Creating Your Own Menus

Con-nect allows you to design menus to meet your individual needs. You can display and use any menu at any time during a Con-nect session, which means that you can always use the menu that best suits your requirements at the moment.

The first section of this section introduces the components of a menu, and shows examples of the types of menus you can create; it would be useful to read this information before you begin to create a menu of your own.

This document covers the following topics:

Menus and Their Components

In this section the different components of a menu are illustrated by means of the Con-nect menu. The Con-nect menu contains each component of a menu.

The arrangement of the components of a menu is called the layout of the menu.

The following is a menu with text on the left, and calendar and mail information displayed on the right:

  11:18 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
  Command   Description                         February       March            
  -------   ---------------------------    Mon     7 14 21 28     7 14 21 28    
     I      Inbasket                       Tue  1  8 15 22     1  8 15 22 29    
     S      Send Memo                      Wed  2  9 16 23     2  9 16 23 30    
     P      Phonepad                       Thu  3 10 17 24     3 10 17 24 31    
                                           Fri  4 11 18 25     4 11 18 25       
     F      Display Folder                 Sat  5 12 19 26     5 12 19 26       
     D      Display Document               Sun  6 13 20 27     6 13 20 27       
     W      Write Document                ------------------------------------- 
                                          New phone messages:  1                
     N      Notepad                       New mail items:      2                
     B      Bulletin Boards               ------------------------------------- 
     C      Calendar                       4.Feb 10:00 AM  Fiber                
                                                 10:00 AM  Visit Alec Jr.       
     T      Desktop                              10:00 AM  Internal Training    
                                           5.Feb  3:00 PM  Results              
 Enter a command, press a PF-key, or enter * to display commands                
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help        Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal         Last  Home   

Menu Text Lines

The left side of the menu contains menu text lines. Each menu text line can represent a Con-nect command, or can merely be informative text. A menu can have a maximum of 16 menu text lines.

You can define cursor-sensitive menu text lines for your own menus (see Defining New Menu Text Lines). The Con-nect menu does not have cursor-sensitive lines.

Calendar and Mail Information

The right side of the menu contains the following information:

  • Month
    A calendar of the current month and a calender of the next month.

  • Inbasket
    The status of your Inbasket, i.e. whether you received any new phone messages, invitations or mail items.

  • Calendar
    Current and upcoming reminders, appointments, meetings or todos.

PF-Key Lines

The bottom two lines of the screen list the names of the PF-keys and the commands assigned to them.

Menu Types

There is no limit to the number of menus you can create. You have a choice of three basic menu types:

  • text at the left, with optional calendar and mail information displayed on the right;

  • text in the center, with no calendar and mail information; or

  • free-form, with text in any position and no calendar and mail information.

The first two menu types consist of text lines that represent valid Con-nect commands which invoke a function. You can specify that these two menu types have cursor-sensitive menu text lines, which means that you can start a function by placing the cursor in the appropriate line and pressing ENTER.

The free-form menu type does not have to contain text which represents commands or functions - i.e. the text lines can be anything you want.

Examples of the three types of menus which you can create are shown below.

A Menu with the Text at the Left

  11:27 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                      Menu Account                          Thursday
                                           4.Feb 10:00 AM  Fiber                
     Mark with Cursor and press ENTER            10:00 AM  Visit Alec Jr.       
     ********************************            10:00 AM  Internal Training    
                                           5.Feb  3:00 PM  Results              
  __ Review New Accounts                   7.Feb  9:00 AM  Workshop             
  __ Budgeting                             8.Feb 10:00 AM  HQ meeting           
  __ Update Balance                        9.Feb  3:00 PM  Conference           
  __ Provisions                           10.Feb 10:00 AM  Last Discussion      
  __ Involvencies                                12:00 PM  Lunch with Thomas    
                                                  3:00 PM  Call Thomas          
  __ Natural Library Maintenance          11.Feb  2:00 PM  Book Flight to L.A.  
                                          15.Feb 10:00 AM  Sales Meeting        
                                          22.Feb 12:01 AM  Munich               
                                          New phone messages:  1                
                                          New mail items:      2                
 To select a command, mark it with the cursor and press ENTER                   
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

This screen is an example of a menu with text at the left, and calendar and mail information displayed on the right.

The text lines in this sample screen are cursor-sensitive, which means that to start a function, you can select it with the cursor and press ENTER. A cursor-sensitive text line is characterized by the input field (__) to the left of the text line.

