Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Natural Advanced Facilities  —

NAF - Printer - Function 31.4

One or more physical printers must be defined to NATSPOOL to indicate where reports are to be routed.

Besides general information, a physical printer describes technical data required to establish a connection. This information depends on the operating system: CICS, BS2000/OSD or IMS TM.

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking Physical Printer

When you invoke this function, the Printer window appears:

Time 15:02:17        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21
User SAG                              M e n u                  File 7/411 
                                       +---------- Printer 7/411 ---------------+
        Administration                 !                                        !
                                       !  Enter name of                         !
        10 Reports / Queues            !                                        !
        11 Devices                     !       Printer                          !
        12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
        13 Applications                !  or                                    !
        14 Change Spool File           !                                        !
                                       !      *    for Selection                !
        Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                       !      ?    for Help                     !
        30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
        31 Objects                     !      .    for End                      !
        32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
        33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      -------------------------         !
        34 Transfer Objects            !      / ________ /                      !
                                       !                                        !
  Enter values.
  Command ===>
        Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc

In this window, you can specify the name of an existing physical printer, select a physical printer from a list of printers available or add a new physical printer to the spool file.

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Selecting a Physical Printer from a List

To select a physical printer from a list, enter one of the following:

A list of physical printers is then shown in a window.

Time 15:23:06        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21  
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411       
                                      +-------------Select with D*-------------+
       Administration                 !  New start value ......... _________   !
                                      !  -----------------------------------   !
       10 Reports / Queues            !  Fl Cm  Name        Fl Cm  Name        !
       11 Devices                     !  -- --  ---------   -- --  ---------   !
       12 Abstracts                   !      _  DAEPRTCA        _  DAEPRT10    !
       13 Applications                !   S  _  DAEPRT12        _  DAEPRT13    !
       14 Change Spool File           !      _  DAEPTR10        _  DAPERT13    !
                                      !      _  DEAPRTCA     S  _  DR1171      !
       Maintenance                    !   S  _  DR1490          _  HCTEST      !
                                      !      _  HHIPID          _  HUGO        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !      _  MK1             _  MK10        !
       31 Objects                     !      _  MK11            _  MK12        !
       32 Mass Update                 !      _  MK13            _  MK2         !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !      _  MK3             _  MK4         !
       34 Transfer Objects            !      _  MK5             _  MK6         !
                                      !      _  MK7             _  MK8         !
 Mark on selection list.                                                        
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                     --   +                       Canc   

The physical printer which was used for the initialization of the current Natural session is highlighted in the window.

The Fl (flag) column indicates the following:

Flag Description
P Protected by administrator(s).
S Physical printer is defined for usage by another operating/TP system.

In the Cm column, you can enter one of the following codes:

Code Description
C Copy physical printer.
D Delete physical printer.
R Rename physical printer.
. Exit function.
X or any other character Display physical printer for modification or deletion, see below.

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Maintaining a Physical Printer

If the specified physical printer exists, it is displayed. You can modify the form feed parameters or delete the whole physical printer.

If you specify a name that does not yet exist, you can add a new physical printer. In this case, the Delete option is not provided in the window.

Time 10:29:04        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +-------------------------------- Printer --------------------------------+ +
   !  Modify                 DAEPRT10               Delete (Y/N)         N   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Owner ........... N        Private printer N    Cluster ....   --       ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Standard profiles N                             Opsys/Tpsys  CICS____   ! !
   ! Statistics ...... N                                                     ! !
   !                                                                         ! +
   ! Check for form .. N    Initial form ________ / _  FF control B          ! !
   ! FF sequence ..... 0C00 LF sequence  1500          Sever exit ________   ! !
   !                                                                         ! !
   ! NTCC type  ...... ________                                              ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! CICS System ID .. ____                                                  ! +
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Notes                                                                   ! !
   !  ________________________________________________________________       ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter values for the printer.                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc   

The layout of the window above changes depending on the operating system specified.

