UPDS - Partitioned Data Set Maintenance Utility (z/OS only)

The Com-plete online utility UPDS allows you to monitor and maintain the members in a partitioned data set.

This document covers the following topics:


Specifically, with UPDS you can:

  • List the directory of a partitioned data set, optionally displaying user directory information;

  • Display the contents of both a partitioned data set and a sequential data set;

  • Print a PDS member or a PDS directory;

  • Scratch (delete) one or more members in a partitioned data set;

  • Rename a member of a partitioned data set;

  • Assign an alias to a member of a partitioned data set;

  • Display the two-character library identification codes and the associated DSNAME and VOLSER entries as defined by the UEDTB1 module;

  • Submit a PDS member to RJE;

  • Request a keyword display;

  • While displaying a PDS member in UPDS, transfer control to the Com-plete Full Screen Editor;

  • Modify a member of a partitioned data set.

Command Format

UPDS is a fully conversational online utility program This means that you can select one of the various functions available either when you invoke UPDS, or any time thereafter.

The basic command format is:


This displays the UPDS menu:

11:58:16        TID    18          COM-5.1.          User MBE          05.10.97
                     --- Partitioned Dataset Maintenance ---

 Function .............. ID Operand(s)    Function ............... ID Operand(s)
 ----------------------- -- ----------    ------------------------ -- ----------
 List PDS directory .... LS 1 (,4)        Edit Member ............ ED 1,2 (,4)
 Display Member ........ DI 1,2 (,4)      Scratch Member ......... PG 1,2 (,4)
 Submit Member ......... SU 1,2 (,4)      Rename Member .......... RN 1,2,3 (,4)
 Submit Member, fetch UQ SQ 1,2 (,4)      Set Alias for Member ... AL 1,2,3 (,4)

 Help .................. HE
 ----------------------- -- ----------    ------------------------ -- ----------

 Select Function ......:    and Operands
    (1) Library .......:
    (1) or DSN ........:
    (2) Member ........:
    (3) Newname / Alias:
    (4) Volume ........:


This menu displays the UPDS functions available for selection together with important keywords and their defaults. You can invoke a function either by entering a single character, or pressing a PF Key. When you enter a command, the validity and syntax requirements are checked and a message is returned if any errors are found.

Note that the UPDS Menu does not include all commands and keyword combinations available within UPDS, but it does provide those combinations that are most frequently used. The COPY, FILES, HELP, KEYWORDS, LIST, PRINT, and ZAP commands are not supported as a menu option.

The valid UPDS commands are summarized in the following table.

Command Description
ALIAS Assigns an alias for a specified member name.
COPY Prints the list of member names (the directory) in a partitioned data set.
DISPLAY Displays a specific member of a partitioned data set.
EDIT Transfers a PDS member in the Com-plete Full Screen Editor while displaying it in UPDS.
FILES Lists the two-character library identification codes and their respective assignments as defined by the module UEDTB1.
HELP Displays the UPDS Menu.
KEYWORDS Displays the keywords and their current values.
LIST Lists the member names in a partitioned data set.
PRINT Prints the statements in a member of a partitioned data set.
RENAME Renames a member of a partitioned data set.
SCRATCH Scratches (deletes) a member from a partitioned data set.
SUBMIT Submits a member from a partitioned data set to RJE.
ZAP Modifies the currently displayed record.

You can enter all UPDS commands in their entirety or in the abbreviated form indicated in the preceding table by an underscore. Note that you must fully spell out the ALIAS, RENAME, SCRATCH, and ZAP commands in order to ensure against accidental execution of these commands. In addition, these four commands are not allowed as default functions.

You can also enter a command when invoking the UPDS utility to bypass the UPDS Menu.

The command format is:

*UPDS [command positional-argument,keyword]


command Specifies a UPDS command.
positional-argument Specifies one or more UPDS positional arguments.
keyword Specifies one or more UPDS keyword arguments.

If your site has a default command and keyword combination set up for this utility so that you cannot reach the menu with this method, you can type "*UPDS *" to override those defaults and reach the UPDS Menu.

Using UPDS

The functional considerations that must be taken into account when entering commands, positional arguments, and keywords are discussed in the following text.