You can alternatively use the PF-keys, or you can start any other Con-nect function by entering the appropriate command or command alias in the command line.

You can also create menus with the text on the left and without cursor-sensitive text lines.

A Centered Menu

  11:35 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                      Menu Center                           Thursday
                         Cmd Description                                        
                         RA  Review New Accounts                                
                         BU  Budgeting                                          
                         UP  Update Balance                                     
                         PR  Provisions                                         
                         IN  Involvencies                                       
                         LM  Natural Library Maintenance                        
 New: 1 phone messages, 2 mail items and 0 invitations                          
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

This screen is an example of a centered menu (i.e. with text in the middle) without cursor-sensitive text lines, which means that to start a function, you must either enter a command or command alias in the command line, or press a PF-key.

The command codes listed in a menu which does not have cursor-sensitive lines must be valid command aliases (see Command Aliases).

The number of new items in your Inbasket is displayed directly above the command line.

A centered menu displays no calendar information.

A Free-Form Menu

  11:39 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                       Menu main                            Thursday
                        This is my Personal Menu                                
             SHARK      edit the document concerning feeding habits             
             PLAN       edit the Marketing Plan                                 
             RS         folder Research                                         
             CALL       phone numbers personal address book                     
             I          Inbasket                                                
             O          Outbasket                                               
             TRASH      Wastebasket                                             
 New: 1 phone messages, 2 mail items and 0 invitations                          
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

This screen is an example of a free-form menu.

In addition, the text lines do not have to represent Con-nect commands or functions.

You start a function either by pressing a PF-key, or by entering a command in the command line.

The number of new items in your Inbasket is displayed directly above the command line.

A free-form menu does not have cursor-sensitive text lines and does not display calendar information.

Creating a New Menu

The following steps are required to create a menu:

  1. You must define new menu text lines (if you know that all the text lines you want to use are already defined, you can proceed directly to the next step).

  2. You must add the menu:

Defining New Menu Text Lines

Con-nect contains a default set of menu text lines - the lines from the menu which is displayed each time you access Con-nect. Each time you create new menu text lines, Con-nect adds them to the default set of menu text lines and stores them in an "editor", i.e. the "Modify Menulines" screen.

The first step when you want to create new menu text lines is to access the "Modify Menulines" screen.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:


As a result, the "Modify Menulines" screen appears. If you have not previously defined your own menu text lines, the default menu text lines of Con-nect are shown.

If you have already defined your own menu text lines, the "Modify Menulines" screen contains your last changes.

  11:41 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                    Modify Menulines                        Thursday
                                                         Page      1 Line      1
    Menu Text Line .................... Command......for a cursor-sensitive line
    !Cmd  Description>                                                          
     --- ------------------------------                                         
      I   Inbasket                      I                                       
      S   Send Memo                     S                                       
      P   Phonepad                      P                                       
      F   Display Folder                F                                       
      D   Display Document              D                                       
      W   Write Document                W                                       
      N   Notepad                       NOTE                                    
      B   Bulletin Board                B                                       
      C   Calendar                      C                                       
      T   Desktop                       DESK                                    
 Enter a command, press a PF-key, or enter * to display commands                
    Command /                                          / used  2 %  Dir +  Del ,
       Help  Menu  Quit              X     Top   Bot   Y     Flip  CX-Y  Home   

The "Modify Menulines" screen contains two columns:

Menu Text Line

The text of a menu line. You can enter a description, a command or any text.

A menu text line must not be more than 30 characters long (otherwise, it would not fit in the menu screen). If the text lines are not to be cursor-sensitive, it is helpful if they contain a code which denotes a command or command alias which can be used to start the function.

Command ... for a cursor-sensitive line

The command associated with a menu text line.

Any valid command or command sequence is permitted, including: the special characters to designate QUIT (.) or LAST (*=); valid abbreviations; and defined command aliases. You can also include the name of an object as part of a command sequence.

If a menu text line does not have an associated command (e.g. if it is a heading line), the corresponding line in this column is left blank.

By default, all menu text lines are cursor-sensitive (see Adding a New Menu - Defining the Layout Definition Criteria for further information).

Add new menu text lines or modify existing menu text lines.

