File 86
Statement FIND
Task Reads the user attributes of the calling user.

If you are the system administrator, you can retrieve the attributes of all users. You may encounter functional restrictions when SECOS is installed.

Relevant Error Codes

Code Text BS2000
530 Access denied by Security Facility X
733 User ID does not exist X
749 PVS (CATID) not available X
771 No information found X
799 Entire Systems Management Adapter internal error. X

Field Descriptions

Dictionary Field Name Format/





ACCOUNT-NUMBER (A8) Account number of user. If more than one account number exists, it is necessary to have a processing loop in Natural to get them all.
AUDIT (A3) Possible options:
  D NO User is not authorized.
    YES User can specify for the files of his user
    ID that access to them must be supervised
    by the system.
CLASS (N3) SPOOLOUT class (0-255) for user's account number.
COMMANDS-FILE-NAME (A54) Name of group syntax file or profile for SDF.
CSTMP-MACRO (A3) Specifies whether the CSTMP macro (define memory pool as read only) can be used. Possible options:
  D NO CSTMP macro not allowed.
    YES CSTMP macro can be used (define memory pool
    as read only).
DEFAULT-PUBSET (A4) Default pubset assigned for user. This is used for allocation of files when no pubset is specified.
ENFORCE (A3) Possible options:
  D NO User is not authorized.
    YES User can force usage of PAM pages although
    the limit specified in MAX-PUBLIC-SPACE has
    already been reached for the user ID.
EXPRESS (A3) Specifies whether the user can start batch jobs under the specified account number immediately, even though the limit for running jobs of the job classes assigned to the user has been reached. Possible options:
  D NO The user is not authorized.
    YES The user is authorized.
FUNCTION (A8) Possible options:
  D READ Default. Read information for user ID.
    READNXT Read information for user following entry for user ID
    in TSOSJOIN (only allowed for TSOS).
INHIBIT-DEACTIVATION (A3) Possible options:
  D NO Tasks can be deactivated by user.
    YES Prohibit deactivation of tasks of this
    account number.
MAIL-ADDRESS (A64) Mail address for output listings.
MAX-ACC-REC (A5) Maximum number of accounting records which can be written by a job or program. Possible values:
  D n Maximum number, 0-32767.
    NL There is no limit.
MAX-CPU-TIME (N5) Maximum CPU time in seconds available for this account number (1-65535) The default is 65535.
MAX-INPUT-CARDS (A8) Maximum number of SYSOPT cards allowed for tasks of this user, or NO LIMIT, if the number is not restricted.
MAX-OUTPUT-LINES (A8) Maximum number of SYSLST lines allowed for tasks of this user, or NO LIMIT, if the number is not restricted.
MAX-PUBLIC-SPACE (N8) Maximum number of PAM pages of public space which can be occupied by this user.
NO-TIME-LIMIT (A3) Specifies whether the user is allowed to specify TIME=NTL for batch jobs under this account number. Possible options:
  D NO The user is not authorized.
    YES The user is authorized.
PASSWORD (A8) Possible options:
  D NO No password.
    YES User ID is password-protected.
PASSWORD-MODS (A3) Specifies whether the user can change or delete his password. Possible values:
  D NO User cannot change or delete password.
    YES User can delete password.
PRIORITY (N3) Default job priority for this account number.
PUBLIC-SPACE (N8) Number of PAM pages used on public space for this user ID.
RESIDENT-PAGES (N5) Number of resident pages of real memory available for use (maximum is 32767).
SEVER (A3) Possible values:
  D NO Not severed.
    YES User ID severed.
TEST-PRIVILEGE (A3) Defines whether user can change the privilege level for use of the software product AID. Possible options:
  D NO The user can change authorization at will.
    YES The user can change authorization only with
    the operator's permission.
TP-IGNORE (A4) States whether the operator can ignore tape label checks for the user. Possible options:
  D NO Default. Error messages cannot be ignored.
    ALL All error messages are ignored.
    BLP For tapes processed in INPUT or REVERSE
    mode, no label checking is performed.
    READ Messages for input files can be ignored.
    YES Can only be ignored by tape owner or TSOS.
TTYPL (A3) Allowed category where tasks for this user and account number are grouped. Possible options:
  D STD BATCH and DIALOG type tasks are allowed.
    SYS All task types are allowed.
    TP BATCH, DIALOG and TP are allowed.
USER-ADDRESS-SPACE (N5) Size of address space for tasks of this user in MB.
USER-ID (A8) Identification of user, whose information is to be read. The default is your own user ID. To read information on other users, your user ID must be TSOS.
USERID-PUBSET (A4) ID of pubset from which user attributes are to be read.
USER-PRIVILEGE (A4) Specifies whether the user is TSOS-authorized or not. Possible options:
  D USER Normal user.
    TSOS The user is authorized.