File 113
Statement FIND
Task Display information on the specified task.

Relevant Error Codes

Code Text
724 Requested job not found.
728 You are not allowed to see this job.
799 Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error.
988 Invalid task type detected.

Field Descriptions

Dictionary Field Name Format/





ACCOUNT-NUMBER (A8) Account number of the job for task types 1-3.
COPIES (N3) Number of copies for print jobs.
CPU-MAX (N7.2) The CPU time limit for the job if task type 1-3.
CPU-USED (N7.2) The amount of CPU time consumed by the job with task type 2 or 3. Format: SSSSS.HH.
DEVICE (A8) Output device.
HOLD (A3) Indicates if a job is in HOLD status.
    Possible values: NO, YES
JOB-ID (A8) TSN of job. Required if JOB-NUMBER is not supplied.
JOB-NAME (A8) Name of job from job card.
JOB-NUMBER (N7) Job number (TSN) assigned by the system. Required if JOB-ID is not supplied.
LAST-COMMAND (A12) Last command executed by the task type 2-3.
LOADED-PROGRAM (A64) Name of loaded program. Task type 2-3.
LOGON-DATX (D) Date of LOGON in Natural format. Task type 2-3.
LOGON-TIMX (T) Time of LOGON in Natural format. Task type 2-3.
NUMBER-OF-PRINTED-LINES (N6) Number of printed lines. For print jobs.
NUMBER-OF-PRINTED-PAGES (N6) Number of printed pages. For print jobs.
ORIGINATOR-JOB-ID (A8) TSN of originator task. For print jobs.
ORIGINATOR-TSN (N5) TSN of originator task. For print jobs.
PRINT-ELEMENT (A64) Name of printed element.
PRINT-ELEMENT-TYPE (A8) Type of printed element.
PRINT-ELEMENT-VERSION (A24) Version of printed element.
PRINT-ERROR-MESSAGE (A10) Error message issued during PRINT.
    Only relevant for task type 7.
PRINT-FILE-NAME (A54) Name of printed file.
PRINT-FORM (A8) Name of form. For print jobs.
PRIORITY (N3) Task scheduling priority.
SIZE (A6) Task type 2-3: Program size.
    Task type 4-7: Size of SPOOLOUT file.
STATUS (A9) Task status (category) e.g. DIALOG, TP, etc.
TASK-QUEUE-NUMBER (N3) Number of task scheduler queue for task type 2-3.
TYPE-NUMBER (N1) Task type. Possible values: 1-7.
UNPEND-CODE (N4) Pend/unpend code for task type 2-3.
USER (A8) User ID of task owner.