There is no limit to the number of menu text lines that you may define. You can:

  • type over the default menu text lines of Con-nect;

  • type over/delete all menu text lines, which you do not need any more;

  • use the editor line command ,W to open a window of 8 empty lines.

Typing over/deleting the default menu text lines of Con-nect or the commands in the "Modify Menulines" screen does not change or delete them. Only the menu text lines and commands, which have been defined by yourself are affected by this; you can no longer use them for further menu layouts.

If the menu text line is to be cursor-sensitive, specify the command associated with it.

  11:18 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                    Modify Menulines                        Thursday
                                                         Page      1 Line      1
    Menu Text Line .................... Command......for a cursor-sensitive line
    Mark with Cursor and press ENTER                                            
    Review New Accounts                 perf appl account                       
    Budgeting                           dis fol budget                          
    Update Balance                      mod doc balance                         
    Provisions                          logon prov                              
    Involvencies                        send form overdraft                     
    Natural Library Maintenance         logon natmain                           
      N   Notepad                       NOTE                                    
      B   Bulletin Board                B                                       
      C   Calendar                      C                                       
      T   Desktop                       DESK                                    
 Enter a command, press a PF-key, or enter * to display commands                
    Command /                                          / used  2 %  Dir +  Del ,
       Help  Menu  Quit              X     Top   Bot   Y     Flip  CX-Y  Home   

To display another page of the "Modify Menulines" screen, you either press ENTER or issue one of the following positioning commands: TOP, BOTTOM or PAGE n l. You can also use the line command ,P.

You can use all line commands except ,J and ,S. You cannot set the X- and Y-markers within the same line. See Text Processing for further information.

All blank lines are automatically deleted when you press ENTER in the menu editor. Thus the line commands ,W and ,I function in the same way (in contrast to the "Modify Document-name" screen).

Press ENTER after you have completed your entries, to include the new text lines in the "editor".

At this point, you can proceed to design the layout of your menu (see Adding a New Menu - Defining the Layout Definition Criteria), or you can start any other Con-nect function. The menu text lines are stored in the "editor" and are available anytime you want to use them.

Resetting the Menu Text Lines

If you want to reset the contents of the "editor" so that it contains only the Con-nect default set of menu text lines, erase all lines contained in the "editor" and press ENTER.

This does not affect menus which you have created using these menu text lines.

The next time you access the "editor" (with the "MODIFY Menu" command), only the Con-nect default set of menu text lines is shown.

Adding a New Menu - Defining the Layout Definition Criteria

The second step when you want to add a new menu is to access the "Add Menu" screen.

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

ADD Menu

As a result, the "Add Menu" screen appears.

  11:22 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                      Add Menu                              Thursday
           Folder Work___________ File _______________                          
        Menu Name ________________________________                              
      Description ____________________________________________________________  
   Mark Menu Type X Text at Left with Info Display Month 1 Inbasket 2 Calendar 3
                  _ Text in Center                                              
                  _ Free form Text                                              
   Mark to Define _ a set of PF-keys                                            
   Mark to Ignore _ cursor-sensitive lines                                      
      Private use _ or Security Read 7 Modify 7 Copy 7                          
 Text has been edited and saved                                                 
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

In addition to the information which you enter in every "Add" screen (see The "Add" Screens), specify the following menu layout definition criteria:

Menu Name

A unique name that must not exceed 32 characters.

The name of the Con-nect menu is "Menu", therefore you should not use that name for a menu you create.

Menu Type

The type of menu which is to be added; the default menu type is "Text at Left". You alter the type by deleting the X and marking the type of your choice with any character.

Calendar and Mail Information

Optional - if you choose the menu type "Text at Left", you can choose the sequence in which the month, Inbasket and calendar appear in the menu. Enter one of the following values adjacent to each item:

0 The information is not displayed.
1 The information is displayed first.
2 The information is displayed next.
3 The information is displayed last.
Mark to define a set of PF-keys

If you want to define a new set of PF-keys for the menu, you mark this field with any character to display the "Define PF-key Set" window appears. You define the PF-keys as described in section PF-Key Assignments and then press ENTER to close the window and to access the "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen.

This new PF-key set is visible and functional when you activate the new menu with the command sequence "USE Menu name".

If you define this menu as the main menu in your profile (see Menu and Overlay Calendar), the PF-key set you specified here is only visible and functional if you have not specified your own PF-key assignments for menus (with "MODIFY Pfkey").

