Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes (Update)
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Natural System Error Messages 6951-7000

NAT6970: Natural RPC initialization failed. RPC not available.

Text Natural RPC initialization failed. RPC not available.
Expl. This error message is preceded by an initialization error message.
On the client side, the following features are not available:
- execution of a remote CALLNAT,
- SYSRPC functions SM, XC and PM,
- local use of conversations and context variables.
On the server side, the termination of the Natural RPC server session
is enforced by an implicit ITERM=ON.
Actn. Check the previous initialization error.

NAT6971: Connection error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Connection error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. Reason: 1: No transport layer.
2: Connection timed out.
3: Conversation timed out.
4: No space for working storage of broker stub.
Increase Natural thread or region size by 35 KB.
5: Data have been truncated. Increase MAXBUFF on server side.
6: Node does not match any pattern.
7: Node not active.
8: Server not active.
9: Error from transport layer; issue RPCERR for details.
After the reason, the message displays the server/node in question.
With AUTORPC=ON this error may also occur instead of a local NAT0082
error on the client side.
Actn. Proceed depending on above reason.

NAT6972: Directory error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Directory error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. A directory error has occurred. Possible reasons are:
1 - No directory.
2 - Invalid directory.
3 - No space to load directory. Increase the RPC size.
4 - No server found in service directory for the subprogram/library
whose names are indicated in the error message.
5 - Recursive RPC with the two subprograms whose names are
indicated in the error message.
6 - A Natural error has occurred during loading of NATCLTGS.
The error number is indicated in the error message.
With AUTORPC=ON this error may also occur instead of a local NAT0082
error on the client side.
Actn. Proceed depending on above reason.

NAT6973: Conversation error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Conversation error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. Reason: 1: Too many subprograms for OPEN CONVERSATION.
2: Invalid subprogram name.
3: RPC size overflow. Increase RPC size.
4: Mixed local/remote CALLNAT within one conversation (program).
It is not possible to execute subprograms that are members
of one conversation partially remote and local.
5: Recursive conversation. It is not possible to execute a
subprogram that is a member of a conversation while you
are executing a subprogram within that conversation.
6: Conversation to be closed not found.
7: Conversation ID to be closed is not valid.
8: CLOSE CONVERSATION executed inside a local conversation.
It is not possible to close a conversation while you are
executing a subprogram within that conversation.
Actn. executing a subprogram within that conversation. Proceed depending on above reason.

NAT6974: Conversion error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Conversion error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.
Expl. Reason: 1: Variables of type CONTROL and HANDLE and extensible lower
bounds in X-arrays not supported.
2: Error converting from internal format of :3:rd parameter.
3: Error converting to internal format of :3:rd parameter.
4: No space for conversion to internal format of
:3:rd parameter.
Increase MAXBUFF on :1: side.
5: No space for conversion from internal format of
:3:rd parameter.
Increase MAXBUFF on :1: side.
6: Format buffer error for :3:rd parameter.
7: No space for working storage in RPC size.
Increase RPC size on :1: side.
8: No MAXBUFF defined on client side, but RPC is used.
Actn. 8: No MAXBUFF defined on client side, but RPC is used. Proceed depending on above reason.

NAT6975: Security error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Security error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. Reason: 1: Logon data required by the Natural RPC server.
2: Invalid logon data received by the Natural RPC server.
After the reason, diagnostic information is indicated
in the message.
3: Invalid offset to the logon data in the RPC meta data.
4: Impersonation failed for the user indicated in the message.
The external security system has rejected the logon attempt
of the user. The reason is shown in the Natural RPC server
trace and in the system log of the server.
Actn. Reason: 1: Pass logon data from the client to the Natural RPC server.
2,3: Contact Software AG support.
4: Pass logon data that is valid for your security system.

NAT6976: Context error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text Context error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. Reason: 1: Context size overflow.
The storage for the variables of the DEFINE DATA CONTEXT
statement could not be allocated.
On mainframe computers, the CONTEXT buffer could not be
allocated or increased. This is either caused by storage
restrictions of the operating or TP system, or by Natural
environment constraints (Natural profile parameter OVSIZE,
NATCONFG table entry NTBUFID for CONTEXT buffer).
On Windows and UNIX systems, the USIZE buffer was not large
enough to fulfil the storage request.
2: Conflict in format/length definition of a variable.
The context variable whose name is shown in the error message
was defined in a previous program with a different
Actn. format/length. Reason: 1: Decrease number of context variables and/or number of
concurrent conversations, or remove storage contraints.
2: Correct format/length of context variable.

NAT6977: EntireX RPC error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text EntireX RPC error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. An EntireX RPC error has occurred.
The reason shows the EntireX RPC error number, optionally followed by
additional diagnostic information.
This error can only occur if a Natural client is communicating with an
EntireX RPC server.
Actn. Refer to the EntireX Communicator messages and codes.

NAT6978: RPC protocol error on :1:, reason :2: :3:.

Text RPC protocol error on ..., reason ... ....
Expl. Reason: 2: Server does not support this RPC protocol version. After
the reason, the unsupported version is indicated in the
3: RPC protocol header is invalid. After the reason, the
corresponding EntireX error number is indicated in the
Actn. Use the correct RPC protocol version.
Refer to the EntireX messages.

NAT6979: Premature termination of a remote CALLNAT.

Text Premature termination of a remote CALLNAT.
Expl. The remote execution of a CALLNAT was prematurely terminated on the
server side and all data of the parameter area were lost. The reason
for this may be the use of one of the following Natural statements:
Note: These statements will be disabled in a remotely executed CALLNAT
in one of the next Natural versions.
Actn. Do not use STOP, FETCH, RUN, TERMINATE in a remotely executed CALLNAT.

NAT7000: Invalid value specified for dynamic parameter :1:.

Text Invalid value specified for dynamic parameter ....
Expl. You have specified a value for a dynamic parameter incorrectly.
For information on valid values for this Natural profile parameter,
see the Natural documentation.
Actn. Either ignore, or invoke Natural again with correct specification
of dynamic parameters.

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