Entering Commands

Since UPDS is fully conversational, you can enter any command function at any time while you're in conversation with UPDS. Once you have entered a command, that command is in effect until you enter another command request. You can enter additional argument(s,) either positional or keyword, and the current command will be executed reflecting the changes imposed by your entry of the new argument(s).

For example, you could use the LIST command to list the members in a specific data set by entering the LIST command together with the data set name as a positional argument. After you have viewed the display, to cause the LIST command to be executed for a new data set, simply enter another data set name or a DSNAME keyword argument.

There are, however, cases when the operation does not default to the last command function specified. These exceptions are:

  • A ZAP operation resets the default to DISPLAY, so that you can inspect the zapped record simply by pressing ENTER once more.

  • A SCRATCH, RENAME, or ALIAS operation resets the default operation to LIST and the MEMBER value to NEWNAME so that you can list the directory simply by pressing ENTER.

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments, if used, must always immediately follow the command function and precede any keyword arguments. Note that you must separate the command and the first positional argument by either a blank or a comma. In all illustrations in this section, a blank is used for this type of separator.

If you enter more than one positional argument, they must be separated by either a comma or a blank. In all illustrations on the UPDS Menu and in this section, a comma is used for this type of separator.

Except in the case of the positional argument NEWNAME, entering a positional argument always causes one or more keyword arguments to be initialized. If you enter a command that includes positional arguments, UPDS syntax checking processes positional arguments after it processes keyword arguments. Consequently, positional arguments are the final determining factor in the execution of a command function.

Specific considerations for entering positional arguments are given along with the description of each command in the latter subsections of this section.

Keyword Arguments

You must specify keyword arguments in one of three ways:

  • As the keyword argument only, with no command;

  • As the only argument given with a command;

  • Following all positional arguments;

Keyword arguments, when entered, must be separated from commands, positional arguments, and other keyword arguments by either a comma or a blank. In all illustrations in this section, a comma is used as the separator.

Each keyword argument consists of the keyword itself, followed by an equal sign, followed by the keyword data.

In the case of the DSNAME keyword, the data can be a character string consisting of characters, embedded commas, embedded equal signs, and/or embedded blanks. Note that in these situations, the data entered should be enclosed by quotation marks. Furthermore, if the character string contains an embedded quote, the embedded quote should be entered twice. The following examples illustrate this concept:


The character string must be enclosed in quotes because it contains an embedded blank.


The quotation marks following JOE must be entered twice because it is within a quoted character string.


The quotation mark following JOE does not need to be entered twice because it is not within a quoted character string.

The available keywords for UPDS commands are summarized in the following table. The shortest possible abbreviations are indicated by underlining.

Keyword Description
CVOL Specifies a constant volume identification number to be used in multiple accesses. Volume identification is required if the PDS has not been cataloged. See the section UDS - Data Set Maintenance Utility (z/OS Only) for cataloging procedures.
DESTCODE Specifies the screen-to-hardcopy device to be used for printout spooling requests.
DSNAME Specifies the data set name of the partitioned data set to be accessed.
FORMAT Specifies a character, hexadecimal, or interpreted dump format for the DISPLAY and PRINT commands.
LIBRARY Specifies a two-character library identification code.
MEMBER Specifies the member name to be used when accessing the library.
NOTE Specifies a one- to eight-character alphanumeric tag to be used for later reference.
POINT Specifies a tag previously defined using the NOTE keyword.
RECORD Specifies the desired position in the displayed data set.
SCAN Specifies the value for a scan request.
USERDATA Specifies whether or not the optional user data or stow data is to be displayed after execution of the LIST command. Also specifies the format of the resulting display.
VOLSER Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume to be accessed.
ZONE Specifies the range of columns in the data set that are to be displayed.

Note that you can access a display of the current status of the keyword parameters by using the KEYWORDS command. For additional information, and for an example of the KEYWORDS command display, see the section KEYWORDS Command below.

Special considerations must be made when using keywords. Among them are:

  1. UPDS command processing always occurs in the following sequence:

    • Initializes the keyword arguments;

    • Reinitializes the keyword arguments based upon the positional arguments given;

    • Executes the command.