Mark to ignore cursor-sensitive lines

By default, the menu text lines are cursor-sensitive. If you don't want cursor-sensitive lines, mark the field with any character.

After you have completed your specifications, press ENTER.

The "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen appears, and you must specify which menu text lines (see Defining New Menu Text Lines) you want to include in the menu. This is described in section Defining the Menu Layout.

Defining the Menu Layout

The following sections are specific to the type of menu you are adding.

Menus with the Text at the Left or in the Center

  11:23 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                  Modify Menu Account                       Thursday
  Seq Current Menu Text Lines            Num Available Menulines                
   __                                      1 Mark with Cursor and press ENTER   
   __                                      2 ********************************   
   __                                      3 Review New Accounts                
   __                                      4 Budgeting                          
   __                                      5 Update Balance                     
   __                                      6 Provisions                         
   __                                      7 Involvencies                       
   __                                      8 Natural Library Maintenance        
   __                                      9   N   Notepad                      
   __                                     10   B   Bulletin Board               
   __                                     11   C   Calendar                     
   __                                     12   T   Desktop                      
   __                                     13 !Cmd  Description>                 
   __                                     14  --- ------------------------------
   __                                     15   I   Inbasket                     
   __                                     16   S   Send Memo                    
 Enter sequence numbers of desired lines - X removes a line                     
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

The right side of the "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen displays the list of menu text lines which are available. Your own text lines are displayed above the default menu text lines of Con-nect. Each text line has a number.

If more than 16 menu text lines have been defined, you can scroll the display one page forward by pressing ENTER. When you reach the end of the list, the display will re-start at the beginning.

The left side of the screen contains blank columns labeled "Seq" (for sequence) and "Current Menu Text Lines".

The final step in designing the layout of the menu is to specify the menu text lines which are to be included, and the sequence in which they are to appear.

In the "Seq" column, enter the numbers corresponding to the text lines (shown in the right side of this screen) that you want to include in your menu.

You can enter up to 16 numbers. If you leave an input field blank, the corresponding line in the menu will also be blank.

  11:23 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                  Modify Menu Account                       Thursday
  Seq Current Menu Text Lines            Num Available Menulines                
   __                                      1 Mark with Cursor and press ENTER   
   1_                                      2 ********************************   
   2_                                      3 Review New Accounts                
   __                                      4 Budgeting                          
   3_                                      5 Update Balance                     
   4_                                      6 Provisions                         
   5_                                      7 Involvencies                       
   6_                                      8 Natural Library Maintenance        
   7_                                      9   N   Notepad                      
   __                                     10   B   Bulletin Board               
   8_                                     11   C   Calendar                     
   __                                     12   T   Desktop                      
   __                                     13 !Cmd  Description>                 
   __                                     14  --- ------------------------------
   __                                     15   I   Inbasket                     
   __                                     16   S   Send Memo                    
 Enter sequence numbers of desired lines - X removes a line                     
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

After you have completed your entries, press ENTER.

As a result, the menu text lines you chose are shown on the left side of the screen, in the order you specified.

The menu text lines which are available continue to be displayed on the right side of the screen. When you press ENTER again (and do not enter anything in the "Seq" column), the display of the available menu text lines is scrolled.

  11:25 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                  Modify Menu Account                       Thursday
  Seq Current Menu Text Lines            Num Available Menulines                
   __                                      1 Mark with Cursor and press ENTER   
   __ Mark with Cursor and press ENTER     2 ********************************   
   __ ********************************     3 Review New Accounts                
   __                                      4 Budgeting                          
   __ Review New Accounts                  5 Update Balance                     
   __ Budgeting                            6 Provisions                         
   __ Update Balance                       7 Involvencies                       
   __ Provisions                           8 Natural Library Maintenance        
   __ Involvencies                         9   N   Notepad                      
   __                                     10   B   Bulletin Board               
   __ Natural Library Maintenance         11   C   Calendar                     
   __                                     12   T   Desktop                      
   __                                     13 !Cmd  Description>                 
   __                                     14  --- ------------------------------
   __                                     15   I   Inbasket                     
   __                                     16   S   Send Memo                    
 Menu has been modified                                                         
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

If you are not satisfied, you can modify the layout by repeating the process; enter the numbers in an altered sequence and press ENTER once more.

To remove a line from the menu, mark the "Seq" column with an X.

Issue the QUIT command to save the menu.

