File 26
Statement FIND

Retrieve information from the operating system on which this Entire Systems Management Adapter is running.

Relevant Error Codes

Code Text
799 Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error.

Field Descriptions

Dictionary Field Name Format/





AUTO-LOGON (A3) Automatic logon option for the Entire Systems Management Adapter. If YES is specified in the corresponding startup parameter, the Entire Systems Management Adapter will perform an automatic logon to the active security system using *INIT-USER as user ID.
CONFIGURATION-NAME (A21) Hardware type (for example, 7500-H60-F).
ESY-VERSION (A8) The version number of this Entire Systems Management Adapter, for example, 4.1.1.
FIRST-CPU-SERIAL-NUMBER (A6) The serial number of the first CPU.
JOBNAME (A8) Job name of the Entire Systems Management Adapter node.
JOBVAR (A3) Possible values:
    NO Product Job Variables not available.
    YES Product Job Variables is installed.
LMS-VERSION (N3) LMS version which must be used by ESA as specified in the startup parameters.
LOCAL-DATX (D) Current date in Natural format.
LOCAL-TIMX (T) Current time of day in Natural format.
LOGON-ID (A8) Returns the current user ID of the caller.
    This value is changed after NATPROC-LOGON.
MEMORY-SIZE (A8) Available system main storage in bytes.
MODE (A8) Indicates the user mode of ESA.
    Possible values:
NODE-ID (A50) Logical identifier of the node. This value is defined for the node using the startup parameter IDENTIFIER.
NODE-NAME-LIST (A16) Deprecated.
OPERATING-SYSTEM-ID (A8) Program name of BS2000 where the Entire Systems Management Adapter is running.
OPERATING-SYSTEM-TYPE (A4) Type of hardware-software interface.
    Possible values:
    NXS 24-bit address mode
    XS25 25-bit address mode
    XS31 31-bit address mode
SECOND-CPU-SERIAL-NUMBER (A6) The serial number of the second CPU.
SECURITY (A4) Security as defined in ESA startup parameters.
SESSION-NUMBER (N3) Number of actual BS2000 session.
STARTUP-PARM (A80) ESA startup parameters. To obtain all startup parameters, use a processing loop in Natural.
SYSTEM-BASE-ADDRESS (A8) Gives the start address of the virtual system address space.
SYSTEM-RELEASE (A8) Operating System release number.
SYSTEM-TYPE (A8) Returns ‘BS2000’.