  2. After a command has been successfully or unsuccessfully executed, you can use the KEYWORDS command to display all the initialized keyword arguments and their current values.

  3. To initialize any keyword, simply enter the keyword with no associated command function or positional argument. The currently active command (that is, the command executed last) is then executed again using the new arguments that you entered as execution time arguments.

    Once you have initialized a keyword, you can enter commands that use data from that keyword without needing to specify that keyword again; the initialized value will be used when you execute the command.

    Initialized keyword values will remain in effect from command to command as long as:

    • UPDS remains conversational and is not terminated, and:

    • Entry of a command function does not alter one of the keyword values.

    If you also give positional arguments, command entry may force an initialized keyword to be reinitialized.

  4. If you enter more than one keyword in one command, Com-plete processes them from left to right. Therefore, if two or more keywords conflict in that they force initialization of a common keyword argument, the last keyword entereddetermines the initialized value to be in effect unless it is overridden again by a positional argument.

  5. Initialization considerations for each keyword are given in detail below:

    CVOL=cvol Specifies the value with which the VOLSER argument is to be initialized when it is found to be blank.
    DESTCODE=destcode Specifies the destination routing code or TID to be used for UPDS PRINT commands.
    Note that destcode always defaults to the screen-to-hardcopy terminal defined for the terminal in use in the TIBTAB module, if any.
    DSNAME=dsname Specifies the data set name to be used when a two-character library code is not supplied.

    Entry of this keyword argument or entry of a unique data set name causes the VOLSER and LIBRARY keywords to be initialized to blanks.

    FORMAT=format Specifies the display format for the DISPLAY and PRINT commands. Valid formats are:
    CHAR character
    HEX hexadecimal
    INT interpreted hexadecimal dump
    Note that for both the HEX and INT format options, one of three line formats will be selected, depending on line size. The formats have been designed around the standard line sizes of 40, 80, or 132 characters; however, the selection algorithm uses the minimum line sizes needed for each format:
    Format Mm. Charts/Line Bytes/Line Shown
    F=HEX 125 48
    77 32
    40 8
    F=INT 112 32
    59 16
    33 8

    If less than 33 or 40 characters per line are available, the respective option may not be performed and the keyword value will be reset to CHAR.

