Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Message Header - Function 31.A

This function is only available under BS2000/OSD.

For printers directly connected to a processor or terminal, it is often required to print a header before the actual message. This message header contains information on acknowledgments and printing itself (LA1 function for hardcopy devices). For detailed information, see the corresponding SNI manuals.

The standard message headers *STD B (bypass printers) and *STD N (processor connection) are delivered with the spool file. If the connection type (for example, S) does not allow the usage of message headers, message processing is left to the operating system.

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking Message Header

When you invoke this function, the Message Header window appears where you can specify the name of a message header and the connection type in a window. This corresponds to the message header and connection type specified with Function 31.4.

Time 11:06:24        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +--------- Message Header 7/411 ---------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !  Enter name of                         !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !       Message Header                   !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !  or                                    !
       14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                      !      *    for Selection                !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !      ?    for Help                     !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !      .    for End                      !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !      -------------------------         !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      / ________ / _                    !
       34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
 Enter values.                                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli Clust NTCC  Canc

From the Message Header window, you can also select a message header from a list of message headers available or add a new message header to the spool file.

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Selecting a Message Header from a List

To select a message header from a list, enter one of the following:

A list of message headers is then shown in a window.

Time 11:07:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +-------------Select with *--------------+
       Administration                 !  New start value ......... _________   !
                                      !  -----------------------------------   !
       10 Reports/Queues              !  Fl Cm  Name        Fl Cm  Name        !
       11 Devices                     !  -- --  ---------   -- --  ---------   !
       12 Abstracts                   !      _  *STD    B       _  *STD    N   !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
 Mark on selection list.                                                        
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                     --                           Canc

In the Cmcolumn, you can enter one of the following codes:

Code Description
C Copy message header.
D Delete message header.
R Rename message header.
. Exit function.
X or any other character Display message header for modification or deletion, see below.

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Maintaining a Message Header

If the specified message header exists, it is displayed. You can modify the individual parameters or delete the whole message header.

If you specify a name that does not yet exist, you can add a new message header. In this case, the Delete option is not provided in the window.

The standard message headers are protected and can only be displayed/modified by using the password for the spool file. Standard message headers cannot be deleted.

Time 11:07:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------------ Message Header ---More:   ++
       Administration                 !  Modify                                !
                                      !  Message header *STD     or Bypass     !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !  ------------------------------------- !
       12 Abstracts                   !  Owner ........................        !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           !  ------------------------------------- !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !  NBZ    7C                             !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  Par1   274081 C97C 0088F1E27CF1F27C   !
       31 Objects                     !  End1   5A                             !
       32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  Par2   274081 C87C D87C7CC17C7C7C7C   !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  End2   5A                             !
 Enter values for type/connection.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                     --                           Canc   

For information on how to define a message header, see the corresponding SNI manuals.

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