Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - User Profile - Function 31.1

A user profile contains information on the logical printers to be used. For each WRITE (rep) statement a logical printer is defined. For example, if the statement WRITE (2) is executed, the second logical printer contained in the currently active user profile will be used to describe the characteristics of the reports produced by the WRITE (2) statement.

You can also define a logical printer for the hardcopy function.

This feature enables a user to select a printer which is convenient (that is, a printer which is located near the user's terminal, or a printer into which a special form has been inserted).

Below is information on:

Invoking User Profile

When you invoke this function, the User Profile window appears:

Time 10:02:37        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                     +---------- User Profile 7/411 _---------+
      Administration                 !                                        !
                                     !  Enter name of                         !
      10 Reports / Queues            !                                        !
      11 Devices                     !       User Profile                     !
      12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
      13 Applications                !  or                                    !
      14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                     !      *    for Selection                !
      Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                     !      ?    for Help                     !
      30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
      31 Objects                     !      .    for End                      !
      32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      -------------------------         !
      34 Transfer Objects            !      / ________ /                      !
                                     !                                        !
Enter values.                                                                  
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc   

In this window, you can specify the name of an existing user profile, select a profile from a list of profiles available or add a new profile to the spool file.

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Selecting a User Profile from a List

To select a user profile from a list, enter one of the following:

A list of user profiles is then shown in a window.

Time 10:14:38        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21  
User SAG                           M e n u                     File 7/411       
                                      +------------Select with CA*-------------+
       Administration                 !  New start value ......... _________   !
                                      !  -----------------------------------   !
       10 Reports / Queues            !  Fl Cm  Name        Fl Cm  Name        !
       11 Devices                     !  -- --  ---------   -- --  ---------   !
       12 Abstracts                   !      _  CAYIMS          _  CAYIMS01    !
       13 Applications                !      _  CAYPRINT        _  CYTEST      !
       14 Change Spool File           !      _  DWI010          _  GRE10       !
                                      !      _  HBNPROF         _  HHIUPF01    !
       Maintenance                    !      _  HUGO            _  NOM         !
                                      !      _  REC             _  RRI         !
       30 Spool File Properties       !      _  RRICICS         _  SAG         !
       31 Objects                     !      _  SAGILQ          _  SAG00001    !
       32 Mass Update                 !      _  SET1            _  SET2        !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      _  TMA             _  URANIMS     !
       34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
 Mark on selection list.                                                        
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                     --                           Canc   

The user profile which was used for the initialization of the current Natural session is highlighted in the window.

In the Cm column, you can enter one of the following codes:

Code Description
C Copy user profile.
D Delete user profile.
R Rename user profile.
. Exit function.
X or any other character Display user profile for modification or deletion, see below.

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Maintaining a User Profile

If the specified user profile exists, it is displayed. You can modify the list of allocated logical printers (LPFs) or delete the whole user profile.

If you specify a name that does not yet exist, you can add a new user profile. In this case, the Delete option is not provided in the window.

Time 10:09:47        *** Natural Spool Administration ***     Date 2002-10-21   
User SAG                            M e n u                   File 7/411        
   +---------------------------- User Profile -------------------------------+  
   !   Modify                SET1                   Delete (Y/N)         N   !  
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   !  
   !   Owner (Y/N) N        Mark for selection of existing log. printers _   !  
   !   - -----------------------------------------------------------------   !  
   !   Mk. No. LPF Name Mk. No. LPF Name Mk. No. LPF Name Mk. No. LPF Name   !  
   !    _  1   PROF3___  _  2   PROF2___  _  3   PROF1___  _  4   NOMPRT01   !  
   !    _  5   ________  _  6   ________  _  7   ________  _  8   ________   !  
   !    _  9   ________  _  10  ________  _  11  ________  _  12  ________   !  
   !    _  13  ________  _  14  ________  _  15  ________  _  16  ________   !  
   !    _  17  ________  _  18  ________  _  19  ________  _  20  ________   !  
   !    _  21  ________  _  22  ________  _  23  ________  _  24  ________   !  
   !    _  25  ________  _  26  ________  _  27  ________  _  28  ________   !  
   !    _  29  ________  _  30  ________  _  31  ________  _  HC  ________   !  
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   !  
   !   Notes                                                                 !  
   !   ________________________________________________________________      !  
 Enter name or mark logical printer.                                            
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc   

The window prompts for a list of names of logical printers to be associated with the user profile. Up to 31 logical printer names may be entered, since this is the maximum number of logical printers which can be specified in a single user profile.

If you mark the field for selection of existing logical printers, a list of all available logical printers is displayed, where the desired logical printers may be selected by number. The logical printer names are positional. If, for example, the first and third elements of the user profile are defined, only the statements WRITE (1) and WRITE (3) will be valid. The statement WRITE (2), however, would receive error message NAT1573 (logical printer not found on spool file).

In the HC field, you can define a logical printer for the hardcopy function.


The user profile UPFSTART contains the following entries:

1: LDR4711
2: LDR1805
3: LRZ

The positions 4 to 31 are empty.

These definitions result in the following:

When WRITE (1) is executed, the logical printer LDR4711 is used. When WRITE (2) is executed, the logical printer LDR1805 is used. When WRITE (3) is executed, the logical printer LRZ is used. When %H is executed, the logical printer LHCOP is used.

The prerequisite, however, is that the PRINT parameter was dynamically defined, or that the NTPRINT macro was defined in the Natural parameter module for at least 3 printers:


If a value smaller than 3 was defined, the corresponding entries in the user profile are ignored.

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