    LIBRARY=libcode Specifies the two-character library code to be used when a command for which a library code has not been entered is processed.
    Note that entry of libcode initializes the keywords LIBRARY, DSNAME, and VOLSER. The information with which these keywords are initialized is taken from the library code module UEDTB1 or from the volumes set by the UUTIL function UL.
    MEMBER=member Specifies the member name to be used when a command for which no member name has been entered is processed.
    In order to facilitate initialization of the appropriate keywords, member can also be specified in one of the following formats:
    a. dsn(member)/volume
    b. dsn(member)volume
    c. libcode(member)
    NOTE=name Specifies a one- to eight-character alphanumeric tag that allows rapid paging from one place in a member to another while displaying.
    When NOTE is issued, the current setting of the display (record number, format, and zone setting) is tagged with the name specified in the command. Later, when POINT is issued with the same name, you are returned to the setting where the NOTE command was entered for that name.
    Note that up to 64 names can be defined at any given time; a list of currently defined names is located at the bottom of the KEYWORDS display.
    The list of names is cleared when a new member/data set is displayed; no other provision is made to clear a name from the list. However, you can redefine a name simply by using it in another NOTE command.
    POINT=name Is a one- to eight-character alphanumeric tag previously specified using the NOTE keyword. It enables the rapid paging from one place in a member to another while displaying.
    RECORD=position Is used to position the display of a data set. Position can be specified as one of the following:
    n Positions to the n th record of the data set/member.
    +n Positions forward by n records.
    -n Position backward by n records.
    ++ Positions to the last record of the data set/member.
    -- Positions to the first record of the data set/member.
    * Redisplays the current record from the beginning.
    The number of the current record is displayed in the heading of the DISPLAY display and/or in the KEYWORDS display. If the request causes the record number to go below 1 or above 9999999, these values, respectively, will be substituted. In addition, if the requested record number is larger than the number of records in the data set/member, the last record will be substituted.
    You can perform the positioning function in one of two ways:
    a. Include the RECORD keyword in the command string, e.g.:
    If you access a member other than the currently open one, the RECORD value will be reset to 1 unless you specify another RECORD value in the same command line as the display request (as shown above).
    b. If you do not intend to enter an operation or positional operand, you can enter RECORD keyword values without the preceding keyword, e.g.:
    You can also enter other keyword operands in the same line after a RECORD value without its keyword, e.g.:
    +5 F=I
    SCAN=value Specifies the value for which a scan is to be performed.
    Scan formats include:
    SCAN=TEXTSTRING This format is acceptable if the following characters are not part of the requested character string: blank, quote ('), plus (+), minus (-), or X.
    Note that +, -, and X can be part of the text string if they are not the first character of the string.
    SCAN='TEXTSTRING' This format is required if blank, quote ('), plus (+), minus (-), or X is part of the string.
    Note that quotation marks within a string must be represented as double quotation marks.
    S=X...... This format is required where the hex data must be an even number of nibbles.
    or S=-X......
    Indicates a backwards scan. Note that a backwards scan requires more overhead than a forward scan.
    S= Resumes the scan with the same argument.
    S=+ Changes the direction to forward and resumes.
    S=- Changes the direction to backward and resumes.
    In character format, scanning starts at rec +/-1 (depending on the direction of the scan); in hex format scanning starts at rec, current position +1. The entire record is scanned left to right even in up scan mode (honoring the zone setting). The first occurrence located determines the new current record.
    Note that if EOF or TOF is reached before the scan succeeds, the current record setting is not changed. The current scan value will be displayed on the KEYWORDS menu.
    Attention interrupts may be used to terminate a runaway scan (every 500 records).
    The PF Key system supports PF9 as SCAN= for UPDS.
    USERDATA=indicator Default: USERDATA=NO
    Specifies whether or not user stow information is to be displayed when directory information is requested.
    The value specified can be YES, NO, TTR, or HEX.
    USERDATA=YES indicates that directory information is to be included in the display. Note that if no directory information is present, only member names are displayed.
    USERDATA=NO indicates that directory information is not to be displayed.
    USERDATA=TTR indicates that TTR information is to be included in the display of member names. Note that TTR information is given in both hexadecimal and decimal forms in CCHHR format.
    USERDATA=HEX indicates that directory information is to be included in the display of member names in hexadecimal format.
    VOLSER=volume Specifies the volume on which the data set search is to be restricted.
    Volume searching conventions are determined by the value to which the keywords are initialized. For example, entering the DSNAME keyword argument clears the VOLSER keyword argument. Subsequent commands then cause VOLSER to be initialized from the CVOL keyword before command execution.
    Entering the LIBRARY keyword argument causes both the VOLSER and LIBRARY keyword arguments to be initialized. Volume searching sequence logic is summarized below:
    a. VOLSER=volume - Search the volume.
    b. LIBRARY=code - Search the catalog.
    c. CVOL=volume - Search the volume, if VOLSER=blank.
    d. Otherwise, search the catalog.
    ZONE=range Specifies the range of columns in the data set that are to be displayed.
    This keyword can be specified in one of four formats: ZONE=n1-n2 ZONE=Xn1-n2 ZONE=n1(n2 ZONE=Xn1(n2
    n1 Specifies the first column to be displayed.
    - Indicates "through".
    n2 Specifies the last column to be displayed.
    ( Indicates "specify the following number of columns".
    n2= Specifies the number of columns to be displayed.
    X Preceding n1 or n2, indicates that it is in hexadecimal.

    Hex notation starts the record with a zero offset; decimal notation starts the record at column one.

Paging Requests

If you request that a large amount of information be output from a hard copy terminal, Com-plete issues an attention interrupt, which causes the output to be interrupted. At this point, if you press ENTER (or its equivalent), one more line of output is generated and a prompting request for entry of a new command is then given.

If you are using a 3270-type terminal or compatible device, press ENTER to continue the display of output that you cannot view in a single display.

