USTOR Utility

Overview of Messages

ZUS0001 | ZUS0002 | ZUS0003 | ZUS0004 | ZUS0005 | ZUS0006 | ZUS0008

ZUS0001 User $1 Tid $2 Tibname $3

This message is associated with the AM function of the USTOR utility. This message is issued whenever the AM function is invoked. Together with messages ZUS00002, ZUS00003, and ZUS00004, this message records on the operator console any alteration of storage via USTOR AM. This message indicates the user ID and TID that issued the USTOR AM.

System action:

Processing continues.

Computer operator info:

Informational message.

ZUS0002 Address = $1

This message is associated with the AM function of the USTOR utility. This message is issued whenever the AM function is invoked. Together with messages ZUS00001, ZUS00003, and ZUS00004, this message records on the operator console any alteration of storage via USTOR AM. This message indicates the address of the alteration.

System action:

Processing continues.

Computer operator info:

Informational message.

ZUS0003 was - $1

This message is associated with the AM function of the USTOR utility. This message is issued whenever the AM function is invoked. Together with messages ZUS00001, ZUS00002, and ZUS00004, this message records on the operator console any alteration of storage via USTOR AM. This message indicates the contents of the storage prior to the change.

System action:

Processing continues.

Computer operator info:

Informational message.

ZUS0004 now - $1

This message is associated with the AM function of the USTOR utility. This message is issued whenever the AM function is invoked. Together with messages ZUS00001, ZUS00002, and ZUS00004, this message records on the operator console any alteration of storage via USTOR AM. This message indicates the contents of the storage after the change.

System action:

Processing continues.

Computer operator info:

Informational message.

ZUS0005 USTOR only valid from Control Tid

A non-control TID or user attempted to use USTOR.

System action:

USTOR is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

You must be a control user to use USTOR.

ZUS0006 Use of USTOR not permitted

An installation user exit has denied access to USTOR.

System action:

USTOR is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Your installation does not permit your use of USTOR.

ZUS0008 Storage not available

There is not enough storage in the thread for USTOR execution.

System action:

USTOR is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Recatalog USTOR in a larger region.