input-file is locked by user.
Expl. The file, which describes the input data of the ADACMP utility,
is lock by the listed user.
Actn. Use the Predict RECOVERY function to release the file.

NAT2724: Do not modify deleted lines.

Text Do not modify deleted lines.
Expl. In the editor you may delete some fields. These fields remain
on the screen, marked as deleted. You may not modify those
Actn. Do not modify deleted fields.

NAT2725: Second "REDEFINE" on wrong level.

Text Second "REDEFINE" on wrong level.
Expl. The additional "REDEFINE" with the field name "FILLER" has not the
same level as the basic field.
Actn. Correct error.

NAT2726: Maintain AUTOMATIC or FREE RULE with Natural V2 only.

Text Maintain AUTOMATIC or FREE RULE with Natural V2 only.
Expl. Rules with status "AUTOMATIC" or "FREE" are features of Natural V2
and they can only maintained in a Natural V2 environment.
Actn. Use Natural V2.

NAT2727: No "SCRATCH" in Natural Security.

Text No "SCRATCH" in Natural Security.
Expl. If Natural Security is active, only the function "PURGE DATABASE"
is possible. The connected files of the database must be explicitly
Actn. Enter PURGE for function code.

NAT2728: Command .J may not be used in first line of screen.

Text Command .J may not be used in first line of screen.
Expl. The command .J joins the current line with the line immediately
preceding it. Since no preceding line exists in this case, the
command is not executable.
Actn. Do not enter command .J in the first line.

NAT2729: Position the cursor to the split point.

Text Position the cursor to the split point.
Expl. In order to split a line, the cursor must be positioned
to the split point. Hit ENTER to split the line.
Actn. Position the cursor to the split point and hit ENTER.

NAT2730: No shift direction specified (+NN,-NN).

Text No shift direction specified (+NN,-NN).
Expl. The edit command shift requires one parameter, the direction. This
parameter is a signed number which may be omitted; in this case the
default value "+3" is assumed.
Actn. Enter a shift parameter (+NN, or -NN).

NAT2731: Invalid parameter in line command.

Text Invalid parameter in line command.
Expl. Some line commands may have parameter. For example, the line command
".C(NNN)" will copy a line "NNN" times; however the line command ".C(0)"
means "copy this line zero times" , which makes no sense. Therefore the
message above is issued.
Actn. Enter a valid parameter for line command.

NAT2732: X-line must be on the screen for shift.

Text X-line must be on the screen for shift.
Expl. To shift a text, it is required that the X-line be on the screen.
After the text has been shifted, part of the text should be seen
on the screen.
Actn. Position to the X-line by entering .X in the command line.

NAT2733: DDM does not exist.

Text DDM does not exist.
Expl. DDM specified does not exist; no incorporation can be performed.
Either the DDM does not exist or it is cataloged in another
Natural system file.
Actn. Enter a valid DDM. Ensure that the correct Natural system file
has been specified.

NAT2734: Objects loaded completely.

Text Objects loaded completely.
Expl. The objects have been loaded into the dictionary.

NAT2735: No Object from work file 1 loaded.

Text No Object from work file 1 loaded.
Expl. No object on the input file (Natural work file 1) has been loaded.
Possibly the search criteria did not match to any object on
the input file or the input file is empty.
Actn. Verify the load criteria.

NAT2736: Unkown object-type in group on work file 1.

Text Unkown object-type in group on work file 1.
Expl. Each group of objects on the work file is preceeded by a control
record. If this control record was not found, this error message
has been issued.
Actn. Check that the correct control records are written to the sequential

NAT2737: All objects from work file 1 loaded.

Text All objects from work file 1 loaded.
Expl. This message indicates that all objects have been loaded successfully.

NAT2738: Name + Prefix + Suffix > 32 Characters.

Text Name + Prefix + Suffix > 32 Characters.
Expl. The new name of the object has been truncated to 32 characters
because the resulting name, the concatenation of name prefix and suffix,
was too long.
Actn. Do not use such a large prefix and/or suffix.

NAT2739: Warning: no owner loaded.

Text Warning: no owner loaded.
Expl. The DDA has set the owner switch to "force". The loaded object
must have some owner attributes, but it did not. This message
is only a warning.
Actn. Please add the required owners to the object.

NAT2740: No description for the object was found.

Text No description for the object was found.
Expl. For the specified object no description exists.
Actn. Add later the required description to the object.

NAT2741: Object already exists.

Text Object already exists.
Expl. An object with the same object-id exists.
Actn. Check the object id and correct error.

NAT2742: No available file number found.

Text No available file number found.
Expl. An attempt was made to define more than 10 files with the same Adabas
file number. The Predict file number is a four-digit number,
i.e. a number of the form N001 through N255. The first digit of
the Predict file number "N", is used to distinguish between files.
The last three digits specify the Adabas file number.
Actn. Check whether all files are necessary; delete nonessential files.

NAT2743: DDM incorporated successfully.

Text DDM incorporated successfully.
Expl. A DDM not generated by Predict has been incorporated into the

NAT2744: File buffer too small.

Text File buffer too small.
Expl. The file buffer must be large enough to incorporate a DDM. Since the
buffer was too small, the DDM was not incorporated. The file buffer
size is specified in the dynamic parameter FSIZE.
Actn. Increase the size of the file buffer.

NAT2745: No Object Loaded.

Text No Object Loaded.
Expl. There was no object qualified.
Actn. Check program and correct error

NAT2746: Object Loaded.

Text Object Loaded.
Expl. The object is successfully loaded.

NAT2747: Invalid record found.

Text Invalid record found.
Expl. The record, which was read, is invalid, e.g. the length was wrong.
Actn. Generate correct records. If the input file was generated by the
unload function of MIGRATE utility contact SAG.

NAT2748: File number must be entered.

Text File number must be entered.
Expl. In order to incorporate an FDT, a file number is required
to establish the relationship between the FDT and the file.
Actn. Enter a valid file number.

NAT2749: Warning: KEYWORD not defined.

Text Warning: KEYWORD not defined.
Expl. The Predict data are checked during loading. if at that moment
no key exists a warning will be send. The KEYWORDs belonging to this
data set could be laoded later.
Actn. Check the keys after all data loaded.

NAT2750: Warning: OWNER not defined.

Text Warning: OWNER not defined.
Expl. During load of Predict data it will be checked that the OWNERS of the
loaded object are defined. This message is a warning. Possibly the OWNER
records will be loaded afterwards. They must belong to the same
data set.
Actn. Check the data after all records are loaded.

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