Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Calendar - Function 31.9

Using a calendar, you can control the deletion of reports.

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking Calendar

When you invoke this function, the Calendar window appears:

Time 11:23:19        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                     +------------ Calendar 7/411 ------------+
      Administration                 !                                        !
                                     !  Enter name of                         !
      10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
      11 Devices                     !       Calendar                         !
      12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
      13 Applications                !  or                                    !
      14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                     !      *    for Selection                !
                                     !                                        !
      Maintenance                    !      ?    for Help                     !
                                     !                                        !
      30 Spool File Properties       !      .    for End                      !
      31 Objects                     !                                        !
      32 Mass Update                 !      -------------------------         !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      / ________ /                      !
      34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
Enter values.                                                                  
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli Clust NTCC  Canc

In this window, you can specify the name of an existing calendar, select a calendar from a list of calendars available or add a new profile to the spool file.

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Selecting a Calendar from a List

To select a calendar from a list, enter one of the following:

A list of calendars is then shown in a window.

Time 14:15:33        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411  
                                       +-------------Select with *--------------+
        Administration                 !  New start value ......... _________   !
                                       !  -----------------------------------   !
        10 Reports / Queues            !  Fl Cm  Name        Fl Cm  Name        !
        11 Devices                     !  -- --  ---------   -- --  ---------   !
        12 Abstracts                   !      _  CAL01           _  MYCAL       !
        13 Applications                !      _  TESTCAL                        !
        14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                       !                                        !
        Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                       !                                        !
        30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
        31 Objects                     !                                        !
        32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
        33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
        34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
                                       !                                        !
  Mark on selection list.
  Command ===>
        Help  Menu  Exit                     --                           Canc

The calendars defined for the logical printer which was used for the initialization of the current Natural session are highlighted in the window.

In the Cm column, you can enter one of the following codes:

Code Description
C Copy calendar.
D Delete calendar.
R Rename calendar.
. Exit function.
X or any other character Display calendar for modification or deletion, see below.

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Maintaining a Calendar

If the specified calendar exists, it is displayed. You can modify the individual parameters or delete the whole calendar.

If you specify a name that does not yet exist, you can add a new calendar. In this case, the Delete option is not provided in the window.

Time 14:15:00        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411
        +-------------------------- Calendar TESTCAL ---------------------------+
        !  Modify                TESTCAL                 Delete (Y/N)         N !
        !  -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Owner N                                                              !
        !  -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Default day for start of week (1-7) 1  / start of weekend (0,1-7)  6 !
        !  (1 - Monday          ,   7 Sunday)                        !
        !  -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Notes                                                                !
        !  ________________________________________________________________     !
        !                                                                       !
        !  Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year Mk Year      !
        !  -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ----      !
        !   _ 1996                                                              !
        !                                                                       !
        !                                                                       !
        !   Mark or enter year ____                                      !
  Mark on selection list or enter new year.
  Command ===>
        Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

In this window, you can enter the following:

When you specify a year (for example, 2002) and press Enter, the calendar for the first half of the specified year appears. Pressing Enter once more displays the second half.

Time 11:00:05        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-22 
User SAG                   Calendar TESTCAL / 2002             File 7/411      
                  January                February             March             
  Monday              7 14 21 28             4 11 18 25           4 11 18 25    
  Tuesday          1  8 15 22 29             5 12 19 26           5 12 19 26    
  Wednesday        2  9 16 23 30             6 13 20 27           6 13 20 27    
  Thursday         3 10 17 24 31             7 14 21 28           7 14 21 28    
  Friday           4 11 18 25             1  8 15 22           1  8 15 22 29    
  Saturday         5 12 19 26             2  9 16 23           2  9 16 23 30
  Sunday           6 13 20 27             3 10 17 24           3 10 17 24 31
                  April                  May                  June              
  Monday           1  8 15 22 29             6 13 20 27           3 10 17 24    
  Tuesday          2  9 16 23 30             7 14 21 28           4 11 18 25    
  Wednesday        3 10 17 24             1  8 15 22 29           5 12 19 26    
  Thursday         4 11 18 25             2  9 16 23 30           6 13 20 27    
  Friday           5 12 19 26             3 10 17 24 31           7 14 21 28    
  Saturday         6 13 20 27             4 11 18 25           1  8 15 22 29
  Sunday           7 14 21 28             5 12 19 26           2  9 16 23 30
  Reset calendar _  Modify start/end of week _  Save values _   Exit function _ 
 Modify values, or press a PF-key.                                              
       Help  Menu  Exit  Save  Modif Reset                               Canc

Non-working days, such as weekends are highlighted. Working days are not highlighted. To modify the status of a day (working or non-working day), mark the day with any character and press Enter.

Using the fields of the bottom of the screen, you can:

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