Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  System Commands  —







  [options ...]

CATALL object-name [TO object-name] RECAT [TYPES types] CATALOG
    ALL   STOW

This command is used to store all objects in the current library in source and/or object form.

When you enter the CATALL command without any additional options, the Catalog Objects in Library screen is displayed, which you use to perform the functions described below. You can also issue the CATALL command directly using the command syntax shown above.

You can also select functions on the Catalog Objects in Library screen by default using the subprogram CATALLU2. In addition you may enable CATALLU2 to be called in batch or command mode. The subprogram is delivered in source form in library SYSTEM (FNAT). To activate the subprogram, modify it as described in its source, then catalog it and copy it to SYSLIB. The subprogram is called before the Catalog Objects in Library screen is output.

See also Object Naming Conventions in the Using Natural documentation.

This document covers the following topics:

Catalog Objects from/to

If you wish CATALL to be performed for all objects of the selected types in the current library, specify an asterisk (*) as object name in the from field.

If you wish CATALL to be performed for a certain range of objects, you can use asterisk notation (*) and wildcard notation (?) for the name in the from field, as described for the system command LIST.

You can also specify a start setting and an end setting for a certain range of objects by entering corresponding object names (without asterisk or wildcard notation) in the from and to fields.

Instead of entering settings in these fields, you can also select objects from a selection list.

Moreover, you can use the from field to enter the name of an object of type text which contains a list of CATALL commands. The CATALL commands contained in the text will then be executed. You can either create such a text manually or have it created automatically when you use the selection list.

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Recatalog Only Existing Modules, or Catalog All Sources

This option only applies to the functions Catalog and Stow:

This option does not apply to objects of type copycode and text.

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Select Object Types

By default, CATALL applies to objects of all types in the current library (all object types are marked with X).

If you wish objects of a certain type not to be processed by CATALL, overwrite the respective X with a blank.

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Select Function

You can select one of the following functions to be applied to the selected objects: SAVE, CATALOG, STOW or CHECK. The functions correspond to the system commands of the same names.

Objects of type copycode and text will be saved, even if you select Stow. They will not be saved, if you select Catalog.

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Select Options

You can select one or more of the following options for CATALL processing:

Condition Code in Batch If you execute CATALL in batch mode and mark this option with a character, Condition Code 55 will be returned either if a syntax error is detected during CATALL execution or if no objects are found within the specified range of objects to be processed (applies to CATALOG and STOW only).
Renumber Source-Code Lines By default, the source-code lines of sources that were saved or stowed are also renumbered.

If you wish no automatic renumbering of lines, overwrite the X in this field with a blank.

Keep Result List CATALL generates a result list. If you wish to keep this list for further use, mark this field with a character.

The library SYSEXT contains the application programming interface USR1024N, which you can use to output the result list.

You can also re-display the result list with another CATALL command. Since the parameters are also stored in the result list, the parameters of the CATALL which created the result list are valid. In batch, if a library contains a result list, it is displayed automatically with a CATALL command. In this case, the batch CATALL job will issue a message and because no modules will be cataloged the job will end with Condition Code 56. Online, if a library contains a result list, you will be asked whether to display the previous result list or start a new CATALL run.

Processing Information

During online processing, CATALL shows a scrolling display of processing status information.

During batch processing, CATALL only outputs the modules which caused an error.

To suppress this display, overwrite the X in this field with a blank.

Error Report At the end of processing, CATALL displays a list of the errors that occurred.

To suppress this error list, overwrite the X in this field with a blank.

Extended Error Report The error report will be output in extended form, with directory information, error line and error message.

To output the Extended Error Report, mark this field with an X.

PF4 AddOp

Pressing PF4 causes a window to appear in which you can select or enter additional options.

Error Text Member: Enter the name of a Natural text member. An error list of a CATALL run will be written to this text member.

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Selection List

If you wish to use CATALL only for certain objects, you can select these objects from a selection list.

To do so, first make the desired specifications under Select Function and Select Options, and then press PF5. A list of the objects stored in the current library is displayed.

The list corresponds to that of the system command LIST. Scrolling the selection list and the specification of new selection criteria on the list is also done in the same way as with the LIST command.

On the list, select the desired objects by marking them with a character in the column Cmd. To simultaneously select all objects of the current selection list, press PF5. You can then scroll the list, specify other selection criteria, and select further objects.

When you have selected all objects you wish to process, press PF3.

A window is displayed which allows you to store the selected set of objects so that you can re-use it in other CATALL processing:

CATALL will then begin to process the selected objects.

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Direct Command Syntax

For the various specifications you can make on the Catalog Objects in Library screen, there are also corresponding options which you can specify directly with the system command CATALL:

object-name TO object-name Corresponds to the fields Catalog Objects from and to of the Catalog Objects in Library screen, see Catalog Objects from/to.
RECAT / ALL Corresponds to the options Recatalog Only Existing Modules, or Catalog All Sources of the Catalog Objects in Library screen. RECAT is the default, see Recatalog Only Existing Modules, or Catalog All Sources.
TYPES types Corresponds to the object types marked on the Catalog Objects in Library screen, see Select Object Types. Possible types are:
G Global data areas
A Parameter data areas
L Local data areas
C Copycodes
T Texts
S Subroutines
N Subprograms
H Helproutines
M Maps
P Programs
4 Classes
* All types (this is the default)

The types have to be specified as one character string, for example, "LAG" for local, parameter and global data areas. By default, CATALL applies to objects of all types in the current library.

SAVE / CATALOG / STOW / CHECK Corresponds to the actions of the same names on the Catalog Objects in Library screen, see Select Function. CATALOG is the default.
These options correspond to Select Options on the Catalog Objects in Library screen, see Select Options. Possible options are:
CC Condition Code will be returned.
NOREN  No automatic renumbering of source-code lines.
KEEP Result list will be kept.
NOSCROLL Online: scrolling display of processing status information will be suppressed. Batch: output of only those modules, which caused an error.
NOREPORT Error report will be suppressed.
FULL Error report will be extended.
EL <text-member> [R]
EL <text-member> Output error list to a Natural text member.
R If a member already exits, the EL parameter is disabled, unless R (replace) is specified behind <text-member>.

If you specify NOREPORT and NOSCROLL, KEEP will automatically apply, too.

text-name Corresponds to specifying a text name in the Catalog Objects from field of the Catalog Objects in Library screen, see Catalog Objects from/to.


Start of instruction setTo stow only objects for which object modules already exist

Start of instruction setTo stow all objects

The individual command components must be separated from one another either by a blank or by the input delimiter character (as defined with the session parameter ID).

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