UDS - Data Set Maintenance Utility (z/OS only)

The Com-plete online utility UDS enables you to examine and modify characteristics of disk-resident data sets and system catalog entries.

Some UDS options may not be available to you if you have included a user-written routine which disables certain options.

This document covers the following topics:

Command Format

The primary method of invoking UDS is entry of the command:

*UDS function 

where function represents any of the available UDS commands together with its arguments. If you omit the function parameter, either the UDS menu for COM-PASS users or the UDS options menu for non-COM-PASS users is displayed.

If you have defined a default operation using UUTIL, that operation takes precedence and the menu mentioned above is not displayed.



The following two figures illustrate the UDS menu screens used by COM-PASS users.

17:04:27     TID    12          COM-5.1.             User ID ADMIN    08/31/97
                     -- Disk Space Maintenance --                       Page 1
       Function           ID    PFK          Operands                     UDS1
---------------------     --     ---  ----------------------------------------
    Allocate Data Set     AD       1  DSN,Volume
     Display Data Set     DD       2  DSN
        Find Data Set     FD       3  DSN
       Purge Data Set     PD       4  DSN,Volume(s)
      Rename Data Set     RD       5  DSN,Volume(s),NewDSN
     Scratch Data Set     SD       6  DSN,Volume(s)
        Vsam Services     VS       7
          List DSName     LD       8  DSN(,Volume)(,Hex)
         List Catalog     LC       9  (All)(,Index)(,Volume)  for CVOLS
           List Space     LS      10  Volume
            List VTOC     LV      11  Volume

      Select Function:        or PFK
         and Operands
         DSN or Index:
       'Hex' OR 'All':                                   (Enter for next page)
17:04:39     TID    12          COM-6.2.            User ID ADMIN     08/31/02
                      -- Disk Space Maintenance --                      Page 2
Function                  ID     PFK          Operands                    UDS2
-----------------------   --     ---  ----------------------------------------
       Catalog Data Set   CD       1   DSN,Volume(S),DEVtype
     Recatalog Data Set   RD       2   DSN,Volume(S),DEVtype
     Uncatalog Data Set   UD       3   DSN
     Select Function:        or PFK
        and Operands
        DSN or Index:                   
 Volume(s) OR NewVOL:              
             DEVtype:                                   (Enter for next page)

Note that only LIST VTOC, LIST SPACE, and LIST DSNAME are allowed as default functions defined with the UD function of UUTIL.

Non-COM-PASS Users

The following figure illustrates the UDS menu screen used by non-COM-PASS users.

OP......MEANS.................. OPERAND
LIST    LIST VTOC.              'VTOC',VOL
LIST    LIST CATALOG.           'CTLG', <'ALL' >, <INDEX > ,<VOL >

This UDS menu lists all the argument options available with UDS. Note that arguments within < > are optional; arguments enclosed within single quotation marks must use the exact characters as represented.

You can abbreviate all function codes and arguments with the smallest number of letters that make them unique. In the command function descriptions below, the minimum abbreviation required for each command function is indicated by underscoring of the required characters.

You must replace any optional arguments that are omitted with commas, unless the argument being omitted is the last argument in the list.

Example 1

After displaying the menu, you must enter the arguments in one statement line as illustrated in the following sample UDS request:


This sample UDS command requests a display of allocation information for the data set WORK.DATASET. The command format assumes that the data set is not cataloged, and directs the search to be restricted to disk volume PACK01.

Example 2

UDS is a fully conversational program, i.e., you may enter UDS commands when you invoke UDS or at any time thereafter.

The next example illustrates the specification of the UDS LIST command at UDS invocation.


UDS Functions

After you have invoked UDS and used one of the options, you can display or redisplay the menu by pressing ENTER. Note that you can make a new UDS request at any time, either while the menu is displayed or while the output from a previous UDS command is displayed.

Normally, all UDS requests must include an operation code followed by the list of applicable arguments; however, if you enter a data set name without an operation code, the operation code DISP is assumed.

To terminate UDS, press CLEAR, or enter the Com-plete program termination command *EOJ.

Since UDS is fully conversational, entry of a call request for execution of another program or utility automatically terminates UDS.

The functions available from the UDS menus are summarized in the following table and discussed in detail in the remainder of this section. The shortest possible abbreviations are indicated by underlining.

