Version 6.3.3

Natural for Ajax

This documentation is organized under the following headings:

Using Natural for Ajax

Introduction What is Natural for Ajax?

Installation How to install Natural for Ajax on the supported application servers.

Setting Up Your Environment How to set up Application Designer, your development environment for Natural, and your runtime environment for Natural.

First Steps How to create a "Hello World!" application.

Developing the User Interface How to develop the user interface using Application Designer.

Developing the Application Code How to develop the application code using Natural Studio or Natural for Eclipse.

Deploying the Application How to unload and install the Natural modules and user interface components.

Multi Language Management Describes aspects to be considered for internationalization.
Application Designer Reference (adapted to Natural for Ajax)

Working with Controls Shows you how to work with the elements that are placed into containers - the controls.

Working with Grids Explains what grids are and how to use them.

Working with Trees Explains the basic types of trees and how to use them.

Working with Menus Shows you how to arrange a number of functions in a structured way.

Non-Visual Controls and Hot Keys Describes how to develop controls that do not have visual effects.

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