The physical printer name must correspond to one of the following, according to the operating system used:

You can specify the following for all operating systems:

All other fields in the screen depend on the operating system currently:

Maintaining a Physical Printer under CICS

Time 13:53:29        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +-------------------------------- Printer --------------------------------+ +
   !  Modify                 DAEPRT10               Delete (Y/N)         N   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Owner ........... N        Private printer N    Cluster ....   --       ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Standard profiles N                             Opsys/Tpsys  CICS____   ! !
   ! Statistics ...... N                                                     ! !
   !                                                                         ! +
   ! Check for form .. N    Initial form ________ / _  FF control B          ! !
   ! FF sequence ..... 0C00 LF sequence  1500          Sever exit ________   ! !
   !                                                                         ! !
   ! NTCC type  ...... ________                                              ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! CICS System ID .. ____                                                  ! +
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Notes                                                                   ! !
   !  ________________________________________________________________       ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter values for the printer.                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc 

A specific CICS system ID can be defined for each printer. If you do not specify a value, the value from the spool file options is used (see Function 30.5).

Maintaining a Physical Printer under IMS TM

Time 14:05:10        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +-------------------------------- Printer --------------------------------+ +
   !  Modify                 IMSPRI                 Delete (Y/N)         N   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Owner ........... N        Private printer N    Cluster ....   --       ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Standard profiles N                             Opsys/Tpsys  IMS TM__   ! !
   ! Statistics ...... N                                                     ! !
   !                                                                         ! +
   ! Check for form .. N    Initial form ________ / _ FF control  B          ! !
   ! FF sequence ..... 0C00 LF sequence  1500         Server exit ________   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Printer Type .... ________  SCS printer (Y/N) Y  Buffer size 1024       ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! IMS BMP Transaction ID .. ________                                      ! +
   ! IMS BMP JCL Member ...... ________                                      ! !
   ! Notes                                                                   ! !
   !  ________________________________________________________________       ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter values for the printer.                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc

Report data are processed differently. Therefore, you must specify SCS printers by entering Y (yes) or N (no) in the field SCS Printer. In addition, in the Buffer Size field, enter the size of the buffer used by the blocks transferred to the physical printer. The buffer size is defined in bytes and must be in the range of 256 and 4048.

BMP name and JCL member can be defined for each printer. If you do not specify any values, the values from the spool file options are used (see Function 30.5).

Maintaining a Physical Printer under BS2000/OSD

Time 14:06:43        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-21 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +-------------------------------- Printer --------------------------------+ +
   !  Modify               DR1171                   Delete (Y/N)         N   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Owner ........... N   Private printer N          Opsys/Tpsys BS2000__   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Standard profiles N    Statistics N                                     ! !
   ! Check form ...... N    Init. form  ________ / _  FF control  N          ! !
   ! FF sequence       0D0C LF sequence 0D15          Server Exit ________   ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! User exit _____   NTCC type   ________  RSO (Y/N) N  RSO form ______    ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Protocol type     NEAR  Processor      VR3_____  Trace (Y/N)   N        ! !
   ! SEC. retry        20_   SEC. timeout   60___                            ! !
   ! Max.No. restarts   0    Buffer size    1920                             ! !
   ! Connection type   S     Message header *STD____  Cluster       --       ! !
   ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   ! Notes ________________________________________________________________  ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter values for the printer.                                                  
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc   

You can specify the following:

Example of Connection Type and Message Header:

The name of the message header is D9001 and the connection type is B. The spool server looks for a message header named D9001_ _ _B. If this message header is not defined, the spool server uses the standard message header for the corresponding connection type: *STD_ _ _ _N (BAM) or *STD_ _ _ _B (bypass).

Standard values are used for bypass and BAM connections only. When a printer is accessed via EXIT3 or is set to Connection Type P, the spool server searches for a correct message header. If a message header is not found, the data are processed without message header values.

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