Thread Storage

Overview of Messages

ZTS0001 | ZTS0002 | ZTS0003 | ZTS0004

ZTS0001 Insufficient thread storage for request

This message is associated with the thread storage requirements. It indicates that the request for thread storage failed due to insufficient thread size.

System action:

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

System programmer info:

Increase the region size for the program.

ZTS0002 Attempt to free unallocated storage

This message is associated with thread storage. It indicates that an attempt was made to free thread storage not previously acquired.

System action:

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. programmer info:

Check the FREEMAIN requests for valid arguments.

ZTS0003 Invalid Request/FQE detected

This message is associated with thread storage requirements. It indicates that there is an error in the free queue chain, e.g. an overwritten FQE (Free Queue Element) etc.

System action:

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. programmer info:

Check the free queue chain within the thread.

ZTS0004 Bad request or FQE

This message is associated with thread storage requirements. It indicates that an invalid thread storage request was made and an invalid FQE (free queue element) was detected.

System action:

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. programmer info:

Validate the request and the FQE.