Command Description
ALLOC Dynamically allocates a data set.
CATLG Dynamically catalogs data set names.
DISP Dynamically locates a data set.
FIND Searches all online disk volume devices for the specified data set name.
HELP Returns to the UDS function menu.
LIST DSNAME Lists DSCB information for a specified data set.
LIST VTOC Lists VTOC information for a specified disk volume.
LIST SPACE Lists free space information for a specified disk volume.
LIST CTLG Lists system catalog information for a specified high-level index.
PURGE Dynamically purges a specified data set.
RECATLG Dynamically changes system catalog entries without uncataloging and cataloging the entire entry.
RENAME Dynamically changes the name of a specified data set.
SCRATCH Dynamically scratches a specified data set.
UNCATLG Dynamically removes catalog entries from the system catalog.

ALLOC Function

The ALLOC function enables you to dynamically allocate a data set.

The command format is:

ALLOC dsname,vol

The arguments are:

dsname Required.
Indicates the name of the data set to be allocated.
Note that this name is entered in the volume table of contents for the specified volume only; it is not entered into the catalog.
vol Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume on which the data set is to be allocated.

On the next screen you can enter the necessary DCB and SPACE parameters:

14:57:05        TID    11          COMTEST          User SAG             19.05.10
                            UDS Dataset Allocation                         UDS3
Data Set Name  . . . :  SAG.TEST                                               
Volume . . . . . . . :                                                         
Catalog DSN  . . . . :  Y               (Y or N)                               
Management class . . :                  (Blank for system default)             
Storage class  . . . :                  (Blank for system default)             
Data class . . . . . :                  (Blank for system default)             
Dsorg  . . . . . . . :                  (DA,DAU, PO,POU,POE, PS,PSU,PSL,PSLU)  
Recfm  . . . . . . . :                                                         
Blksize  . . . . . . :      0                                                  
Lrecl  . . . . . . . :      0           EATTR..:            (NO, OPT)          
Allocation unit  . . :                  (TRK, CYL or average block length)     
Primary  . . . . . . :         0                                               
Secondary  . . . . . :         0                                               
Directory  . . . . . :         0                                               
Form . . . . . . . . :                  (CONTIG, MXIG, ALX or blank)           
Round  . . . . . . . :                  (RO or blank)                          
Expiration date  . . :                  (YYYYDDD)            

PSL/PSLU is for DSNTYPE=LARGE datasets. EATTR sets the Extended Attribute (see IBM MVS JCL Reference).

Once you have entered all the requested DCB and SPACE information, the data set is allocated and a display equivalent to that obtained from entering the LIST function is returned. (See the LIST Function).

CATLG Function

The CATLG function enables you to dynamically catalog data set names in the system catalog and automatically create the appropriate indices.

The command format is:

 CATLG dsn,<device>,vol1[,vol2,...]   

The arguments are:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be cataloged.
Note that all necessary indices are automatically created if they do not already exist.
device Required when volume(s) not online. Ignored when volume(s) online.
Specifies the device type of the volume to contain the data set.

When the volume is not available online, the generic device type must be specified (for example, 3380). Do not specify group names like SYSDA which may consist of a mixture of different device types!

vol1 Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume containing the data set (dsn) to be cataloged.
vol2 Optional.
If the data set to be cataloged resides on multiple volumes, specifies the volume identification numbers on which the various extents reside.
Note that multiple volumes must be specified if the data set resides on more than one volume.

UDS creates a catalog entry in the appropriate catalog for each of the volumes indicated.

DISP Function

The DISP function enables you to dynamically locate a data set by means of its catalog entry. This is the default function assumed when you enter a data set name but omit the operation or function.

The command format is:

DISP dsn

The argument is:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be located.

UDS locates the data set requested and gives the same display as the FIND function; it lists the data set by name and identifies the volume and device type on which it resides. (See the FIND Function).

FIND Function

The FIND function enables you to search all online disk volume devices for the data set name specified.

The command format is:

FIND dsname

The display returned gives the volume identification number of the disk containing the data set, the device type of the volume, and the CUU. A typical display received in response to the FIND operation is:

DISK01 (3330-1) ON 460 

Note that the FIND function returns information about the requested data set after searching the online disk volumes, not the system catalog. In addition, if more than one data set with the same name exists on more than one volume, the FIND function finds only the first data set encountered in the search. This search is performed on an ascending CUU basis.

HELP Function

The HELP function enables you to return to the UDS function menu any time after you have entered a UDS request.

The command format is:


No arguments are provided or accepted with the HELP function. Only the UDS function menu is displayed.

LIST Function

The LIST function enables you to:

  • Display allocation information from the DSCB for a specified data set.

