Entire Transaction Propagator Version 1.5.2
 —  Entire Transaction Propagator  —

What's New with ETC Version 1.5.2

This document covers the following topics:

New Features, Enhancements and Corrections

This section describes the new features, enhancements and corrections that apply to the Version 1.5.2 of the Entire Transaction Propagator Interface for CICS (ETC):

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Changes Planned for the Next Major Release of ETC

With the next major release of ETC (following Version 1.5), the support of the following features will be discontinued:

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Operating/Teleprocessing System and Software Required

Entire Transaction Propagator Interface for CICS (ETC) Version 1.5.2 requires that Entire Transaction Propagator (ETP) Version 1.5.2 and Natural Version 4.2 is installed.

The prerequisite operating/teleprocessing systems and required versions of other Software AG products are to be found in the current Natural Release Notes.

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The Entire Transaction Propagator Interface for CICS (ETC) cannot be used to log Adabas database transactions issued by the Natural Development Server CICS Adapter.

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