PF Key Assignments

The default PF key assignments for UPDS display function are described in the following table:

PF-KEY Description
PF1 Page backward.
PF2 Go to the top of the member.
PF3 Go to the bottom of the member.
PF4 Page forward.
PF5 Scroll backward one line.
PF6 Scroll forward one line.
PF7 Scroll backward 10 lines.
PF8 Scroll forward 10 lines..
PF9 SCAN = (repeat the SCAN)
PF10 Submit the member.
PF11 Edit the member.
PF12 Display keywords.

Note that the system administrator can modify the PF key assignments for all users. In addition, you can also redefine your own default PF key assignments using the FK function of the UUTIL Utility.

To display an overview of your current PF Key assignments, enter the immediate command:


For further information concerning immediate commands, see the section on Immediate Commands in COM-PASS - Parallel Transaction Utility.


The UPDS commands are discussed in the remainder of this section.

ALIAS Command

The ALIAS command enables you to assign an alias to a member of a partitioned data set.

The command format is:

ALIAS member, name2

where member can be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed.

If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.

dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member is assumed to be the member name.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

The positional argument name2 specifies the one- to eight-character name that is to become the alias for member.

COPY Command

The COPY command enables you to obtain a hard copy listing of all member names in a partitioned data set.

The command format is:

COPY [destcode]

where destcode is either a Terminal Identification number (TID) or a message switching destination code that identifies the terminal to which the hard copy listing will be queued.

If destcode is omitted, the value determined by the keyword function DESTCODE determines the printout spool destination.

The printout spool listing is printed with 59 lines per page. The top of each page contains summary information generated by UPDS that identifies the fact that the listing was generated by UPDS. Included in this heading is such information as the terminal user ID, the originating TID, the library name, and other applicable information.


The DISPLAY command enables you to obtain a listing of either a member in a partitioned data set or a sequential data set.

The command format is:

DISPLAY [member]

where member can be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be displayed.

If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.

dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be displayed. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member is assumed to be the member name.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-;character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be displayed. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

In each of the above formats, if member is omitted, the member to be displayed is identified by the keyword argument MEMBER.

EDIT Command

The EDIT command enables you to transfer control to the Com-plete Full Screen Editor (UEDIT) while you are displaying a PDS member under UPDS.

The command format is:

EDIT member

where member may be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be edited.
Note: If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.
dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be edited. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member is assumed to be the member name.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be edited. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

FILES Command

The FILES command enables you to obtain a listing of the entries in the two-character library code table UEDTB1.

The command format is:


Any additional arguments that you enter must be keyword arguments. Note, however, that entering keyword arguments only causes initialization of the appropriate keyword functions; it has no effect on the output of the FILES display.

The FILES command display consists of a listing of the various libraries defined by UEDTB1. For each library listed, the two-character library identification code is given together with the volume identification of the disk volume on which the library resides and the data set name in the following format:


HELP Command

The HELP command enables you to obtain a display of the UPDS menu.

The command format is:


You may optionally enter the HELP command as:


Any additional arguments that you enter must be keyword arguments.

If you include keyword arguments with the HELP command, it will cause the initialization of those keyword entries; to view the new initialized values, use the KEYWORD display (see the following section). You can subsequently use the initialized values simply by entering a command function with no arguments.


The KEYWORDS command enables you to obtain a display of the keywords and their current values.

The command format is:


The following figure illustrates the format of the keywords display.

MT YPE    = 
R ECORD   = 00000001
S CAN     =            
Z ONE     = 00001-32767
UN IT     =
T YPE     = STD
P ART     =

For additional information on the KEYWORDS command, see the section Using UPDS.

LIST Command

The LIST command enables you to obtain a listing of the member names of a partitioned data set. If you are not sure about the correct DSN, you can first enter a generic name ending on ‘*’ to get a list of the datasets conforming to this name (for example, SAGLIB.COM6%1.*). Select the correct DSN by cursor.

The command format is:

LIST [member]

where member can be in one of the following formats:

(member) Specifies the one- to eight-character name to be used as the collating reference point with which member names will be listed.
Note that the parentheses are required.

The DSNAME keyword must be initialized in order for this command to execute.

dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be used as the collating reference point with which member names are listed. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses may also be omitted.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character name to be used as the collating reference point with which member names are listed. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

In each of the formats described above, if member is omitted, the first member to be displayed is determined by the keyword argument MEMBER.