  • Obtain a listing of the data sets residing on a specific disk volume.

  • Obtain a summary listing of the available free space on a specific disk volume.

  • Display catalog entries for a specified high-level catalog index.

    The command format for the LIST function varies depending upon the list request entered. The following subsections discuss the four types of the LIST function.

List Data Set Information

The LIST DSNAME function enables you to list DSCB information for a given data set.

The command format is:

LIST DSNAME,dsn,[vol],[HEX]

The arguments are:

DSNAME Required.
Indicates that data set DSCB information is to be displayed.
dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified data set name of the data set for which DSCB information is to be listed.
vol Optional.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume on which the data set resides.
If vol is omitted, the system catalog is used to locate the data set.

The absence of this argument must be indicated by a comma.

HEX Optional.
Specifies that the requested display information is to be given in hexadecimal format only.

The initial information displayed is the summary information as taken from the format 1 DSCB. If the data set is an ISAM data set, pressing ENTER displays the information from the format 2 DSCB. If the data set has more than three extents, pressing ENTER displays information about the remaining extents as taken from the format 3 DSCB.

The following figure illustrates a typical response that might be received after entering a LIST request for a data set named COM.DEMO.

WORK01 (3330-1) ON 460 
F1DSCB = 0404 00 35       0194 00 23(HEX) 
78 214      00 000       000    80 
01   PO      FB      2480       80    00 
00   PRIME  0253 00   0254 14  92 00   00FD 00     00FE 0E 

A description of the above information may be found in the IBM publication describing the utility IEHLIST.

List VTOC Information

The LIST VTOC command enables you to list VTOC information for a given disk volume.

The command format is:


The arguments are:

VTOC Required.
Indicates that disk volume VTOC information is to be displayed.
vol Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume for which VTOC information is to be listed.

The information displayed is a listing of the data sets residing on the volume. The actual information in the display is taken from the disk volume table of contents and includes summary information such as:

  • Data set names

  • Type of data set

  • Type of allocation

  • Number of extents

  • Size of primary extent

  • Size of secondary extent(s)

The following figure illustrates a typical response that might be received after entry of a LIST request for VTOC information for the disk volume WORK01.


ADABAS.DB137.ASSOR1     DA  CYL 01   15    0 87006       87201 
NATURAL.NATPROC.LOAD    PS  CYL 01   15    0 87062 98365 87255 
NETPASS.V2.SYSTEM       PS  CYL 01   10    0 87300       87305 RW


TY Specifies the TYpe of data set organization.
UNIT Specifies the allocation UNIT in CYLinders, TRacks, etc.
EX Specifies the number of allocated EXtents.
PRIM Specifies the PRIMary allocation size.
CREAT Specifies the CREATion date in the format YYDDD
EXPDT Specifies the EXPiration DaTe
LAST Specifies the LAST date accessed (if the F1 DSCB contains this value).
PW Specifies the PassWord status (R = read-protect, W = write-protect).

List Free Space Information

The LIST SPACE command enables you to list free space information for a given volume.

The command format is:


The arguments are:

SPACE Required.
Indicates that a listing of volume free space is to be given.
vol Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume for which the free space display is to be given.

The volume free space display includes such items as:

  • The relative track address for each free extent

  • The size of each free extent

  • A summary of the total free space residing on the volume

The following figure illustrates a typical display that might be given after entering a LIST request for the free space on a given volume.

       1       0       1  
     456       6       0 
    1425     320       0 
    7581       1       0 
  TOTALS     327      18 

List System Catalog Information

The LIST CTLG command enables you to list system catalog information for a given high-level index.

The LIST CTLG command is valid for non-ICF catalogs only. For additional information, see the section UDS VSAM SERVICES.

The command format is:

LIST CTLG,[ALL],[index],[vol]

The arguments are:

Indicates that system catalog information is to be displayed.
Specifies that all index information is to be listed in addition to the list of data set name catalog entries.
If ALL is omitted, only cataloged data set names are listed.
index Optional.

If this argument is omitted, a listing of the entire catalog is given.

  Specifies the high-level index(es) for which the catalog display is to be restricted. For example, if a data set is cataloged as SAMPLE.DATA.SET, the value SAMPLE. or SAMPLE.DATA. or SAMPLE.DATA.SET. could be specified for index and the data set would be listed.
Note that the ending period must be included.
vol Optional.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume for which catalog information is to be listed.
Note that the volume specified must be a user volume on which a secondary system catalog exists.
If vol is omitted, the resident system volume is assumed.

