TUBATCH error messages

Overview of Messages

ZUB0001 | ZUB0002 | ZUB0003 | ZUB0004 | ZUB0005 | ZUB0007 | ZUB0013 | ZUB0014

ZUB0001 Requested Target not active

A request from a batchjob received ADABAS responsecode 148 as answer.

System programmer info:

Check the SVC / DBID definitions used for the communication between batch and Com-plete.

ZUB0002 Returncode from ADABAS nnnn

A request from the batchjob to the target Com-plete was rejected by ADABAS

System programmer info:

Check the ADABAS documentation.

ZUB0003 Logon to target failed

The batchjob couldn't logon to Com-plete

System programmer info:

There's either an additional messages on the console indicating the Com-plete error or the response can be found in the dump.

ZUB0004 Not enough storage available

The batch region/partition is too small

ZUB0005 Invalid function from batch

A Com-plete function was invoked in batch which is only available to online programs.

Appl. programmer info:

Check the documentation for the batch utility TUBATEST for allowed functions.

ZUB0007 Record Buffer too small

The internal record buffer couldn't hold all data received from the online Com-plete.

System programmer info:

Contact Com-plete support sending the dump.

ZUB0013 Error in Logoff processing

The EOJ function didn't complete

System programmer info:

Check for error messages and abend dumps in the online Com-plete

ZUB0014 Target node not defined

The NODE parameter in the ACSTAB or the COMPBTCH DD statement is invalid.