The LIST command with nothing following ("L") picks up the LIST function from the previous reference; a LIST command with one blank following ("L ") returns the list to the beginning of the directory.

PRINT Command

The PRINT command enables you to obtain a hard copy listing of either a sequential data set or a partitioned data set member.

The command format is:


The optional arguments are defined as follows:

destcode Specifies either a Terminal Idenfication number (TID) or a message switching destination code that identifies the terminal(s) to which a hard copy listing will be queued.


  1. destcode must always be the first positional operand.
  2. If you don't specify DESTCODE, but do specify other operands, you must indicate the absence of DESTCODE by a comma.
If destcode is omitted, the value determined by the keyword function DESTCODE determines the printout spool destination. The default for the keyword argument DESTCODE is the screen-to-hardcopy device of the terminal in use, if any. If SCHC=0 (no default hard copy is assigned), then the calling terminal is the default destcode.
NNNNNN Specifies the number of records to be printed, starting with the current record in the display.
If NNNNNN is not specified, the printout will contain the entire data set or member.
Note that NNNNNN is recognized as the only numeric operand beyond DESTCODE.
ATTACH Specifies that asynchronous spooling of long printouts is to occur. The Attach argument calls an identical copy of UPDS, which runs as an asynchronous task.

This function will not work properly if UPDS has been invoked under a user program.

CC Specifies that ASA carriage control characters in position one of data records are to be used.

With the CC option, no other formatting is performed and no headings are provided by UPDS.

NOPAGE Specifies that data is to be printed without page formatting. Only the header and EOF message will be produced.
NOHEADER Specifies that data is to be printed without using any of the formatting options. Only the data will be printed.

Any of the optional operands, except DESTCODE can be specified in any order.

If you specify more than one paging option, the following rules apply:

  • CC is considered to include NOHEADER, so CC takes effect (and no headers will be printed).

  • NOHEADER is considered to supersede NOPAGE, so it takes effect and (and no page formatting will occur).

  • CC and NOPAGE are considered to be in conflict and cause the generation of an error message.

If you do not specify any paging option, data will be printed in a single-spaced module with page headers, 59 lines per page. The page header contains summary information generated by UPDS identifying the fact that UPDS generated the listing, as well as information such as the terminal TID, the originating TID, the library name, and other applicable information.

Wherever it is permitted by the terminal access methods, you can use an ATTN interrupt to abort print requests. On spooled printouts, a message is added to indicate this condition. If output is interrupted by use of the BREAK key (or equivalent on hard copy terminals), the message:


is displayed, and new input will be accepted.

RENAME Command

The RENAME command enables you to rename a member of a partitioned data set.

The command format is:

RENAME member,newname

where member can be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed.
Note: If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.
dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member is assumed to be the member name.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be renamed. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

The positional argument newname specifies the one- to eight-character name to which member is to be changed.


The SCRATCH command enables you to delete one or more member names from the directories of one or more partitioned data sets.

The command format is:

SCRATCH member[,member,...]

where member can be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be scratched.

If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.

dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be scratched. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member is assumed to be the member name.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be scratched. If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

In each of the formats described above, if member is omitted, the member to be scratched is identified by the keyword argument MEMBER.

SUBMIT Command

The SUBMIT command enables you to submit a sequential data set or partioned data set member containing JCL statements to be scheduled for batch execution via Com-plete's RJE facility.

The command format is:

SUBMIT member

where member can be any one of the following formats:

member Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be submitted.

If member is specified, the DSNAME keyword must be initialized.

dsn(member) dsn specifies either a fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
Note that member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be submitted. If member is omitted, the currently initialized member name is assumed.
dsn(member)/volume dsn specifies either the fully qualified data set name or its two-character library code.
member specifies the one- to eight-character member name to be submitted. If member is omitted, the enclosing parantheses must either remain or be replaced by the optional slash (/).
volume specifies the volume identification of the disk volume to be searched when locating dsn.

An alternative format of the SUBMIT command is:

SUQ dsn(member)|volume

Use of this format performs an automatic fetch to "*UQ A JB=xxx", where xxx represents the name of the first JCL statement (assuming that it is a job statement).