The information displayed is a listing of the data set catalog entries. If you specify the optional argument ALL, all index levels are included in the display.

The UDS LIST CTLG function only lists information from an z/OS system catalog and the VSAM master catalog, not from a VSAM user catalog.

The following figure illustrates a typical response received after entry of a LIST request for catalog information.

COM.COB.LOAD               3330-1 SAG01 
COM.DASDS                  3350   PACK01 
COM.MESSAGES               3350   PACK02 
COM.PGMLIB                 3350   PACK01 
COM.SD                     3330-1 SAG01 

PURGE Function

The PURGE function enables you to dynamically purge a specific data set. If the data set is cataloged, you can use the UDS UNCATLG function to remove the catalog entry.

The command format is:

PURGE dsn,vol1[,vol2,...]

The arguments are:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be purged.
vol1 Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume containing the data set to be purged.
Note that the system catalog is not referenced during the purge operation.
vol2 Optional.
If the data set to be purged resides on multiple volumes, specifies the volume identification numbers on which the various extents reside.

UDS scratches the data set from each of the volumes indicated, regardless of expiration date status.

RECATLG Function

The RECATLG function enables you to dynamically change catalog entries in the system catalog without needing to uncatalog and catalog the entire entry.

The command format is:

RECATLG dsn,<device>^,vol1[,vol2,...]

The arguments are:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set whose catalog entry is to be changed.
device Required when volume(s) not online. Ignored when volume(s) online.
Specifies the device type of the device on which the new catalog entry is to be created.

When the volume is not available online, the generic device type must be specified (for example, 3380). Do not specify group names like SYSDA which may consist of a mixture of different device types!

vol1 Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume containing the data set to be cataloged.
vol2 Optional.
If the data set being cataloged resides on multiple volumes, specifies the volume identification numbers on which the various extents reside.

UDS creates a new catalog entry for the specified data set. The new device types and volumes entered are reflected in the new catalog entry.

RENAME Function

The RENAME function enable you to dynamically change the name of a specific data set.

The command format is:

RENAME dsn1,dsn2,vol1[,vol2,...]

The arguments are:

dsn1 Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be renamed.
dsn2 Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name to which the data set is to be renamed.
vol1 Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume containing the data set to be renamed.
Note that the system catalog is not referenced during the rename operation.
vol2 Optional.
If the data set to be renamed resides on multiple volumes, specifies the volume identification numbers on which the various extents reside.

UDS renames the data set on each of the volumes indicated. Note that if the data set resides on more than one volume, you must specify multiple volumes.

SCRATCH Function

The SCRATCH function enables you to dynamically scratch a specific data set. If the data set is cataloged, you can use the UDS UNCATLG function to remove the catalog entry.

The command format is:

SCRATCH dsn,vol1[,vol2,...]

The arguments are:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be scratched.
vol1 Required.
Specifies the volume identification number of the disk volume containing the data set to be scratched.
Note that the system catalog is not referenced during the scratch operation.
vol2 Optional.
If the data set to be scratched resides on multiple volumes, specifies the volume identification numbers on which the various extents reside.

UDS scratches the data set from each of the volumes indicatedonlyif the data set expiration date has expired.

UNCATLG Function

The UNCATLG function enables you to dynamically remove catalog entries from the system catalog and automatically remove the correct indices.

The command format is:


The argument is:

dsn Required.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the data set to be uncataloged. All necessary indices are automatically removed.

UDS uncatalogs the data set from the system catalog and uncatalogs any unnecessary indices. Note that the highest-level index is not removed.

UDS VSAM Services (UDVS for z/VSE)

Com-plete's VSAM SERVICES allow COM-PASS users to use the interactive execution of IBM's IDCAMS utility program.

The command format is:


The VSAM SERVICES menu, shown in the following figure, then appears.

11:59:16     TID    13           COM-5.1.           User ID ADMIN     09/26/97
                          -- Vsam Services --                             UDV1

  Select Function   :
  Name or Level     :
  Catalog Name      :
  List Options      : S   (S for short, D for detail)
                    :     (P for Printout)                   Printer:  PSG

                      LL  --  Listcat Level(level)
                      LE  --  Listcat Entry(name )

  Direct Access Method Services Command:
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  >                                                                        <
  PF10 = Scroll Left  PF11 = Scroll right

Usage of the "Direct Access Method Services Commands" can be restricted by your systems administrator.