Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Objects - Function 31 - Overview

When you invoke this function, the Objects window appears:

Time 13:00:45        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +-------------Objects 7/411--------------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !   1     User Profile                   !
       10 Reports/Queues              !   2     Logical Printer                !
       11 Devices                     !   3     Allocation Table               !
       12 Abstracts                   !   4     Printer                        !
       13 Applications                !   5     Header Page                    !
       14 Change Spool File           !   6     Application                    !
                                      !   7     Cluster                        !
                                      !   8     NTCC Table                     !
       Maintenance                    !   9     Calendar                       !
                                      !   A     Message Header                 !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !   .     Exit                           !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !   Command / _  /                       !
 Enter command, or press a PF-key.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc

The Cluster function can be deactivated.

Deleting an Object

In general, if you delete an object from the spool file, only the object itself is deleted, not its possible references in other objects.


If you delete a logical printer profile from the spool file, possible references of this printer profile in user profiles are not deleted. If you want to also delete the printer profile in some or all referenced user profiles, you need to modify the user profile(s) involved accordingly.

Use the Cross-Reference Function 20 (Information section) to find out in which objects a given object is referenced.

This section covers the following topics:

User Profile - Function 31.1

Logical Printer - Function 31.2

Allocation Table - Function 31.3

Printer - Function 31.4

Header Page - Function 31.5

Applications - Function 31.6

Cluster - Function 31.7

NTCC Table - Function 31.8

Calendar - Function 31.9

Message Header - Function 31.A

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