Free-form Menus

Since a free-form menu does not make use of pre-defined menu text lines, the "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen is simply a blank screen.

  11:40 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                 Modify Menu Personnel                      Thursday
 Make all required changes and press ENTER to modify                            
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

Type the menu text lines as you want them to appear on the new menu.

Press ENTER to save the menu.

Modifying a Menu

The following topics are covered below:

Modifying Menu Text Lines

Access the "Modify Menulines" screen by issuing the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect.


Proceed as described in section Defining New Menu Text Lines.

Modifying the text lines does not mean that the menu itself is automatically modified to include these lines.

Modifying the Layout Definition Criteria

Initially, the menu name and layout definition criteria are specified in the "Add Menu" screen. If you want to change any of these criteria, you must access the "Info" screen for the menu.

Issue the INFO command in conjunction with the menu you want to modify.

INFO Menu name

Make all required changes by typing over the current definition criteria and pressing ENTER.

You cannot change a menu with text lines at the left or in the center into a free-form menu; and you cannot change a free-form menu into a menu with text lines at the left or in the center.

Modifying the Menu Layout

Menus with the Text at the Left or in the Center

Access the "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen by issuing the MODIFY command in conjunction with the menu you want to modify.

MODIFY Menu name

Specify menu text lines as discussed in section Defining the Menu Layout.

Free-Form Menus

Access the "Modify Menu Menu-name" screen by issuing the MODIFY command in conjunction with the menu you want to modify.

MODIFY Menu name

Change the menu text lines of the free-form menu by typing over the current version and pressing ENTER.

The menu is modified to incorporate the modified menu text lines.

Using A Menu

To use a menu, enter the USE command in conjunction with the menu you want to use.

USE Menu name

The menu is displayed (becomes active), and you can invoke a function in any of the following ways:

  • enter the command in the command line;

  • if the menu contains cursor-sensitive menu text lines, position the cursor on the menu text line and press ENTER; or

  • press the appropriate PF-key.

To leave a menu (i.e. deactivate it), and return to the default menu which has been defined in your user profile, issue the following command:


Defining Your Menu as the Default Menu

If you want to have your new menu displayed as the default menu (instead of the Con-nect menu), specify its name as the "Main Menu Name" as described in section Menu and Overlay Calendar. You must also specify the order for the calender and mail information; this must correspond to the order you specified when you added the menu. This menu is then displayed the next time you log on to Con-nect, and every time thereafter until you change your profile again.

Managing Your Menus

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect to display a list of all available menus:


As a result, the "Display Menus" screen appears.

  11:40 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                     Display Menus                          Thursday
  Cmd Menu Name                        Folder          File          Date Filed 
  --- -------------------------------- --------------- ------------- -----------
  __  Account                          Work                             3.Feb.94
  __  Account2                         Work                             3.Feb.94
  __  Center                           Work                             3.Feb.94
  __  Main                             Work                             3.Feb.94
  __  Personnel                        Work                             3.Feb.94
 Cmds are 1 or 2 characters from the list below (FLIP for PF-keys)              
    Command /                                                              /    
  Copy     Display  Erase    File     Info     Modify   Send     Top      Use   

The menus are arranged alphabetically. Your own menus are displayed first, followed by those created by the system administrator. The columns display the following information:

Menu Name

The name assigned to the menu.


The folder in which the menu is stored. Menus created by the system administrator are marked with (S).


If the menu is stored in a file, its name is displayed in this column.

Dated Filed

The date when the menu was first filed in the cabinet.

Commands for Menus

The command prompting line of the "Display Menus" screen shows all the commands which apply to menus. The commands are described in section Commands. The following exceptions apply when working with menus:


The DISPLAY command invokes a non-functional display of the menu text lines; calendar and mail information are not shown.


The INFO command accesses the "Info" screen, in which you can modify the layout definition criteria for the menu (see Modifying the Layout Definition Criteria).


The MODIFY command allows you to modify the sequence of the menu text lines or to choose other menu text lines (see Modifying the Menu Layout).


The SEND command sends a copy of the menu to any other Con-nect user.

When the new mail item is displayed in the addressee's Inbasket, the cover note is shown first. To display the menu, the addressee must issue the QUIT command.

To actually use the menu, the addressee must first FILE it and then issue the USE command with it.


The USE command activates the menu (see Using A Menu).