ZAP Command

The ZAP command enables you to modify the currently displayed record.

The direct command format is:

ZAP disp, verdata, repdata


disp Specifies the displacement into the record at which the modification is to occur.
Note that the value specified can be either in decimal format (the first byte of the record is specified as column one), or in hexadecimal format (hex digits preceded by the character "X"; the first byte of the record is specified as offset X0).
verdata Specifies the value to be verified at the location "disp" in the record.
repdata Specifies the value to be moved into the record at location "disp".

You can specify both verdata and repdata as either character data or hex digits following these rules:

  • If you specified disp as a decimal value,verdataandrepdata must be character strings (which must be enclosed in quotation marks only if they contain commas, blanks, equal signs, or leading quotation marks).

  • If you specified disp as a hexadecimal value, you must also specifyverdata and repdata as hexadecimal numbers (consisting of an even number of digits not preceded by the character "X") or as character strings enclosed in quotation marks.

This type of ZAP command is not applicable for loadmodules on PDSEs.

To modify loadmodules on any kind of PDS(E)s, simply enter ZAP and you will see a menu like the following:

15:08:53        TID    11          COMTEST          User SAG          19.05.10
                    ---    Zap a PDS(E) Load Module     ---                UPDZ
DSN:  SAG.SYSF.COM6XX.USER.LOAD                     Lib:      Member:  NAT426  
Member and Csects:                                                             
PAEAINT   TLOPUSER                                                             
Select Csect and press Enter                                                   
                  End                     Prev  Next

The first entry always refers to the whole loadmodule, the other entries are the CSECTs it contains sorted by name.

If you select the Member by cursor, the display will show CSECT overview sorted by offset.

15:18:13        TID    11          COMTEST          User SAG          19.05.10
                    ---    Zap a PDS(E) Load Module     ---                UPDI
DSN:  SAG.SYSF.COM6XX.USER.LOAD                     Lib:      Member:  NAT426  
Csects with offset in load module:                                             
NCFPARM   00000000  NCFSERV   00000070  NCFASC    00007908  NCFEZAP   00007AE8 
NCFAZAP   00008AE8  NCFPFAM   00008E38  NCFWFAM   00009890  NCFAPSAM  0000A390 
TLOPUSER  0000B4C0  PAEAINT   0000B7E0  NATPARM   0000BBD8  CMSFTAB   0000C760 
CMBPID    0000C830  CMAMTAB   0000C898  CMCSTAT   0000C8D8  CMPWTAB   0000D1D0 
CMDBID    0000D330  CMALI     0000D358  CMRPCP    0000D3A0  CMDSTAB   0000D4F8 
CMEDPRM   0000D550  CMTERMSG  0000D5D0  CMSYS     0000E570                     
Select Csect and press Enter                                                   
                  End                     Start Next                    Quit  

On both displays you can select a CSECT by cursor.

15:20:20        TID    11          COMTEST          User SAG          19.05.10
                    ---    Zap a PDS(E) Load Module     ---               UPDM
DSN:  SAG.SYSF.COM6XX.USER.LOAD                     Lib:      Member:  NAT426  
Csect: NCFPARM        Length:  0070                                            
00000000  0000    47F0F020 D5C3C6D7 C1D9D440 F4F2F640     * .00.NCFPARM 426  * 
00000010  0010    F0F960F1 F060F2F9 40F0F94B F5F24040     * 09-10-29 09.52   * 
00000020  0020    00000300 75010D15 00001607 C3D6D2D5     * ............NCFN * 
00000030  0030    C1E3F4F2 40404040 40404040 00000000     * AT42        .... * 
00000040  0040    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000     * ................ * 
00000050  0050    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000     * ................ * 
00000060  0060    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000     * ................ * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                                                          *                  * 
                  End         Zap         Offs- Offs+                   Quit

With PF7/PF8 you can browse in the selected CSECT. PF5 enables you to update the CSECT. The explanation for PF5 will then change to Apply. PF3 leaves the Zap-Mode, PF12 invokes the CSECT overview again.

If you are finished with your updates on the screen and press PF5 the whole module will be stowed into the library.

This ZAP feature can be called also from Com-pass as UPDZAP.